大学英语综合教程4 Unit 6 The Pace of Life - 课件

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1、Unit 6 The Pace of Life,Text A: Old Father Time Becomes a Terror,Objectives,The students will be able to: Learn the main idea and structure of the text; Learn to distinguish supporting facts from opinions, and to use both in their own writing; Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures

2、 in the text;,Step 1 Pre-reading Activities,Describe the caricature,Brainstorming: Discussion,1、Has technology made our life easier or more burdensome? Give examples to illustrate your view. Everything has two sides. Technology, on the one hand, changes our life completely. It makes our everyday lif

3、e much easier. We can communicate instantly with the friend on the other side of the world. We can drive to the place of interest anytime convenient to us after tiresome work. However, it is notable that technology also makes us burdensome. We are overloaded with so much work created by those modern

4、 facilities and equipment.,2、The author makes mention of “stress envy” in para.14.What do you think are the possible sociological motivation behind it?,Todays world is so competitive that everyone is in a rush to make a better station for himself. People are chained down by the lust to be somebody.

5、They try to appear busy to show to others they are working hard. If you are not busy, maybe you are considered a man of no future.,sound byte: a very brief excerpt from a speech or statement broadcast on television or radio quality time: time spent in active social interaction with another person, e

6、specially with ones young child.,Father Time: Time personified as a very old man, carrying a scythe and an hourglass,The structure of the text,See Text Organization on page 204.,three,reactions,remedy,Step 2 Language points & Text Comprehension,Preface,on the go: (infml) very active or busy. - I was

7、 on the go all day and went home at about 10 oclock in the evening. go: (n.) 1. an attempt or trial at sth. I thought Id give it a go.2. a persons turn to use sth. or to move or act in a game - Come on Tony, its your go.3. energy and enthusiasm - Mary is always got plenty of go.,Preface,Cf. on the m

8、ove: in the process of moving (from one place or job to another); making progress - Its difficult to contact her because shes always on the move. The economy appeared to be on the move. Science is always on the move. (发展) It was vacation time, and the highways were full of families on the move. (驾车出

9、游的家庭往来不绝) As it was a very cold day, I kept on the move to stay warm.,Preface,cope: deal successfully (often followed by with ) People who attempt suicide usually suffer from extreme emotional distress and feel unable to cope with the stress and their problems. The task looks a formidable one, but I

10、 think we can cope. In their crazy search for fulfillment, theyve gotten themselves into situations in which they are not able to cope.,Preface,set about sth. / doing sth.: start doing sth, with vigor or determination After breakfast, she set about her household duties. The school authorities must s

11、et about finding solutions to the campus security problems. set sb. off : cause someone to start doing sth., esp. laughing or talking set sth. off: set off a bomb; cause an alarm to go off; cause a series of things to occur; set off a chain reaction in other financial markets. set out to do: aim at

12、intend to do sth. set to: begin doing sth. vigorously,Preface,tangle: v. twist together into a confused mass; become involved in a conflict or fight with Long hair tangles easily. The wind tangled my hair. I tangled with him over politics bitterly. be tangled in a controversy卷入 The power failure had

13、 tangled traffic in the city. (陷入混乱),Preface,n. - a tangle of ropes / people diplomatic tangles (外交纠纷) His thoughts were in a tangle. (陷入混乱) have a tangle with sb. over sth. untangle: free from a tangled or twisted state; make sth. complicated easier to deal with - untangle the problem / a cable /th

14、e traffic jam (解开缠结的电缆/整顿交通堵塞),Part one (paras 1-11),What are the three reasons why we feel so time-pressed today?,Part I (Paras 1-11),eat into (Line 6): use up (profits, resources, or time), especially when they are intended for other purposes; gradually reduce the amount of (sth. valuable); damage

15、 or destroy His extravagances ate into his inheritances. Responsibilities at home and work eat into his time. Sales were hard hit by high interest rates eating into disposal income. The fear has eaten into my bones. (感到极为恐惧),Part I (Paras 1-11),eat sth. away or eat away at sth. (syn.) Rust was eatin

16、g away the pipe. Inflation has eaten away at the value of some of their assets.(使财产价值下跌) I never did understand what was eating away at her. (烦扰),Part I (Paras 1-11),Promise (Line 11): give good grounds for expecting (a particular occurrence or situation) The clear sky promises fine weather. It promised to be a night that all present would long remember. promising: giving hope of success or good result a promising future / boy (有出息) The weather is promising. (is likely to be fine),



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