外研版英语八下《unit 2 there were few doctors, so he had to work very hard》课件

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1、社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识Module 9 HeroesUnit 2社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识Unit 2 There were few doctors,Unit 2 There were few doctors,so he had to work very hard. so he had to work very hard.社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识1.他今天早上避免了犯同样的错误。2.年轻人应学

2、会花钱时谨慎小心,避免浪费.3.他是如此勇敢的一个消防员,他从烧着的房 子里救出了我的孩子.4.我敢断定她今晚不会来了.He avoided making the same mistake this morning.The young should learn to spend money carefully and avoid wasting.He is such a brave fireman that he saved my baby out of the burning house.I bet she wont come here tonight.社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型

3、榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识5.我期盼参加2008年的奥运会.6.他早上很早出发,为的是早一点到达那儿.7,她是如此粗心,结果她在这次英语测试中犯 了很多错误.I look forward to taking part in the Olympic Games in 2008.He set out very early in the morning so that he could get there earlier.She is so careless that she made a lot of mistakes in the english exam.社会主义核

4、心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识BoysBoysGirlsGirlsSee who can say as many heroes as he/she can.StepI. Warming-up1.Competition between boys and girls WellWell donedone!社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识stay with local peopleAntiJapanese war社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位



7、地理知识社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识 1.How many heroes can you see?What are their names?2. Whos your hero?3. What do you think of “hero”?社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识社会主义核心价值体系质

8、量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识1.Work in pairs. Look at some pictures and say five things you know about Norman Bethune. Use the words in the box to help you.Army Canada China doctor hospital medical soldier travel treatment社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识(1) Where does Norman Beth

9、une come from? (2) Is he one of Chinas most famous heroes ? (3) When was he born ? (4) Did he go to the front to look after injured (5) soldiers in the First World War? (5) When did he become a doctor?Scanning and answering社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识(1)Norman Bethune is one of chi

10、nas most (2) famous heroes . ( ) (2) He wasnt Canadian. ( ) (3) He gave his life to helping the Japanese people .( ) (4) Norman Bethune was born in 1890. ( ) (5) He become a doctor in 1926. ( )(6) He went to the front to look after injured soldiers in the anti-Japanese war. ( ) (7) He invented new t

11、reatments to help soldiers .( ) (8) He came to china in 1938. ( )True or False.社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识(9) He worked very hard. ( ) (10)He opened hospitals to train doctors and nurses. ( )(11) When he was tired ,he stopped to have a rest. ( )(12) Once he performed operations fo

12、r 59hours without stopping. ( )(13) In the end he died because he was tired .( )(14) He cut his hand during an operation .( )(15) Our Chinese people think Dr Bethune is a hero. ( )(16) He is remembered in both Canada and china. ( )社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识2. Read the passage and

13、 put the events in the correct order. a. Born in 1890 b.Started hospitals and wrote booksabout new treatments c. Worked with soldiers in the FirstWorld War d.Invented medical tools to use outside hospitals e.Came to China f. Died 152346社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识Unit 2 Useful and

14、important words and expressions 社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识give ones life to sth. / doing sth. (P.144, 3) look after. , take care of. She has to get back home and look after/ take care of his younger brother after school. You can keep my bike. But be sure to take good care of it. I bet she will look after the dog well.社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识 see sb. do sth. see sb. doing sth. They saw the boy break the window. I saw him playing the solo. invent sth. Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen. * Cant you invent a better excuse than that? 你就不能编造一个高明些的藉口


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