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1、葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件ExercisenAnswer these questions:n1. Is what a microorganism? Which does microorganism include main groups?n2.Which differentiations does the eukaryotes have with prokaryotes?葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活

2、自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件Exercise 1:nAnswer these questions?n1.Is what a enzyme? Which two kinds is the enzyme divided into basing on its constitute?n2.How is a enzyme divided into a group?n3.What is The characteristics of a enzyme reaction? What is the enzyme center?葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项

3、目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件Exercise 2:n.Explaining the flowing wordsn1.NAD+ 2.Fermentation 3.Electron transport chain 4. Chmo-organotroph 5. Photo- lithotrophs 6.Glycolysis 7. Citric acid cycle n.Answering these questionsn1.Have the aerobic respiration th

4、e differentiation with the anaerobic respiration?n2.Under the aerobic condition, how much does a glucose can generate ATP? and a stearic acid?(硬脂酸或者十八烷酸)n3.What is the substrate level phosphorylation? What is the oxidative phosphorylation?葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦

5、皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件exercisen1.State the structure of lactose operon and its negative control.n2.State four levels of protein structure and translation of protein.葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件Exercise:n1.State the structure of bacterial cel

6、l envelope.n2. State the special structure of bacterial cell .n3. State the process of Gram stain and the reason of different result.n4.Which characters of bacterial cell can they be used to identify prokaryotic species?n5.Which differences are there between bacteria and archaea ?葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入

7、住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件Exercisen1. Explain the following wordsnSterilization and disinfection ;Batch culture ; Generation time ; Anaerobes ;Solid medium; Auxotrophyn2. Answer the following questionsnHow many kinds would the media be divided into? What chara

8、cteristic does each kind have ?nHow many ways would isolating bacteria has? And how would every way be operated ?nHow many kinds would Aseptic technique has? What characteristic does each kind have?n3. State bacterial growth curve and its reason.n4. State the common necessities for the growth of all

9、 prokaryotes and functions of the common necessities.葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件Exercisen1. Explain the following words。nHfr strains; F factors; Photoreactivation;tautomers of base。n2. How is the DNA in bacteria repaired?n3. What functions do

10、 the plasmids have in bacteria ?葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件Exercisen1. Explain the following words。ngeneralized transduction ; Specialized transduction ; n2. State the typical phage life cycle and lysogenic life cycle .n3. Compare the transfo

11、rmation with the transduction and the conjugation , find out their differences of gene transfer.葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件Exercisen1. State the Carbon cycle in the earth. n2. State the Nitrogen cycle in the earth. n3. State the Sulfur cycle

12、in the earth. 葡萄熟了“纳帕溪谷”地产项目一期业主入住仪式庆典策划案PPT培训课件汽车频道沃生活自驾游方案钱湖牌大闸蟹营销推广策划方案秦皇凤城庭院楼盘项目开盘活动策划方案禽流感教学课件Exercisen1. How is fungi classified? What characteristics do every group have?n2. What are characteristics of the major monophyletic groups the chlorophyta and protista?n3. State Fungal nutrition.n4. Give an example to state reproduction in fungi.


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