人教版七年级英语Unit 2 课件

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《人教版七年级英语Unit 2 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七年级英语Unit 2 课件(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit two,This is my sister. Section A,1a(介绍他人,辨认人物)A:Thats my family.Those are my parents.B:Whos she?A:Shes my sister.Oh,and these are my brothers.(分角色表演1a中的对话,然后谈论图中的其他人),2d分角色表演对话Sally:Good morning,Jane.Jane:Good morning,Sally.Sally:Oh,Jane,this is my sister Kate.Kate,this is my friend Jane.Kate:N

2、ice to meet you,Jane.Jane:Nice to meet you,too.Are those your parents.Kate:Yes,they are.Jane:And whos he?Sally:Hes my brother,Paul.Jane:Oh,I see.have a good day!Sally:Thanks!You,too.Bye.,Words and Expressions in unit 2,1、sister 2、mother 3、father 4、parent 5、brother 6、grandmother 7、grandfather 8、grandparent,Words and Expressions in unit 2,10、those 11、who 12、these 13、well 14、have 15、son 16、cousin,Words and Expressions in unit 2,17、grandpa 18、grandma 19、aunt 20、dad 21、uncle 22、daughter 23、here 24、photo,Words and Expressions in unit 2,25、of 26、next 27、picture 28、girl 29、dog,


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