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1、The British Isles,language study,1. The idea that . is past.,用炸鱼土豆条,讲演角,大本钟楼和伦敦塔象征英国的时代已经过去了。,句中that引导的从句是同位语从句,它一般跟在某些 名词如belief, fact, hope, idea, news, problem的后面, 用以说明或解释前面的名词。引导同位语从句的连词在 从句中不充当句子成分.其引导词:连词that;连接副词how, when, where, why等。,Para 1,1. I have no idea that you were her friend.,2. I m

2、ade a promise that if anyone set me freeI would make him rich.,3. The suggestion that the students should have plenty of exercise is very good.,Eg:,2. stand for,1.代表、象征 The letters BBC stand for British Broad-casting Company. 2.支持、维护 We stands for self-reliance. 3.容忍、忍受 I cant stand for this sort of

3、 behavior.,3. past,n.过去、以前、昔日 Leave the past in the past. adj.完成的、结束的 Winter is past. adj.以前的、过去的、曾经的 suffering adv.经过 He waved as he walked past.,4. The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three kingdom is still unknown to many.,同位语从句,be made up of: consist of 由组成,be (un) known to

4、 sb.be known asbe known for,Eg. Fu Jian is known for tea.,Lu xun was famous as a writer.,As is known to all,the earth goes around the sun.,5. Within Great Britain for many years now, there has been a growing movement to make the most of its cultural diversity.,2. make the most of,The girl made the m

5、ost of the occasion to showher talent.,He lives within 20 minutes walk.,Within在之内,不超出,as it is,Tell her the news as it is.,A witness must state the facts as they are.,就以现在这个样子;根据现在情况来看,Para 2,1. lie off,We can see the ship lying off the harbor.,位于之外,the west coast of Europe,the islands off the coast

6、,Scotland,England,lie to,只表示方向,相连不相连均可,France,lie on,接壤; 河畔上,London,lie in,位于之内,2. separate from把与分开be separated from 被分开 United we stand, divided we fall. We should never separate from the masses.,3. at one point,在某处,She is at the point of the death.(接近,靠近),她在弥留之际,一度 At one point of the meeting, sh

7、e nearly lost her temper.,4. consist of,The United Kingdom consist of Great Britainand Northern Ireland.,: be made up of,The beauty of this picture consists in its balance of colors.,be made up of All living matter is made up of cells.,consist in 在于,5. Between Britain and Ireland in the Irish sea, l

8、ies the small Isle of Man.,=The small Isle of Man lies between Britain and Irelandin the Irish sea.,倒装句,我们学校南方有一家餐馆. 译:,South of our school lies a restaurant.,表示方位的副词/介词短语(here, there, out, in, up, down,away,in front of,betweenand, in/to the east of, 等)+谓语+主语(必须是名词)。,Look!Here comes the bus!,Para 3,

9、1. in general 一般地;大体上;通常,大体上说, 你的计划很实际.,In general, your plan is practical.,2. throughout the year 贯穿全年,3. As much as+ n.pl.表示程度as many as+ n.pl.表示数量,She has as many as 5 bikes. Most of the stones weigh as much as 15 tones.,Para 4,The book had a great influence on his life. What influenced you to do

10、 it?,1. influence v.&n.,2. form the basis for 为打下基础,have influence on sb./ sth. 有的影响under the of 在的影响下have over 有权力,What is the basis of your opinion?,on the basis of 在的基础上,basis 复bases - v. base,Para 6,state n.&v.,We must pay taxes to the state. In America, the law differs from state to state. The

11、building was in a bad state.,国家,州,状态,v. 陈述,声明,阐明,state your opinion/ problem,n. statement,Para 7,They realise that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.,句中的it 是形式主语,be+of+n.= be+adj.,The meeting is of great importance.,very important.,译: 高等教育在人生中很重要.,A college educ

12、ation is of great value in ones life.,be of importance = be important be of help = be helpful be of use = be useful be of no use = be useless,consider+ v-ing=think seriously of doing sth.考虑o+as=think fo sb/sth as认为、以为o+to be=have the opinion thatsb/sth isthat,PHRASES OF PARAGRAPH 1-2,代表 他们对于英国文化的看法

13、由三个国家组成 蓬勃开展的运动 开发多种文化 共同的语言和文化 在某处 20英里宽 由三个国家组成,1.Stand for 2.Their view of British Culture 3.Be made up of three countries 4.A growing movement 5.Make the most of its cultural diversity 6.A common language and culture 7. At one point 8.20 miles wide 9.Consist of three countries,PHRASES OF PARAGRA

14、PH 3-5,一般说来 全年 在英格兰定居 把他们的语言和文化带来 当地人 继续说他们自己的语言 以结束 上层阶级 老百姓,1.In general 2.Through the year 3.Settle in England 4.Bring their own culture and language with them 5.The native population 6.Continue speaking their own language 7.End up with 8.The upper class 9.The common people,PHRASES OF PARAGRAPH 6

15、-7,联合王国 最初的两个国家 成立一个单独的国家 在现代 口语 地方语言 很有价值 也,1.The United Kingdom 2.The first two countries 3.Form a single state 4.In modern times 5.Spoken language 6.Local accents 7.Of great value 8.As well as,1.A group of Trade u leaders met to discuss questions about job safety. 2.The official name of our count

16、ry is the Peoples R of China. 3.In general, the u classes do not have a clear idea of the lives of common people. 4. Our class c of twenty five boys and thirty-two girls. 5.California is one of the biggest s in the USA,nion,epublic,pper,onsists,tates,5.If you think you can pass the maths exam easily

17、 without any hard work, then you are completely m . 6.The street is too n . It does not allow cars from opposite directions to pass. 7.Because of her teachers i , she chose to study English at university . 8. Dont judge a person only on the b of first impressions. 10.The sports car runs fastest; it has a very p engine in it.,


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