电路第一课时 (浙教版)ppt培训课件

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1、对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have第一

2、节 电路图绍兴市树人中学 钱永茂对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain cond

3、ition, we have四角方方玻璃窗,千里万里看得清,唱歌跳舞看球赛, 好象就在我面前。屋子方方,有门没窗,屋外热烘,里面冰霜。12对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partiti

4、oned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have1.电冰箱、电视机、电动玩具在工作中有什么相似之处?想一想:2.教室里有哪些物体工作时要消耗电能?3.生活中我们常把电冰箱、电视机等统称为什么 ?我们把工作时要消耗电能的元件叫用电器 。对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current r

5、esearch key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current res

6、earch key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have各种各样的电池想一想:电从哪里来 ?对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is

7、 the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have 各种各样的发电机对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condi

8、tion is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have我们把电池和发电机叫电源 。电源的作用:提供电能思考:电池和发电机有什么共同作用 ? 对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the

9、inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have你能利用桌上的元件让小灯泡发 光吗?探究一:对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即

10、便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have导线的作用是输送电能。 水流水路,人走马路, 车行公路,电通电路。导线起什么作用?电流的路径叫电路对于闪光灯,很多人是恐

11、惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have没有开关行吗? 请说出各自

12、的理由 。 开关的作用是什么? 开关的作用是控制电路的通断 。对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy t

13、he certain condition, we have关于开关的动作生活中用语和科学用语有区别 小灯泡状态生活用语科学用语使灯亮把灯打开把开关闭合使灯灭把灯关掉把开关断开对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corre

14、sponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have一个完整的、便于控制的电路 应由哪几部分组成?电 源:持续供电 用电器:利用电能 导 线:输送电能 开 关:控制电路对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point

15、. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have电流电源电灯开关 处处连通成通路电路的状态1对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the curren

16、t research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have电灯开关电源电路的状态2某处断开变开路对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Changing the inequality into equality under what condition is the current research key point. This paper uses the and its elementary operation corresponds the partitioned matrix, prove that when satisfy the certain condition, we have电路的



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