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1、,welcome,承接初中英语教师以及学生.,1300021218,05,04,03,02,01,实用课件 做课课件 定制,单元以及课堂教学设计 定制,月考期中期末试题 定制,情景交际等题型分类材料定制,网上初中英语辅导,课件制作,百度一下(格式,扩展名,关键词),课件制作,一个完整课件从一下几个方面着手:单词,词组,句型,报告,完整的对话,作文,阅读,练习题谚语,背景文化知识,歌曲,,课件制作,建议: 1.白色背景。 2.字号28以上。30 3.尽量去掉跟实际内容无关的装饰性图片。,课件制作,课件制作的最低技能: 1.复制粘贴 2.打字 3.删除图片文字 4.修改图片文字 5.调整幻灯片顺序

2、,谚语,Unit4 I want to be an actor,Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 心之所愿,无所不成。,Unit 7 How much are your pants?,Money is a good servant but a bad master. 要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。 Money does not grow on tree. 金钱不长在树上(意为:钱不容易挣)。,词汇,根据汉语写出单词和词组,1.几乎不_ 2. 曾经_3. 两次_ 4. 一次_ 5. 网络 _ 6. 节目_ 7. 结果_ 8.健康_ 9. 采访

3、者_ 10. 健康的生活方式_ 11. 习惯_ 12. 垃圾食品_13. 至于_ 14. 不同_15. 汉溜冰 _ 16. 一周一次_ 17. 一个月两次_ 18. 一年三次_ 19. 锻炼_ 20. 喜爱的节目_ 21. 每两年一次_ 22. 多久一次_,hardly,ever,once,program,result,Internet,twice,health,interviewer,hardly,as for,junk food,difference,go skateboarding,once a week,twice a month,exercise,3 times a year,fav

4、orite program,healthy lifestyle,how often,once every 2 years,生词表,1. There are a lot of flowers(花) in the g_. 2. We can take a walk in the p_. 3. We can eat in the r_. 4. We can stay in (呆在) a h_at night when we have a trip? 5. We can post(邮寄) letters in the p_ _. 6. We can borrow(借) books from a l_.

5、 7. I put my money in the b_. 8. There is a b_ over(在正上方) the river. 9. When we are ill(生病的), we can go to h_. 10. We can buy snacks in the s_. 11. We can call friends with a p_ _. 12. There are a lot of planes at the a_. 13.Dont play on the s_. Its dangerous.,arden,ark,estaurant,otel,ost office,ibr

6、ary,ank,ridge,ospital,upermarket,ay phone,irport,treet,首字母猜词,bear, tiger, koala, elephant, dolphin, panda, giraffe, rabbit, duck, fish, butterfly, frog, fox, horse, lion, penguin, panda, lamb, monkey, sheep, spider, snail,Animals can swim:,Animals can fly:,Animals can run and swim:,Animals can run:,

7、单词归类,nurse,doctor,shop assistant,reporter,policeman,policewoman,bank clerk,waiter,teacher,taxi driver,形象记忆,眼明口快,根据记忆, 说出物品英文名称(第二组):,b,a,s,o,t,h,记忆挑战,kinds of movies,action movies,comedies,romances,documentaries,cartoons,thrillers,What kind of movies do you like?,tragedies,science fiction movies,mus

8、icals,swordsman movies,war movies,detective movies,动作片,恐怖片,动画片,喜剧,纪录片,战争片,武侠片,音乐片,科幻片,悲剧,侦探片,爱情片,脑图,猜谜游戏,导入,What does she look like?,She is short. She has short straight black hair. She has big eyes. She is in red.,What is she doing?,She is eating,noodles .,Where is she ?,In a restaurant.,外貌-食物,Pete

9、r,Jim,Selina,Nick,Dave and Tom,Jim is looking at his watch . He is late for school .,He is running in the hallway .,She is eating an apple .,Theyre fighting with each other.,He is listening to music in class .,What are they doing now ?,进行动作-班规,zoo,Library,Pay phone,W.C,Supermarket,Airport,Restaurant

10、,Park,Bank,FifthAvenue,Center Street,New,Street,Bridge,Street,Where is the zoo?,问路-动物园,情感教育,考拉是胖胖的小动物,它体重30磅,一般只有2英尺高。,What can you do in the zoo ? feed喂养, watch观看, take photos of照相,,句型训练,Canada,the USA,France,Japan,Australia,the UK,Singapore,China,be from 来自,the United States,the United Kingdom,A:

11、Where are you from? B: Im from .,一二人称,A: Where is your/his/her/Lucys pen pal from? B: He / She is from .,Singapore,China,Jim,Linda,人称转换,词组,watch TVdo homeworksurf the Internet,(冲浪),(上网),How often do you ?,训练中渗透,1.上学(上课、上班)迟到 2.在课堂上 3.听音乐 4.在外面吃 5.穿一件制服 6.在上学的当天晚上 7.太多规则 8.太多水 9.在十点前到家(睡觉) 10.大声谈话,be

12、/arrive late for school/class/workin classlisten to musiceat outsidewear a uniformon school nightstoo many rulestoo much waterbe home/ in bed by 10:00talk loudly,单元后总结,语法、词法,时刻表达法: 一、数字表达法(直读): 1:00 one (oclock) 2:05 two o five 3:15 three fifteen 5:30 five thirty 7:45 seven forty-five 8:58 eight fif

13、ty-eight 二、介词表达法(逆读):1. 分钟数30, 用介词 past.表示几点过几分. 半点half,一刻钟a quarter 4:03 three (minutes) past four 6:10 ten past six 9:15 a quarter past nine 2:25 twenty-five past two 11:30 half past eleven 2. 分钟数30,用 to 。表示几点差几分. 5:35 twenty-five to six 3:45 a quarter to four1:40 twenty to two7:55 five to eight 1

14、2:59 one to one,+er: cleaner清洁工,teacher, worker, hacker 骇客,cracker黑客,farmer,reporter,driver,player运动员,singer,dancer,painter,waiter,thinker思想家,runner,swimmer,hairdresser美发师,writer,babysitter保姆,photographer摄影师,baker面包师 +or:actor,doctor,visitor访客, editor编辑 +ist:tourist旅客,scientist科学家,artist艺术家,pianist钢

15、琴家,dentist牙医 +man:policeman,fireman消防员,salesman售货员,milkman,postman,businessman商人 其他:engineer工程师,manager经理,lawyer律师,boss老板,soldier士兵,pilot飞行员,cook厨师, housewife家庭主妇,对话,A: Excuse me, is this your pencil?,C: Yes, it is.,A: Is this your pencil?,B: No, it isnt.Its her/his/Toms pencil.,A: Here you are!给你! C: Thank you.,Find the owner.,话题完整,A: _ B: Yes, please. I want a sweater. A: _ B: Green. A: What about this one? B: Oh, _ A: Sorry, here is a small one. B: Good. _ A: 20 dollars. B: _Here is the money. A: Thank you.,


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