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1、高考英语完形填空解题技巧朱爱华,根据并列关系解答完形填空题,根据语义复现解答完形填空题,利用前后搭配解答完形填空题,利用逻辑推理解答完形填空题,高考英语完形填空解题技能实战演练【分14 部分】,1.,2.,3.,4.,高考英语完形填空解题技能实战演练(1),根据并列关系解答完形填空题,因果关系、,类属关系,相对关系等,同类关系,例1 These tell the story of a mother whose baby grows 23 and pale and has changed so much that it is almost unrecognizable to the parent

2、s. 23. A. sick B. slim C. short D. small,因果关系,解析 选项中 只有ill才与pale 有相关性(因果关系),即因为“生病”,所以脸色才会“苍白”,故选A。,例2Edgar Allan Poe, whose life was short and seemingly unhappy, wrote stories and poems of mystery and 22 insanity(疯狂) and death. 22. A. happiness B. science C. society D. terror,同类关系,解析因为只有terror(恐怖)才

3、与mystery(神秘)、insanity(疯狂)和death(死亡)是表示同类意义的名词,而不可能是与“happiness(幸福)”“science(科学)”或“society(社会)”并列,故选D。,例3Edgar Allan Poe is also remembered as the father of modern detective fiction, stories of an investigator who has to solve murders and other 27 27. A. accidents B. crimes C. events D. incidents,类属关

4、系,解析因为“murder(凶杀)”是各种“crimes(犯罪)”行为中的一种,所以与“murder(凶杀)”并列应是“其他各种犯罪行为”,故选B。,例4 When Christ was born nearly two thousand years ago, many people, rich and _, gave him presents. A. ill B. healthy C. poor D. tall,相对关系,解析因为由句意可知,应当是指“耶稣出生时,许多人,无论贫富,都给他礼物”,故选择与rich相对意义的poor,即选C。,Nobel was upset to find out

5、 not that he had died, but that, when his time was up, he would be thought of only as one who profited from _and destruction. A. death B. disease C. trouble D. attack,1. A。与destruction (毁灭)并列应当是death(死亡),故选A。,即时练习,2. The poverty(贫困) was worse than anything my young companions had ever imagined. Back

6、 in the hotel, an air of sadness settled over the group. Many _and cried. gave up B. broke down C. set off D. held on,2. B。与cried(哭)并列应当是break down(情绪失控),故选B。,3. Its not easy being a teenager nor is it easy being the parent of a teenager. You can make your child feel angry, hurt, or _ by what you sa

7、y without realizing it yourself.A. dismissed B. misunderstood C. misled D. satisfied,3. B。与angry (生气)和hurt (伤害)意义相关的应当是misunderstood(误解),故选B。,4. my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the pla

8、ces I was going to see - the strange and _ places I had known only from books and pictures. A. unfrequented B. remote C. different D. magical,4. D。与strange(陌生的)并列应当是magical(神奇的),故选D。,5. When students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their importance, the arts are unavoidably at th

9、e bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is _ and important for all students.A. beneficial B. available C. expensive D. powerful,5. A。与important(重要的)并列,且符合语境的,应当是beneficial(有益的),句意为:“音乐教育对所有学生来说,是有益的,也是重要的。”,高考英语完形

10、填空解题技能实战演练(2),根据语义复现解答完形填空题,同词复现,同义复现,结构复现,例1 Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies(仙女). Not all of these 21 are the friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and A. babies B. believers

11、C. fairies D. supermen,一、同词复现,解析前句说是人们“相信有仙女”,后句“并非所有这些_ 是友好的”,承前逻辑,空格处应填“仙女”了,故选C。,例2 There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over the babys head while he slept or covering him with some of his fathers clothes were just two of the recommended 27 . A. cases B. tools C. s

12、teps D. methods,二、同义复现,解析前句说“避免这类的事发生有许多方法(ways)”,冒号后的解释,“在小孩睡觉时在其头上悬挂一把刀,或者用其父亲的裤子盖着他,就是其中值得推荐的两种_”,承前逻辑,自然是其中的两种“方法”,与ways同义的是methods,故选D。,例3 Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mining, construction, and warfare as the inventor of dynamite (炸药) . “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became

13、 23 by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.” A. famous B. sick C. rich D. popular,三、结构复现,解析 Alfred Nobel引导定语从句的who指代的就是Alfred Nobel,两句是相似的,且两句的后部分的内容各为“发明了炸药”与“找到了更快的杀人方式”,可以想象,两者的意义何等接近!可见,与“变成百万富翁”对应的应当是“变成富裕”,故选C。,Wouldnt it be great if we didnt have to rememb

14、er passwords (密码)ever again? If we could just sit in front of our computers and be automatically logged in(登录)? Crave mentions how NEC Soft Biode Logon system uses face recognition (识别)technology to log you on to Windows, rather than using a _. A. face B. password C. software D. system,即时练习,前面说了“如果不

15、必再记密码”对此问的回答是“系统是如何用脸部识别技术来帮你登陆,而不是用_”。承前逻辑,此处应当是“而不是用密码”,故选B。,2. After doing a little research, I found this type of technology already available in English to consumers via a relatively inexpensive application called Face Code. The_ requires the use of a webcam to recognize and log PC users into their systems. A. account B. consumer C. designer D. software,答案为D。与application(应用软件)同义的是software,故选 D。,3. Grasslands need time to recover when cattle and other animals feed on them. Moving animals from one field to another can provide the _needed for new growth. A. cattle B. time C. space D. help,


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