中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型六 阅读理解试题1

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《中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型六 阅读理解试题1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型六 阅读理解试题1(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1题型六题型六 阅读理解阅读理解,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势年份体裁和话题考查方式20162016A记叙文:讲述了一个自己独 立做了一辆模型车的小男孩 的故事 B广告图表:本文是美术博物 馆的信息介绍 C说明文:社会文化类阅读, 介绍中国与西方国家宾主关 系的差异细节理解题(52,53,54,56 ,57,58,59,60,61,62) ,推理判断题(51,63),词 义理解题(64),主旨大意题( 55,65)20152015A记叙文:讲述期末考试时发 生的一件事 B广告图表:主要介绍Super International Crafts Market C说明文:介绍了在选择工作 时要考虑的三

2、件事情细节理解题(51,52,53,54 ,57,58,59,60,61,62) ,推理判断题(55,56,64) ,词义猜测题(63),标题归 纳题(65)20142014A记叙文:令作者难忘的一天 B广告图表:介绍一个由青年 探究协会开设的暑假三天探 究大自然的活动 C说明文:梦想不分老少细节理解题(56,57,58,59 ,60,61,64,65,66,67) ,推理判断题(60,62,68) ,数字计算题(63),词义猜 测题(69),标题归纳题(70)20132013A记叙文:介绍出国学习的方 式寄宿在当地家庭中 B广告图表:旅馆介绍 C说明文:教育的目的细节理解题(56,57,58

3、,61 ,62,63,65,67)推理判断 题(59,64,66,68),词义 猜测题(69),标题归纳题(70 )20122012A记叙文:一次野营及影响 B广告图表:介绍狮子会自然 教育中心 C说明文:阅读习惯细节理解题(56,57,58,60 ,61,62,63,65,67),推 理判断题(59,64,66,68) ,词义猜测题(69),标题归 纳题(70)【规律总结】近五年A篇阅读文体主要为记叙文,B篇阅读均为广告图表,C篇阅读均为说明文;设题多为细节理解题和推理判断题,第68或69题通常为词义猜测题(2015年为63题,2016年为64题),第63题通常为数字计算题,70题通常为标题


5、大意首先通读原文,捕捉文中所提供的信息,抓住文章大意,理清文章脉络。二、审读题目,正确判断读懂短文内容后再审读题目,把握每个待判定问题的含义,通过寻读法在原文中找出与每个问题相关的关键词,然后寻找该关键词在文章中所在的句子及段落,依据短文内容对试题所给出的问题判断得出正确答案。常见阅读理解的考查方式有以下几种形式:细节理解题、推理判断题、词义猜测题、主旨大意题、标题归纳题、数字计算题。三、重读原文,复核检查完成各小题后必须将短文重读一遍,加深对短文的理解,在此基础上再对每一道题进行复查,对有些似是而非的句子,一定要重新认真识别。(20162016河北中考)Let me tell you abo

6、ut a young boy who made a model car all on his own.The boy is me,six years ago when I was just 11.The car was small and simple,but in my imagination it was a highspeed racing car,speeding along the race road.It was during the school summer holidays and workmen were building a new driveway and garage

7、(车库) beside our house.It meant to add something new to our home.When I watched the workmen,I came up with an ideaI would build a car to drive into the garage in celebration of it.I told my mother and began with my plans.But I couldnt find the right things for making the car,so I gave up and sadly sp

8、ent several days doing nothing.My mother noticed that I had stopped working and asked me why.I explained and she suggested that maybe I should change my plan to fit the things I had,rather than give up.And thats just what I did.I found small pieces of wood in my fathers workshop and made my car from

9、 anything that was lying around the house.When I found a small engine(发动机) from one of my old model planes,I added that.The power came from a battery(电池) I found in a box.By the time the garage was finished,so was my car.I called my family together outside the house,started the engine and put the ca

10、r on the driveway.It was fast,and I had to run to the garage to prevent it from hitting the new door.My family began to cheer and I smiled proudly.Thanks to my mother I learned the value of continuing to do things,especially something difficult.Soon I was making plans for my next project:a robot!( )

11、1.1.The writer was _ when he made the model car.Aa student Ba driver Ca workman Dan engineer( )2.2.The writer _ making the first planned car.Agave up Bfelt excited aboutCwas very busy Dspent several days( )3.3.To help the writer,his mother _Aexplained the plan to him Bbrought him to the workshopCgav

12、e him some suggestions Dfound him some pieces of wood( )4.4.By the time the car was finished,_3Athe writer thanked his mother Bthe family was called togetherCthe writer put it into the house Dthe family began a new project( )5.5.What did the writer mainly tell us?AKeep on doing things to the end. BT

13、hink hard before doing something.CAlways ask for help when in trouble. DTry the best to find the right things to do.【考点】人生感悟类阅读;内容归纳;文中细节。【主旨大意】本文叙述了一个小男孩在自己独立制作模型车的过程中感悟到了遇到困难的时候要坚持而不是放弃,从而学到了继续做事情的价值。1 1A 【解析】推理判断题。根据“six years ago when I was just 11”和“It was during the school summer holidays”,可知“

14、六年前当我11岁的时候”和“在暑假里”,从这里可以判断作者当时应该是一个学生。故选A。2 2A 【解析】细节理解题。根据“But I couldnt find the right things for making the car,so I gave up and sadly spent several days doing nothing”可知“但我找不到合适的东西来制造汽车,所以我放弃了,伤心地度过了几天什么都没做”,从这里可以看出一开始他放弃了制作第一辆车的计划。故选A。3 3C 【解析】细节理解题。根据“I explained and she suggested that maybe

15、I should change my plan to fit the things I had,rather than give up”,可知“她建议我也许应该改变我的计划,用我所拥有的东西去做,而不是放弃”。故选C。4 4B 【解析】细节理解题。根据“By the time the garage was finished,so was my car.I called my family together outside the house”,可知“当车库完工的时候,我的车也完工了。我把家人都喊到了房子外面”。故选B。5 5A 【解析】主旨大意题。根据“Thanks to my mother

16、I learned the value of continuing to do things,especially something difficult”,可知“多亏我的母亲我学到了继续做事情的价值,特别是一些困难的事情”。从这里可以看出我们做任何事情都应该坚持不懈。故选A。【点评】本题考查的是一篇人生感悟类阅读理解,首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,然后根据题干和选项选出正确答案,做完后要及时再检查一遍,查缺补漏。,考点:推理判断题方法突破:阅读时首先要抓住文章的主题和细节,分析文章结构,根据上下文的内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义。其次,对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机,事件中的因果关系及作者未言明的倾问、意图、态度、观点等要进行合乎逻辑的推理、判断、分析,进一步增强理解能力,抓住材料的实质性东西。考点:细节理解题方法突破:细节理解题要注意同义不同句。利用题目的关键词,寻找文中对应词,在


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