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1、摘要摘要摘要家蚕裸蛹是自然突变产生的,裸蛹(Nd)基因与丝素重链基因(Fib-H)同位于第 25染色体上,二者紧密连锁。早期的研究结果认为 Nd 裸蛹的形成主要是发生在转录水平,但其分子机制尚不清楚。对 Nd 基因进行定位,在此基础上对其进行克隆,研究裸蛹发生的分子机制,不仅可以为开发利用家蚕生物资源,构建新型的家蚕生物反应器打下基础,而且对揭示蚕丝蛋白表达分泌的分子机制提供重要的理论依据。本论文首先利用家蚕雌性不交换的特点,以家蚕正常茧品种 P50 和裸蛹品种 Nd为亲本获得 P50(P50Nd)和(P50Nd)P50 回交群体(分别记为 BC1M 和 BC1F),再用已经构建的家蚕 SSR

2、 分子标记连锁图谱对 Nd 基因进行定位,共筛选出 7 个与Nd 基因连锁的 SSR 标记。利用另一个群体 BC1M 构建了 Nd 基因的遗传连锁图,连锁图的遗传距离为 96.8cM,Nd 基因位于 60.8cM。同时得到了 2 个与 Nd 紧密连锁的SSR 标记,S2511 及 S2513,与 Nd 基因的距离分别为 0.1cM 和 1.1cM。在 KaikoBlast数据库中搜寻基因组序列信息,经过软件分析这些序列信息可知,Nd 基因与丝素重链 Fib-H 基因共同位于 Bm_scaf32 中,其中 S2513 与 Fib-H 基因 3端的距离大约为159 kb,引物 S2511 和 S2

3、513 之间的距离大约为 900 kb,这段距离对于 Nd 基因的定位克隆来说还是太大,这些数据为以后 Nd 基因的精细定位及克隆奠定了基础。 其次,采用 Real-time RT-PCR 方法,对 3 种丝素基因在 5 龄第 5 天正常家蚕54A 和 Nd 品种家蚕的后部丝腺中的表达量进行了定量分析。结果表明,与 54A 相比较,在 Nd 裸蛹的后部丝腺中,fib-H 基因在 mRNA 的表达量被极大地下调,约为正常蚕的 1/70 左右,而 fib-L 基因和 P25 基因的表达量分别是正常蚕的 1/10 和 1/6 左右。为了进一步探明原因,我们对 3 种已知的调控蚕丝基因的反式因子的表达

4、水平进行了定量分析。结果表明,在 5 龄第 5 天的 Nd 裸蛹后部丝腺中,POU-M1 转录因子的表达水平远远低于正常家蚕中的表达水平,约为正常蚕 54A 的 1/280,而 SGF-1 和FMBP-1 的表达水平分别约为正常蚕的 1/2.48 和 1/8.44。因此,Nd 家蚕中丝素基因不能正常表达可能与反式激活因子 POU-M1 的表达量不足有关。关键词:家蚕;裸蛹基因Nd;SSR定位;实时定量PCR;发生机制江苏科技大学理学硕士学位论文AbstractAbstractNaked pupa (Nd) of the silkworm Bombyx mori is originated fr

5、om a natural mutation. The naked Nd gene and the fibroin heavy (H)-chain gene (Fib-H) had been found to be located at the 25th chromosome and closely linked. The early research results showed that the reason of naked pupa may be caused mainly at transcriptional level,but the molecular mechanism is s

6、till unclear. Mapping of Nd gene and studying on the occurring mechanism of Nd,not only good for the exploitation and utilization of silkworm resources and build a new type of silkworm bioreactor, but also can reveal the mechanism of silk protein expressed and secreted. These results can provide an

7、important theoretical basis for silkworm silk too.Owing to a lack of crossing over in females, P50, a silkworm strain that spins normal cocoons, and Nd, a strain with naked pupae, were used as parents to obtain backcross populations P50(P50Nd) and (P50Nd)P50, designated as BC1M and BC1F respectively

8、. Subsequently, mapping of Nd gene was conducted using the constructed simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular marker linkage maps, and 7 SSR markers were found to be linked with Nd gene. By utilizing another BC1M population, we constructed a genetic linkage map for the Nd gene. The genetic distance

9、of this map is of 96.8 cM with the Nd gene located at 60.8 cM. Meanwhile, 2 closely linked SSR markers, namely S2513 and S2511 which is 0.1 cM and 1.1 cM away from the Nd gene respectively were obtained. We analyzed the genome sequences from Kaikoblast database using the software. From the result we

10、 found that the Nd gene and fib-H gene are both in the Bm_scaf32,and the distance between Nd gene and the 3 of fib-H gene is about 159Kb; the distance between S2511 and S2513 is approximately 900Kb,but the distance is too long to clone Nd gene. Secondly, we analyzed the expression of three fibroin g

11、enes at the fifth day of fifth instar of 54A and Nd using quantitative real-time PCR method. From the results we found that the expression of fib-H in posterior silk gland of Nd silkworm at transcriptional level was greatly down regulated, it is about the 1/70 level of normal silkworm, while the exp

12、ression of fib-L gene and P25 gene is 1/10 and 1/6 of that of normal silkworm. In order to verify the reason of it, we analyzed the expression of 3 silk gene controlling transcriptional factors using quantitative real-time PCR method. From the result we found that the expression level of POU-M1 in p

13、osterior silk gland of Nd silkworm is lower than in the normal silkworms. But the expression level of the other two factors SGF-1 and FMBP-1 is 1/2.48 and 1/8.44 of 江苏科技大学理学硕士学位论文normal silkworms. Thus, the fibroin genes abnormally expression is related to the deficient expression of POU-M1. Keyword

14、s: Bombyx mori; naked pupa gene (Nd); SSR map; real-time PCR; occurring mechanism目录目录摘要摘要.IABSTRACT.第第 1 章章 绪绪 论论11.1 家蚕蚕丝蛋白及相关基因1 1.1.1 家蚕蚕丝蛋白.1 1.1.2 家蚕蚕丝蛋白基因.1 1.2 家蚕裸蛹突变体3 1.3 家蚕的基因定位3 1.3.1 遗传标记及形态学标记定位.4 1.3.2 分子标记定位.4 1.4 SSR 标记定位家蚕基因相关研究7 1.5 家蚕裸蛹突变体的应用7 1.6 本文的主要内容8第第 2 章章 家蚕家蚕 ND 裸蛹基因的裸蛹基因

15、的 SSR 定位定位.112.1 引言11 2.2 材料与方法12 2.2.1 实验材料.12 2.2.2 试验方法.15 2.3 结果与分析18 2.3.1 回交后代的表现型.18 2.3.2 与 Nd 基因连锁的多态性 SSR 标记的筛选及连锁验证.18 2.3.3 BC1M 群体的基因型分析19 2.3.4 Nd 基因连锁图19 2.3.5 KaikoBlast 序列分析.20 2.4 讨 论21 2.5 本章小结22第第 3 章章 家蚕丝素基因和三种反式因子在家蚕丝素基因和三种反式因子在 ND 裸蛹后部丝腺中表达的定量分析裸蛹后部丝腺中表达的定量分析233.1 引言23 3.2 材料与

16、方法24 3.2.1 实验材料.24 3.2.2 实验方法.26 3.3 结果与分析28 3.3.1 家蚕组织总 RNA 的提取 28 3.3.2 Real-Time PCR 中扩增曲线和熔解曲线结果28 3.3.3 三种丝素基因在 Nd 裸蛹后部丝腺种相对表达量29 3.3.4 三种丝素基因在 54A 和 Nd 裸蛹后部丝腺种相对表达量的差异.30 3.3.5 三种反式因子编码基因在 54A 后部丝腺中的表达30 3.3.6 三种反式因子编码基因在 Nd 裸蛹后部丝腺中的表达31江苏科技大学理学硕士学位论文3.3.7 三种反式因子编码基因在 54A 和 Nd 裸蛹后部丝腺中相对表达量的差异.31 3.4 讨论32 3.5 本章小结32结结 论论.35参考文献参考文献.37攻读学位期间发表的学术论文攻读学位期间发表的学术论文.43致谢致谢.44CATALOGUECatalogueABSTRACT (CHINESE)IABSTRACT (ENGLISH).CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .11.1 Silk Fibroin o



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