高二英语 unit 1 new words and listening 课件必修4

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1、Unit 1 Great Scientists,Words,1. put forward: We put forward a new plan. May I put your name forward as a possible chairman of the committee? We shall have to put the meeting forward. My watch was slow so I put it forward ten minutes. 联想: put away 抛弃,舍弃put down写下,记下;镇压put off 耽误,延期put on穿上,上演put out

2、熄灭,扑灭put up 建立,建造put up with 忍受,2. attend: We attended a wedding/lecture/school /meeting yesterday. They attended (to) our affairs during our absense. I have some urgent business to attend (to). Who is going to attend (to) the patient?n. attendence n. attendant,3. expose.to. He didnt want to expose

3、his fears to anyone. He exposed his skin to the sun. He exposed their plot. He was exposed as a liar. He exposed a reel of film._ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. A.Exposed B.Having exposed C.Being exposed D.After being exposed,C,4.absorb: Plants absorb oxygen. Clever childre

4、n absorb knowledge easily. The larger firm absorbed the smaller one. His business absorbs him. The writer was absorbed in his writing. The picture absorbed my attention.The man was_ reading that he didnt notice the fire. A. very absorbing B.very absorbed in C. so absorbed in D. so absorbed on,C,5. b

5、lame: She blamed him for the failure of their marriage. Which driver was to blame for the accident? People often blame their misfortune on others. He put/laid the blame for his failure on his teacher. 他们把失败归咎于汤姆。 _ 这个孩子不应受到责备。 _,They blamed the failure on Tom.,The child was not to blame.,6. contribu

6、te:Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford to helping the persons in need. Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? She has contributed several poems to the magazine. He contributed 1,000 pounds to a charity collection.,7. apart from: It is a good piece of work apart from a few slight fa

7、ults. Ive finished apart from the last question. Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain. She keeps herself apart from others.apart from/besides/ in addition/ except /except for/ except that(when/where.),8. make sense:I cant follow these instructions-they dont make sense. Y

8、our story doesnt make sense to me. It doesnt make any sense to me whether he will agree or not. Can you make sense of what the author says?,Translation : 1.他提出了一个新计划.2.我们昨天出席了简的婚礼。3.不要把皮肤直接暴露在阳光下。4.这位作家专心于写作。5.他应该为这次事故负责。,He put forward a new plan.,We attended Janes wedding yesterday.,Dont expose yo

9、ur skin to the sun directly.,The writer was absorbed in his writing.,He was to blame for the accident.,B. Archimedes,C. Thomas Edison,A. Charles Darwin,1.Which scientist said, “give me a place to stand on, and I can move the earth.”?,He discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that

10、helps them float.,2. Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?,A. Marie Curie,C. Charles Darwin,B. Gregor Mendel,3.Who invented the first steam engine?,A. Thomas Newcomen,C. Thomas Edison,B. Archimedes,4. Who used peas to show how physical characteristi

11、cs are passed from parents to their children?,A. Thomas Edison,C. Archimedes,B. Gregor Mendel,5. Who discovered radium?,A. Marie Curie,C. Newton,B. Zhang Heng,6.Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?,A. Stephen Hawking,C. Thomas Edison,B. Archimedes,7.Who was the pa

12、inter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?,A. Gregor Mendel,C. Marie Curie,B. Leonardo da Vinci,8. Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?,A. Sir Humphry Davy,C. Faraday,B. Thomas Newcomen,9. Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes ha

13、ppened?,A. Charles Darwin,C. Watt,B. Zhang Heng,10.Who put forward a theory about black holes?,A. Stephen Hawking,C. Copernicus,B. Archimedes,Qian Xuesen,Listening,What do you know about Qian Xuesen?,Qian Xuesen, father of Chinese space programme , was born in Hangzhou. As a rocket scientist, he has

14、 contributed greatly to the space industry of China.,Before we begin to listen to it, look at the screen and read the new words in the material : rocket (火箭)astronomer (天文学家) astronaut (宇航员)institute (研究所)engineer(工程师)satellite(卫星)Mars(火星),Listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the tape for the first time and w

15、rite down the main idea.,2,Listening,It is about the role of Qian Xuesen in the development of space technology in China.,1.What did Qian Xuesen study first?Qian Xuesen first studied to be an engineer. 2.What experience did he get in America that was very useful for China?In America he began to work

16、 on space rockets so that he was able to develop a space programme when he came back to China.,Answer the questions,3,3.What was Qian Xuesens main achievement when he returned to China?When Qian Xuesen returned to China he set up a Space Institute to begin design and build rockets.,4,Listen to Part 2 and fill in the chart below.,1. China astronauts in space. 2. sent satellites into space,


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