九年级英语the weird world of plants课件

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1、 paddyWhats your feeling while enjoying these pictures? comfort enjoyment harvest affection refreshment purity They are all common plants.roottrunkbranchleafIts weird!Guess the unusual features:Its so special and unusual! 4 meters 6-7 kilo nasty smellleaves, stem, rootNoWhat other weird plants have

2、you known? Why are they considered weird?Maybe very tiny very huge have lots of bodyguards live up to thousands of years catch and eat insects?B1 Look at the title, the pictures and the introductionon the next page. Answer the following questions.Which of these things did Simon probablyexpect to see

3、 in the movie?B2 Scan the passage quickly and find out the names ofplants which match the descriptions in the table below.the lichen plant the giant redwood tree the Venus flytrap the gingko treeRead the passage again, then finish D2 and D3.The answers to D3. 1.The leaves suddenly shut like teeth an

4、d trap the insect in a little prison. Then the Venus flytrap absorbed it after it dies. 2.Plants can be as small as one cell. 3.The lichen plant grows on stones and it takes a hundred years to grow a few centimetres. 4.The giant redwood tree is the worlds hugest living thing. The largest one is in C

5、alifornia. It is 84 metres high.5. A gingko tree was discovered in Hebei Province. It is believed to be around 2,800 years old. 6. A type of pine tree in California is the oldest tree in the world. It is more than 4,700 years old. 7. This type of tree provides the ants with a home and food while the

6、 ants defend the tree from other insects or animals that come near, and even remove other plants that grow close by.Read for detailsthe Venus flytrapParagraph oneleaves hairs insectstouch shut move become trapped die absorb(吸取 吸收)appearance to give them all the information they need accurately, and

7、as briefly and clearly as possibleIts better not to use sentences, but to give the key words only. to persuade them to do something (e.g. attend an activity or event)Read the sample notice and work out yours, then share with us.The Fairy Lake Botanical Gardens botanist 植物学家the Bonsai GardenIt needs

8、a lot of care. We must water it, prune it and check for pests.the Magnolia(木兰, 玉兰)Garden In early spring they are covered with white blossoms which are more than 12 centimeters wide.The Rare nothing specialelse常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语。 What else? something else 表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep, awake、 alive

9、等)作定语,定语后置。如 a man alive; the baby asleep1. 有些表身体健康状况的形容词如well、faint、ill 只作表语。The boy is ill. the sick boyIm getting faint.ill如作定语意为“bad”; faint作定语意为 “微弱的” 。the ill luck= the bad luck a faint voice= a weak voiceThings to remember.几个并列的形容词作定语,其语序通常为:县官行令杀国才 限定语(The、A)+ 描绘性形容词 + size(大小)+ shape (形状)+

10、age(年龄、时间)+ color(颜色)+ origin( 国籍、来源)+ material(材料)+ purpose(目的)+ 名 词。如:a heavy black Chinese steel umbrella the mans first interesting little red French oil paintings2. 形容词的顺序副词用来修饰形容词、动词,其他副词或者句子, 一 般位于形容词之前,动词之后或句子之首 a very good boyHe works hard.He walks terribly slowly.Luckily, they were not hur

11、t.几个副词并列作状语时,其顺序较灵活,但一般是:方式地点时间。如: We had a good time together outdoors last Sunday. 顺序以-ly结尾的词性辨析 A. 形容词加上ly 一般都变成副词但下列单词以-ly结尾,却是形容词:lonely、lovely、weekly ,friendly、ugly、 silly、 deadly(致命的)likely (可能的)brotherly(兄弟般的) lively(充满活力的)、timely(及时的) elderly(上了年纪的)等。频度副词如often、always、usually等在be动词后, 行为动词前。

12、副词作定语,定语后置。如: The person there ( upstairs) is waiting for you. 位置 辨析B. 形容词和副词同形。 have a fast breakfastwalk fastmore words: early, straight, high, lateC. 几组词的区别:late (迟地, 晚地) lately(近来地)high(高地) highly (高度地)hard hardly形容词和副词的比较等级原级的构成和用法。用法:表示双方在程度、性质、特征等某方面相等构成: as+ 原级形容词/副词.as not so + 原级形容词/副词 asH

13、e doesnt walk as slowly as his brother.= His brother walks more slowly than him.= He walks faster than his brother.1. 在比较级之后常常用一个含有than的短语。2. asas用于表示情况相等或不如,不及。John does better in math than I do. Diwang Building is taller than other buildings in SZ.How do we use comparatives in sentences?Our house

14、is as big as yours. They are the same size. Lynn doesnt run so fast as Liu Xiang.否定句中,可以说not as asthe same asThe result of the match was the same as last year.3. than me / than I amYoure twenty years older than me. Her husband isnt as tall as she is.单独使用用宾格,若代词后有一个动词,则用主格。4. 在比较级前,可用much, a lot, far

15、; rather; slightly, a bit, a littleA taxi is far more expensive than a bus. Yao Ming is a lot taller than me. The weather is a little colder than last year.5. the + adj.(比较级), the + adj.(比较级)“越就越” (表示一种事物随另一种事物变化而变化) 6. adj.(比较级)+ and + adj.(比较级) “越来越”The harder we study, the better grades well get.

16、 The sooner we leave, the sooner well get there.Everything gets more and more expensive. The queue was getting longer and longer.7. the+ adj.(比较级)+of the two “两者中比较的” The watch is the cheaper of the two. Jim is the taller of the two boys.8. 倍数的表达方式: A is +数词/倍数+adj.(比较级) than B.She is 3 years older than me. This pencil is 2cm longer than that one. A is + 倍数 +as + adj/adv.+ as+B A is +倍数 + (the size/



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