合成词compoundwords (2)

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《合成词compoundwords (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《合成词compoundwords (2)(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Morphology is divided into two sub-branches: inflectional morphology and derivational morphology. The former studies the inflection and the latter is the study of word formation.,Morphology,The Inflectional way of Formation,The Derivational Way of Formation,by adding inflectional affixes.,Derivatio

2、n,Compound,(roots + affixes),(word + word),Word Formation,The Inflectional way of Formation,Inflection indicates grammatical relations by adding inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and case; the adding of inflectional affixes will not change the grammatical class of the

3、stems( to which they are attached).,(a) Number: table/tablesapple/applescar/cars(b) Person, finiteness, aspect:talk/talks/talking/talkedopen/opens/opening/openedshout/shouts/shouting/shouted(c) Case:boy/boysJohn/Johnsuniversity/universitys,Finiteness,Aspect,Finiteness,Verb forms can be classified in

4、to two categories: finite and nonfinite. The basic difference between the two categories in English is that finite verbs can function on their own as the core of an independent sentence, whereas nonfinite verbs cannot. Rather, nonfinite verbs must ordinarily combine with a modal, an auxiliary verb,

5、or the infinitival particle to.,A verbs -s form and past tense form are always finite, and the two participles (the -ing and -en forms) are always nonfinite. a. Finite verb: She gives both of them a back rub. b. She gave both of them a back rub. (2)a. Nonfinite verb: She is giving both of them a bac

6、k rub.b. She has given both of them a back rub. To complicate matters a bit, a verbs bare form can be either finite or nonfinite. Bare forms that express the present tense are finite; otherwise, they are nonfinite. Examples are given in (3) and (4). (3) Finite verb: We give both of them a back rub.

7、(4) a. Nonfinite verb: We will give both of them a back rub. b. We promised to give both of them a back rub.,Aspect,ASPECT refers to how an event or action happened with respect to time, rather than to its actual location in time. In this sense, Aspect can be divided into Progressive Aspect and Perf

8、ective Aspect. The perfective auxiliary is always followed by a main verb in the -ed form, while the progressive auxiliary is followed by a main verb in the -ing form.,We can illustrate this using the following examples: 1 David fell in love on his eighteenth birthday 2 David has fallen in love 3 Da

9、vid is falling in love,(a) Number: table/tablesapple/applescar/cars(b) Person, finiteness, aspect:talk/talks/talking/talkedopen/opens/opening/openedshout/shouts/shouting/shouted(c) Case:boy/boysJohn/Johnsuniversity/universitys,合成名词常见的构词方法如下:noun compound,1) n. + n.,pen friend, classroom, newspaper,

10、water-bottle,2) adj. + n.,green house, blackboard, highway, long-jump,3) v-ing + n.,waiting-room, swimming pool, washing machine, dining room, writing desk, sleepingpills,4) v. + n.,pick-pocket, speakbox,5) n.+v-ing,hand-writing, sun-bathing,6) v.+adv.,warm-up, make-up(捏造), break-in(闯入,非 法进入), get-t

11、ogether(联欢会),7) adv.+n.,overcoat(外套), by-stander, outbreak,8) 其他,go-between, touch-me-not(风仙花), forget-me-not, good-for-nothing(无用的人,废物),复合动词的常见构成方法如下: verb compound,1)N. + V.brainwash ; lipread ; babysit复合介词的常见构成方法如下; adjective compound into;throughout,复合形容词的常见构成方法如下:,1) adj.+n.+ed,cold-blooded(冷漠,

12、无情的), warm-hearted, short-sighted, old-fashioned(老式的,过时的),2) adj.+v-ing,good-looking, easy-going, long-lasting(耐用的),3) adv+v-ing,hard-working, well-meaning(善意的, 好心的), far-reaching(深远的,广大的),4) n.+v-ing,English-speaking, peace-loving, heart-breaking,6) adv.+v-ed,well-known, wide-spread,7) adj.+v-ed,wa

13、rm-hearted, ready-made(现成的, 做好的),8) n.+adj.,self-satisfied (自满的), duty-free (免税的),注:在合成词中,有的连写,有的分开写,有的用连字符,一般没有明确的规定,而只有习惯的写法。,5) n.+v-ed,man-made, state-owned (州立的), heart-felt(衷心 的), heartbroken (悲伤的),hardware, software,high-speed,computer system search engine,the endocentric compound 向心复合词,Endoc

14、entric compound is a type of compoundin which one member functions as the head and the other as its modifier,attributing a property to the head. The relation between the members of anendocentric compound can be schematized as AB is (a) B. steamboat,selfcontrol(自制) eyeentertaining(非常悦目的)painkiller(镇痛

15、剂) bulletresistant(防弹的)coremeaning(核心意义) virussensitive (对病毒敏感的)footwarmer(脚炉) machine washable(能机洗的)suntanned(被太阳晒黑的) disease inhibitory(抑制病毒的),the exocentric compound 离心复合词,Exocentric Compound is a term used to refer to a particular type of compound, viz. compounds that lack a head. Often these co

16、mpounds refer to pejorative properties of human beings.,scarecrow(稻草人) takehome(实得的,可以带回家的)playboy(花花公子) lackluster(无光泽的)cutthroat(凶手) breakneck(非常危险的)gettogether(联欢会) comehither(吸引人的) sitdown(静坐抗议) beatup(破旧的)breakthrough(突破) runaway(逃亡的)runup(抬高) walkin(未经预约而来的),易错的复合词,dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”) 死了才能上榜的 lover 情人(不是“爱人”)所以说情人不是拿来爱的 busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是“公汽售票员”)因为勤杂工工资很低,只能坐公交上班 busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”)就是因为爱管闲事,所以才很忙 dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是“干货”)干货是fucking goods 地球人都知道 mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是“发疯的医生”) “发疯的”医生 eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是“十一点”) 个人觉得23rd hour才是最后时刻,一天有24小时,



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