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1、Unit 3,Revision,pierce license silly earring instead of stay up concentrate concentrate on study design present at present opportunity volunteer,刺穿,刺破执照,许可证愚蠢的,傻的耳环代替,而不是熬夜集中;聚集全神贯注;专心于 学习,研究设计:构思现在目前;现在机会,时机自愿:自愿服务 n志愿者,重点短语:,(1)应该被允许 (2) 扎耳眼 (3)停止戴那种傻的耳坠 (4)收拾干净 (5)对某事严格 (6)对某人严格要求 (7)集中精力于 (8)有做某

2、事的机会 (9)至少 (10)休一天假 (11)和某人聊天 (12)事实上 (13) 熬夜 (14)以为骄傲(自豪),should be allowed to get the ears piercedstop wearing that silly earringclean upbe strict in sthbe strict with sb. concentrate on . have an opportunity to do sthat leasthave a day off chat with sbin factstay up be proud of ,1. allow sb. to d

3、o sth. 允许某人做某事(主动语态)如:Mother allows me to watch TV every night. 妈妈允许我每晚看电视。be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事(被动语态),如: LiLy is allowed to go to Qinzhou. 莉莉被允许去钦州。,2. get their ears pierced 穿耳洞让/使(别人)做某事 get sth. done(过去分词)have sth. done 如:I get my car repaired. = I have my car repaired. 我让别人修好我的车,要点回顾,由so

4、助动词(be/do/will/have)/情态动词主语 意为:也是一样She is a student. So am I. 她是一个学生,我也是。She went to school just now. So did I . 她刚才去学校了,我也是She has finished the work. So have I . 她已经完成了工作,我也完成了。,4. 倒装句:,要点回顾,当前一句是否定句时,用neither 助动词(be/do/will/have)/情态动词主语来表示 和 一样,如:Shes never been to Japan. Neither have I.,so +主语+助动

5、词/系词be /情态动词 译为“确实如此表示的确如此。”,如: He is a top student. So he is.,要点回顾,7.stop doing sth. 停止做某事 Please stop speaking. stop to do sth.停止下来去做某事 Please stop to speak.,8. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉 如:Mother is strict with her son. 妈妈对她的儿子很严厉。be strict in sth 对某事严格要求The teachers are strict in our homework.,9.

6、the other day 前几天 与一般过去时连用,11. have +时间段+off 放假,休息 如:have 2 daysoff,要点回顾,P129根据SectionA1b听力选择,A. be allowed to drive B. be allowed to get their ears pierced C.be allowed to choose their own clothes. 1.Mom doesnt think sixteen-year-olds should _. They arent serious enough at that age. 2.Mom doesnt th

7、ink sixteen-year-olds should _. 3.The girl thinks teenagers should _.,Larry is working late again tonight .I dont think _shouldbe allowed to _ _ _ Young People need to_. Larry shouldnt _every night . He needs time to_ _ _. He _ really _ his_, It doesnt look clean. I think he should stop_ that silly_

8、 though it looks cool! Larry doesnt seem to have many friends , he shouldnt _ On weekends . He needs to _ time _ friends.,P 129;SectionA 2a,2b 听力对话改写。,P2o 3a movie, rule, for example, allow, be, shop, choose, pierce, friend, by,Sun Fei and Wu Yu have lots of 1._ in their house. 2._, they usually hav

9、e to stay at home on school nights. But Sun Fei sometimes is 3._ to study at a 4._ house. On weekends, they are allowed to go to the 5._on Friday nights. But Sun Fei has to 6._ home 7._ 10:00 pm. And on Saturday afternoons, Wu Yu is allowed to go 8._ with her friends. And she is also allowed to 9._

10、her own clothes, but she is not allowed to get her ears 10._ yet.,local member mess old peoples home sleepy reply newsletter obey get in the way Achieve race realistic taught importance care about succeed point,地方的,当地的会员:成员混乱,杂乱;肮脏养老院困倦的;不活跃的回答;答复时事通讯;简报服从;顺从妨碍完成;实现 v.赛跑;比赛 n.与比赛;参加赛跑现实的;注重实际的teach的

11、过去式或过去分词重要;重要性担心;关心成功;达到,完成要点,Peter is going to fail a math test.( )He had to walk to school because his bikedidnt work.( )3. If he were allowed to take the test,he would pass that test.( ) 4. If he explains what happened, his teacherwill understand.( ),P129 Section B , 2a2b T or F,The other day, my

12、 friends and I talked a_ the rules that we have in school. At our school, we have to wear u_ every day. But we all think our uniforms are u_. So we would like to wear our own clothes. Our teachers b_that if we did that, we would c_ more on our clothes than our studies. We d_.We would feel more c_ an

13、d that is good for studying. If we are allowed to d_our own uniforms, that would be a good way to keep b_ teachers and students happy. Its also probably a good idea for parents to allow t_ to study in groups during the evening. We get n_ sometimes, but we learn a lotfrom each other. We also think th

14、at vacations should be l_. At p_ theyre too short. Longer vacations give us time to do things like volunteering. Last summer, I had an o_ to volunteer at the local hospital. It would be a good e_ for me because I want to be a doctor when I am older.,P22 3a 根据课文及首字母填空,Read the article and then answer the questions.,The students think the uniforms are ugly.,1. What do the students in this article think about the school uniforms?,


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