《人教版英语七年级上册》unit 8 语法写作课件

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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?语法点集中攻坚单元要点大本营单元一法练写作(一)序数词语法讲堂返回序数词的构成 第一(first), 第二(second),第三(third), 第四(fourth)考点 1魔法 记忆一二三特殊记,th要从四加起;八去t,九去e,f来把ve替;整十变化须注意,把y改为ie再加th;若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 fortyfortieth nineninth 口诀:四十无忧(u),第九无异(e)【易错点】典例Jack is _ years old. Today is his _ birthday. (重庆)Anine; nine Bn

2、ine; ninethCnineth; nineth Dnine; ninth【点拨】第一个空为基数词,表示“几岁”;第二句句意:今天是他的九岁生日。第二空应填序数词,nine变序数词时去e加th。D考点 2 序数词的前面往往加定冠词the。但当序数词前有物主代词、指示代词等修饰时,则不必加the。 eg:March is the third month of a year.三月是一年中的第三个月份。My mother is my first teacher.我的妈妈是我的第一位老师。典例My mother bought me a sweater for my _birthday. (四川南充

3、)Atwelfth Btwelve Cthe twelfth 【点拨】表示多少岁生日用“the/sbs序数词 birthday”表示。A考点 3序数词常用缩写形式,即“阿拉伯数字序数词的后两个字母”。 eg:first1st second2nd twentyfourth24th 考点 4序数词可以用来表示顺序、编号等,但是应该放在名词的前面。 eg:the fifth lesson第五课典例Doris lives on the _ floor. Its too high, so she has to take a lift every day. (沈阳)Afour Bfourth Cforty

4、 Dfortieth 【点拨】本题采用寻找题眼法。根据第二句中的too high可以排除A和B两项。空格前有the,说明考查the序数词表示编号的用法,第四十层楼。D表示编号时既可以用序数词,也可用基数词。用基数词表示编号时,则需要把基数词放在名词之后,且名词首字母要大写,不能加冠词。例如: Lesson Fivethe fifth lessonWorld War Twothe Second World War有的编号习惯上常用基数词。例如: Room 321(读作room three two one) 321号房间No.2 Middle School 第二中学 Class 3 三班 Grad

5、e 7 七年级典例Excuse me, sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in? _. (广东)A308 Room BRoom 308CThe Room 308 DThe 308 Room 【点拨】用基数词表示编号时,不需要加定冠词the,基数词放在名词之后且名词首字母要大写。B与数词有关的短语 (1) one by one 一个个地 (2) twoway 双向的(3) second to none 最好的;不可比拟的(4) fivestar 很出色的;第一流的;五星级的(5) at sixes and seve

6、ns 乱七八糟(6) six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两拓展名词所有格表示所有关系、所属关系等意义,包括“s”所有格、of所有格和双重所有格即所有格叠用这三种表现形式。(二)名词所有格考点 1 对于没有生命的事物,其名词所有格常由of短语构成。eg:a map of the world一张世界地图,the windows of the room房间的窗户 典例This is a leg(腿)_ the desk.of考点 2 对于有生命的事物,其名词所有格形式一般在词尾加“s”;以s 结尾的复数名词在词尾加“ ”。 eg:Jims bed

7、吉姆的床,my fathers car我爸爸的轿车,Womens Day妇女节,Teachers Day教师节,girls skirts女孩们的裙子典例Who is that woman in the music room?She is _ mother.AAnna BPauls CAnnas DPaulC考点 3 时间、距离、度量衡、价值、自然现象、国家、城镇等名词,可以加“s”构成所有格。eg:todays newspaper今天的报纸,five minutes walk五分钟的步行路程 典例How far is your cousins home from here? Its about

8、 two _ ride. (湖北随州)Ahours Bhours Chours Dhour 【点拨】本题考查名词所有格。答句意为:大约两个小时 的车程。以s 结尾的复数名词的所有格直接在词尾加“”,即two hours ride,所以选择C。C考点 4 表示两者共同拥有的人或物(共有)时,后一个名词使用所有格形式即可。如果表示两者各自的所属关系(各自所有),则每个名词都分别使用所有格形式。 eg:Joan and Janes room(房间属二人共同所有)Joans and Janes rooms(指Joan和Jane各自的房间)典例Whose room is this? Its _. (四川

9、广安)ALucy and Lily BLucy and LilysCLucys and Lilys 【点拨】考查名词所有格,本题采用寻找题眼法。由this,its 和单数名词room可知此处指两人共有的房间,故选B。B双重所有格:即“名词of普通名词的所有格或名词性物主代词”。eg:She is a friend of Marys brothers.(侧重说明Mary的哥哥的朋友不止一个,她只是其中的一个。)She is a friend of Marys brother.(侧重说明她和Mary的哥哥是朋友关系,突出了Marys brother。)拓展返回即学即练一、单项选择1(2015黄冈)

10、 How many friends will come to your _ birthday?About _.Afifteen;fifteen Bfifteenth;fifteenthCfifteen;fifteenth Dfifteenth;fifteenD【点拨】考查数词用法,第一空处用序数词表示“第十五个”生日,第二空处用基数词,表示大约有“十五个”朋友来参加聚会。2_ is your birthday?Its _ August 1st. AWhat; in BWhat; onCWhen; in DWhen; on 【点拨】根据答语中的August 1st.可知问句是在询问时间,用whe

11、n,先排除A、B; 在具体的某天前用介词on。故选D。 D3(2015郴州) _ is coming. What can I get formy mother?What about a scarf?AWomens Day BWomans DayCWomens Day【点拨】“妇女节”是Womens Day,为固定用法。A4(2015邵阳)This is _ room. Its very bright.AToms and Tims BToms and TimCTom and Tims【点拨】二人共有在后一个名词上加s ,分别拥有,则两个名词均需加s ,故选C。C5 _ is his brothe

12、r?He is 9.AHow old BHow much CHow DWhen A【点拨】本题用疑问词辨析法解题。How old多大;How much多少;How怎么;When 什么时候。根据答语He is 9.可知选A。二、用适当的介词填空6His birthday is _ August.7_ Childrens Day,all children are happy.in 【点拨】在具体的某一天前用“on”。如:在三月五日 on March 5th,在星期一 on Monday,在我生日那天on my birthday,在妇女节 on Womens Day。on也可与具体某一天的部分时间连

13、用,如:在三月五日上午,on the morning of March 5th,在星期一下午 on Monday afternoon。返回On 8We have an English party _ November 30th.9We have an art festival _ September.10My birthday party is _ 5:00.on 返回in at单元要点大本营根据所学知识,完成短文Hello,everyone!I want to talk about my family and me. I am 12 years _1 and my birthday is i

14、n _2.New Years Day is in this month. My parents often have a birthday _3 for me, because they love me so much. I am the second child in my family. My brother Toby is at the _4 of 15 and _5 birthday is _6 February 3rd.So in January and February our parents are very _7.They need to spend(花费) time in p

15、reparing(准备)for our old January party 返回age hison busy birthday parties. My brother and I love our parents very much. We remember(记着) their birthdays and often say “_8 birthday!” to them on their birthdays. Besides(除之外) our birthdays, all of my family members(成员) love the Spring Festival very much, because it is _9 of the most importan



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