高二英语back to the past课件1

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《高二英语back to the past课件1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语back to the past课件1(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1城市于公元前8世纪建成的.The city _ _ in the 8th century BC. 2公元前89年, 罗马人接管了庞贝城。In 89 BC, the Romans _ _ Pompeii. 3该城不远处有一坐叫维苏威的火山.Near the city _ a volcano _ Vesuvius.was foundedtook overwas called4不幸的是, 所有的人被活埋,城市也埋 没了。 _, all the people _ _ _, and _ _ _ _. Unfortunatelywere buried aliveso was the city5 很多人

2、相信,它是在公元200年至 500年之间被风沙渐渐覆盖的. Loulan is believed by many people to _ _ _ covered by sandstorms .havebeengradually6 斯文发现了埋藏在沙子下面的建筑物 遗迹以及很多诸如钱币,彩绘罐,丝绸,文 献和壁画等珍贵文物. Sven found the_ofbuildings _ under the sand ,_ _a lot of treasures, such us coins, _potsremains buried togetherwithpainted7. 我们发现楼兰废墟极其有趣

3、。We found the ruins _.most interesting(1)Sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand, together with a lot of treasures.(2)We found the ruins most interesting.gives information about the object.1.我们叫他杰克。2.我们都认为他是一个好领导。3.不要整夜都开着门。4.他让我把这个句子重复一下。(make)5.他让我为他搬一下这个盒子。(ask)6.我们发现一个乞丐躺在河边。7.

4、昨天汤姆把腿摔断了。We call him Jack.We all consider him a good leader.Dont keep the door open all night.He made me repeat this sentence. He asked me to carry the box for him.We found a beggar lying on the river bank.Tom had his leg broken yesterday.1.We call him Jack. 2.We all consider him a good leader. 3.D

5、ont keep the door open all night. 4.He made me repeat this sentence. 5.He asked me to carry the box for him. 6.We found a beggar lying on the river bank. 7.Tom had his leg broken yesterday.An object complement , which gives information about the object, can be .Practice on the object complement1. Yo

6、ud better leave the window_during the day.(开着)2.We consider him_ ( 是位诚实的孩子).3.They all call the machine_(机器人).4.Why did you have lights_all night(亮着 )?opento be an honest boya robotonMore practice with an object compliment:-What happened to the man? -The police kept him _.in prisonvery interesting/

7、an interesting bookNot only Mary but also Susan finds Harry Potter_. (很有趣)Ifind1. Not you but I _(be) to attend the meeting.2. Either the teacher or the students _(be) to blame.3. He or I _(be) to do it.4. Neither you nor I nor anybody else _(know) to do it. amareamknowsNote1:由并列词结构或连词or/ eitheror/

8、neithernor/ not onlybut also/ notbut连接的并列主语, 谓语动词与靠近的名词或代词 保持一致。1. There _(be) a book and some pens on the desk.2. Gone _(be) the days when Chinese people used foreign oil.isareNote2: 在倒装句和there be句 型中,谓语与后面的第一个主 语保持一致。1. I know the man who _(be) talking to my father.2. He is one of the students who

9、 _(be) good at English.3. She is the only one of the students who _(has) been to American.isarehasNote3:在定语从句中,关系代 词作主语,其谓语动词应与它 所指代的先行词一致。1. I, along with my sister, _(be) going to Shanghai next week.2. No one but your parents _(be) there then.amwasalong with, together with,withas well asbesides, b

10、ut, exceptincludingmore than, rather thanNotes:1. What I want to say _(be) just “Take care”.2. What I want _(be) these books.3. The number of people invited _(be) fifty, but a number of them _(be) absent for different reasons.isarewas werewhat引导的从句作主语,谓 语动词通常用单数,但如其后 是系表结构,表语为复数名词 ,谓语动词用复数。1. A larg

11、e quantity of books _(be) sent to the Hope Project.2. Large quantities of food _(be) wasted.isare谓语动词由mass, amount, quantity, variety的形式来决定。1. When to leave _(has) not been decided.2. What he said and what he did _(be) always different.3. The teacher and writer _(be) her friend.4.Bread and butter _(

12、be) her favorite food.haswereisis1.从句、不定式、动名词等作主语 ,视为整体,谓语动词用单数, 两个或两个以上的名词性从句多 用复数。2.两个或两个以上的名词组成同一 概念作主语,谓语动词用单数。1. No boy and no girl _(like) it.2. Every man and woman _(need) love.3. Many a teacher _(enjoy) the book very much.4. More than one person _(know) about it.likesneedsenjoysknows1.由and连接

13、的两个或三个单数 主语前有every, each, no时,谓 语动词用单数。2.many a(许多),more than one(不止一个),谓语动词用单 数。单数形式表示复数含义。1. (05,山东) With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ each year.A is washing awayB is being washed awayC are washing away D are being washed away2. (05,辽宁) Nowadays, a large number of

14、women, especially those from the countryside, _ in the clothing industry.A is working B worksC workD worked3. (04,北京) The teacher with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.A wasC had been D would beB were4. (04,广东) All the employees except the manager _ to work online at home. A encourages B encourage C is encouragedD are encouraged5. (03, 上海) When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet.A are not decided B have not been decided C is not being decided D has not been decided6. (02, 上海春季) Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollutio


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