大学英语1Unit4 Text B

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《大学英语1Unit4 Text B》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语1Unit4 Text B(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Warming-up,Guess the meaning of the English Proverb:A good name is better than riches.Possible interpretation:Your good reputation is worth more than money.Note: a good name = a good reputation riches = wealth, a lot of money,Unit 4 Text B,A Good Name,Text B A Good Name,Pair Work Three minutes are g

2、iven to you to scan this text, and find out how many parts of the text can be divided, then summarize the mian idea of every part. You could talk about it with your partners.,Reading Skill (Fast Reading),No Sound. Reading sentence by sentence. No reading tools. (Context) Key words (nouns;verbs), key

3、 sentences (the first and the last ),Text Structure,Part 1 (para.1- 6) The experiences of the author as a boy Part 2 (para.7- 10) The influence of a good name on the author Part 3 (para.11- 14)The thinking of the reality Para 4 (para.15 )Conclusion: A good name casts great influence on the author.,Q

4、uestion,How to understand “a good name ” in this text?Key: a good reputation, and in this text, it has pavedthe way for the author to success in his life andcareer.,Text B: A Good Name,A Good Name Armstrong Williams 1 One summer day my father sent me to buy wire and fencing for our farm. At 16,I lik

5、ed nothing better than getting behind the wheel of our family pickup, but this time there was something on my mind. My father had told me Id have to ask for credit at the store.,Comprehension,on my mind 压在心头-troubling ones thoughts ,to worry aboutin ones mind 在意识里,在脑海里-in ones memoryExample:There is

6、 something on my mind.我有点心事。You will always be in my mind.你一直在我心里。,Comprehension,At 16,I liked nothing better than getting behind the wheel of our family pickup, but this time there was something on my mind.,I liked.most.,driving (a car),there was something to worry about.,Translation,在16岁的年头上,我最喜欢的

7、事,莫过于坐在自家那辆家用小卡车的方向盘后面了,不过这回我却有了心事。,Comprehension,Credit /kredt / n. 赊欠; 信用 -a method of paying for goods or services at a later time,usually paying interest as well as the original money. Examples: You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you paycash or buy on credit.无论是付现还是赊购,都可以要求经销商打折。 They d

8、ecided to buy the car on credit.他们决定以赊欠的方式购买这辆车。,Text B: A Good Name,2. Sixteen is a proud age, when a young man wants respect, not charity. It was 1976,and the ugly shadow of racism was a fact of life in some parts of the country. I had seen my friends ask for credit and then rudely asked whether t

9、hey were “good for it ”.,Comprehension,Charity /trti / n. 施舍,施舍物; 慈善机构;仁慈,博爱Examples:-My mum was very proud. She wouldnt accept charity.母亲自尊心很强,不会接受施舍。-to raise money for charity 为慈善机构筹款-to act out of charity 本着仁爱之心行事-charity begins at home 仁爱从家里开始,Comprehension,racism /reszm/ n. 种族主义,种族歧视-the belie

10、f that some races of people are better thanothers; unfair ways of treating people that show this beliefExample:It was racism that had to be attacked.种族主义必须受到谴责。,shadow of racism,bad influence of racism,=,Comprehension,Whether they were “good for it.”,Whether they could be trusted to pay the money ba

11、ck.,Be good for,Be able to pay,Example: John is good for the rent, I am sure. 我确信约翰能交得起房租。,Text B: A Good Name,3. My family was honest. We paid our debts. But before harvest, cash was short. Would the store owner trust us?,Comprehension,cash was short,We didnt have enough money.,手头没有现金。,Text B: A Go

12、od Name,4. At David Brothers General Store, Buck Davis stood behind the register, talking to a farmer. Buck was a tall, weathered man in a red hunting shirt, and I nodded as I passed him on my way to the hardware counter. When I bought my purchases to the register, I said carefully, “I need to put t

13、his on credit ”,Vocabulary,register /redst/ n. 收银机 weathered /wed/ a. 饱经风霜的 hardware /h:dw/ n. 金属器件,五金制品;硬件 counter /kant/ n. 柜台 purchase/p:ts/ n. 所购物品 vt. buy, 买,购买,Translation,在戴维斯兄弟杂货店,巴克.戴维斯站在收银柜后面,正和一位小农场主聊天。巴克是个高个子,饱经风霜,穿着一件红色的狩猎衬衫;我经过他身边时朝他点点头,径直朝五金柜走去。当我把要买的东西拿到收银柜边上时,我小心翼翼地说:“这些东西我得赊账。”,Homework,1. Think about how to gain or maintain a good name. 2. Think about what errands you have done to your parents and what you have learned from it.,Thank You!,Armstrong Williams,born on February 5, 1959, is an American political commentator,



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