福建恒安集团流程重组咨询(托马斯)Sales Team Responsibility

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《福建恒安集团流程重组咨询(托马斯)Sales Team Responsibility》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建恒安集团流程重组咨询(托马斯)Sales Team Responsibility(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、) 恢早思Sales Team Responsibility inRepresenting the Company销售队伍代表公司形象HengAn Consumer Products恒安消费产品Sales Training销售培训 四由中 Your Responsibility 您的责任YouinekengAn saes Team。 各位是恒安的业务人员,representatives of the company 长是贷们公营荡全 司在, ltis YOUR responsibility: -to represent HengAnin a 您有责 任:manner that enhances

2、 theCutmets supgtsang 天这从国会司革滞后说competitors 供应 商和 竞争对手 手面一 to develop a knowleage of all 的形象HengAn products 一了解恒安产品- to conouctyourself properly atalltimes with customers, 一 不论什么 时候, 在客户、suppliers and competitors 供应商和竞争对手面前的言谈举止都要适当 Sales Team Responsibility Page2少马由 Image 形象 ”Focus on the customer

3、and 。注重客户和供应商Supplier- Give outstanding service- Be responsive to everyrequest一 Keep every commitment- Show respect and be polite=- Be on-time and know when itis time to leave一 Make sure the customer orSupplier knows we appreciatethe business relationship anddo nottake their business forgranted Sale

4、s Team Responsibility Page3- 提供优秀的服务- 回应所有需求一坚守所有承诺一 表示尊重,彬彬有礼=- 守时及懂得何时离开- 确保客户或者供应商知道我们重视与他们的业务关系,表示我们对他们的业务很重视几电时 Knowledge 知识*。 Know HengAns products and the 。 了解恒安的产品和组织organization 一 - 所有业务人员都必须具备“我人仙人人engAn” 一 伺 品,:i一 LE about all HengAn products so 拓本得这的反训1二二渡拉起aa Cos twtwesons 有质量的问题,并对他们的提

5、0 to their questions 问作出高质量的回应一 Know the HengAn organization - 了解恒安组织,.知道找谁了解的全人ee 用类信息,知道把客户和供应suppliers 商转给谁” Cross-Selling is Good 昌 交互销售 比较好一 Oone en ifthe company is 一 如 果公司成功,每个人都会受一Cooperate with each other, shareinformation and take advantage of - 互相协作,共享信息,并利用relationships 各自的业务关系 Sales Tea

6、m Responsibility Page4局吐 Conduct 言谈举止 Dress appropriatelyDo not be late for anappointmentDo not chew gum during ameetingDo not use foul language or tellinappropriate jokesTURN OFF your cell phonewhen in a meeting=- itisrudetotake acall during ameeting一 ittells other people the caller ismore importan

7、t穿着得体约会不要人迟到会面时候不要嚼口香糖不要讲脏话,或者讲不成体统的笑语会面时候关掉手机一 会面时候接电话是粗鲁的- 你如果接电话,客户会感觉你更重视打电话的人 Sales Team ResponsibilityPage5恢婴 Key Point 关键要点NEVER EVER绝对不可他MAKEA NEGATIVE COMMENT ABOUT YOURCUSTOMER, SUPPLIER OR COMPETITOR.HISPRODUCTS, EMPOLOYEES OR SERVICES话毁你的客户、供应商、奖嫂对手,也不可诉毁他们的产品或服务 Sales Team Responsibilit

8、y Page6HEnenn但号上回Discussion 讨论 *。 How can you verballycompare your product withthe competitions productin a positive manner?How should you respond ifyour customer makes anegative comment to youabout your competitor oranother customer?What actions can you taketo give outstandingCustomer service?。 Sales Team Responsibility Page7“怎样以正面的方式向客户比较您的产品和竞争对手的产品?“如果客户当您的面旗毁您的竞争对手或其他客户,您会作出什么反应?“为了提供优秀的服务,您可以采取什么行动?



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