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1、2018/8/22,Geography in schools and education for survival 学校地理课与生存教育,David Lambert 大卫兰伯特,2018/8/22,Geography in schools and education for survival学校地理课与生存教育,2018/8/22,Crisis, what crisis? 危机,什么危机?,Environmental 环境方面global climate change全球气候变化 Economic 经济方面global financial crisis全球性金融危机 Educational 教

2、育方面how to respond?如何做出回应?,2018/8/22,What geography is significant to the 21st century learner? 对21世纪学生有重要意义的地理学是什么样的?,2018/8/22,Whats the purpose of school geography? 学校地理的目的是什么?,2018/8/22,Geography underpin is a lifelong conversation about the earth as the home of humankind. 地理基础是关于地球作为人类家园的终生 “谈话”

3、 It is not a narrow academic subject for the few. It is a fundamental idea. It is of relevance to everyone. 对于少数人来说,这并不是一个狭窄的学术课题,而是一个基本的、十分重要的构思,关系到每个人 - Geography fascinates and inspires 地理能够激发人的兴趣,鼓舞人的心灵 - Geography deepens understanding 地理能够加深人的理解力 - Thinking with geography enables decision-maki

4、ng 地理视角能够增强决策能力 - Geographical enquiry encourages skills development 地理的需求鼓励技能的发展 Source: the GA Manifesto A Different View (www.geography.org.uk/adifferentview),Geography is all about the living, breathing essence of the world we live in. It explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares u

5、s for the future. 地理是关于生命的一切,正如我们生活在世界上呼吸的本质.它解释了过去,说明了现在,并且也为未来生活做好了准备What could be more important than that? 有什么能比这更重要呢?,Michael Palin, 27 November 2007 At the reception at the Speakers House, House of Commons, to celebrate the successes of the Action Plan for Geography. 迈克尔.佩林 2007年11月27日 在“演讲者的家

6、,康芒斯的家“招待会上,庆祝地理行动计划的成功,2018/8/22,“I want my children to understand the world, but not just because the world is fascinating and the human mind is curious. I want them to understand it so they will be positioned to make it a better place.”我希望我的孩子们去理解世界,并不仅仅是因为世界是极有吸引力的,以及人类思想具有的求知欲。我想让他们明白,只有这样,他们才能

7、把自己摆在一个更好的位置。Gardner H (2000) Intelligence Reframed: multiple intelligences for the 21st century, NY: Basic Books. P 180-1,2018/8/22,The moral implications of teaching geography地理教学的道德含义 Questions 问题: What are the children learning (anyhow) 孩子们学习内容是什么? 2. What are the children learning through my te

8、aching?孩子们通过我们的教学学到了什么? 3. In what ways is this learning an educational achievement?达到一个有教育意义的目标需要用什么教学方式? 4. Has it enabled students to travel with a different view?这有助于学生采用一个不同的角度去看待问题和做事吗?,2018/8/22,Student Experiences学生经验,Geography: the subject地理:主题,Teacher Choices教师的选择,Underpinned by Key Concep

9、ts 通过关键概念的基础,Thinking Geographically 地理思维,Which learning activity ? 哪种学习活动?,Does this take the learner beyond what they already know ?这会超越初学者的前认知吗?,Curriculum Making,2018/8/22,The subject 主题,Geography not as an end in itself but a resource in the service of educational aims地理并不是它自身的终结,而是一个服务于教育目标的资源

10、 Geography - “defined not as a collection of facts but as the state of the art conceptual frameworks of the subject”地理的定义并不是所有事实的集合,而是体现学科最新技术概念主题的构架,Importance Why the subject matters and how it contributes to the aims,Less prescribed content but an increased focus on subject discipline the key ide

11、as and skills that underpin a subject. 很少的规定性内容,但是增强关注学科训练.关键构思和技巧可以巩固学科,A new look at subjects 在学科方面的新形象,2018/8/22,The study of geography stimulates an interest in, and a sense of wonder about, places and helps make sense of a complex and dynamically changing world. It explains how places and lands

12、capes are formed, how people and environment interact, and how a diverse range of economies and societies are interconnected. It builds on pupils own experiences to investigate at all scales from the personal to the global.这项地理研究激励了人的兴趣和求知心,指示并帮助我们了解复杂多变的世界,它解释了区域和景观的形成,人类和环境的相互作用,经济和社会是如何互相联系并且变化发展

13、的,它建立在学生们的自身经验的基础上,去调查从个人到全球的各个角度。,2018/8/22,Geographical enquiry encourages questioning, investigation and critical thinking about issues affecting the world and peoples lives, for the present and future. Fieldwork is an essential element of this. Pupils learn to think spatially, using maps, visual

14、 images and new technologies, including geographical information systems, to obtain, present and analyse information. Geography inspires pupils to become global citizens by exploring their own place in the world, their values and responsibilities to other people, to the environment and to the sustai

15、nability of the planet.地理学的探索鼓励多提问,调查和批判性的思考一些对世界和人类生活有影响的因素,无论是现在的还是未来的。实地调查是一个必不可少的因素,学生们去学习从空间的、使用地图的、视觉形象和新科技的角度思考问题,包括地理信息系统去获得当前的信息并进行分析。地理鼓励学生成为世界公民,通过探索自己在世界上的位置、价值以及对别人、对环境和对地球的持续性责任。,2018/8/22,What are the key concepts in Geography? 地理学科中的关键概念是什么?,2018/8/22,KEY PROCESSES 关键过程,What are the

16、stages of enquiry? 这些探索的过程是什么?,Creating a need to know 创造一个求知的需求 speculating, hypothesising, generating ideas, asking questions, planning how to research 推测、假设出一些观点,提问, 计划如何去研究,Using sources 使用资源 locating evidence,collecting, selecting, sorting, classifying, sequencing 需找证据,收集、选择、 分类、排序,Reflecting on Learning 仔细回想学习过程 evaluating,identifying areasfor improvement 评估和识别区域以便改善,Making sense 表述清晰 describing, explaining, comparing, contrasting,analysing, concluding 描述,解释,比较,对比,分析,论断,


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