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1、Section ABy Xu Xiaowei Zeya Middle Schooldeskon the boxunder the boxin the box你能说出它在哪吗? A: Where is the cat?B: It is near the boxtablesofabookcasedresser drawerbed(练一练)in on near underWheres = Where isB: Its under the bed.A: Wheres the drawer?(和搭档一起说一说 )A: Where is the ?B: Its in/on/under/near(猜一猜)1

2、. table _2. bed _3. dresser _4.bookcase _5. sofa _6. chair _7.backpack _8. books _9. keys _10.baseball _11.drawer _12.plant _e j c d i h g a b f l k2345Listen (按听到的顺序编号)1PicturePicture1 1PicturePicture2 2Find the differences (找差异)A: Wheres the key in Picture 1?B: In Picture 1 the key is under the de

3、sk. Picture 1 Picture 2key plant drawerbaseballbackpack pencil-caseunder the deskon the deskon the desk on the bedin the drawer on the bedunder the deskon the bedFind the differencesnear the bed in the drawerReport: In Picture 1 the key is under the desk. In Picture 2 the key ison the chairon the ch

4、airWhere is the cat? Its on the desk. Where is the drawer? Its in the dresser.Where is the plant? Its near the bed . Where is the ruler? Its under the chair. Lets chant(唱一唱)Keep the room tidy and clean!Read and design (读一读,画一画)设计自己理想中的房间,把它画 出来,并向同伴描绘自己的房间 。Goodbye !Keep the room tidy and clean!Plea

5、se take away rubbish!保持教室干净整洁,请带走垃圾!1. Find , write and say(找一找,写一写,说一说)2. Read and design(读一读,画一画)Tommy is a careless boy. He put things everywhere. Please help him tidy the room. The book is on the bed. The drawer is near the bed. The CD is in the drawer. The key is on the chair. The backpack is u

6、nder the chair. The pencil- case is on the desk. Picture 1 Picture 2 keyunder the desk plant drawer baseball backpack pencil-caseSay: In picture 1 the key is under the desk. In picture 2 the key is; http:/ 聚富彩票 bgk273utb 那次见面之后陆尘便将钟思送了回去,那一路上他们清谈浅语,居然很有一种相逢恨晚的抱憾!临别之际陆尘仍是对她笑的和煦“我再给你打”。钟思会心一笑、道了声“好”。白

7、荌苒打来查探情报的时候,钟思居然开始两颊绯红的谈论起陆尘来,她居然羞赧的表示“怎么办,我好像已经很喜欢他呢?”白荌苒不免为她感到高兴“哈哈,思思,你说你这么多年是不是就是为了等待他的出现呢?”钟思偏头想了想觉得这句话很是说得通“你这样一说好像是很对呢,你都不知道我跟他聊天有多投机,我们有太多的想法总是不谋而同 ,这简直太不可思议了! ”白荌苒揶揄她“你的意思跟我聊天话不投机?”钟思心情好、也不去理会她的揶揄“你不懂,跟你说话是话家常,跟他是另外一种感觉,思想上的不谋而合! ”白荌苒笑呵呵的表示“好、好、好,既然喜欢,那你就不要放手咯! ”三天之后陆尘便来到了钟思的家里,即使是初次见面、分开也不过三天而已,钟思却觉得再次见到陆尘也是让人欣喜的。钟思笑的眉眼弯弯的道了句“你来了”。陆尘看到她仍是淡然一笑“是”。在钟思家吃完饭后,陆尘便将钟思约了出来,他将她的安全带系好说了句“带你去个地方”他做那些动作的时候总是那么的自然而又体 贴,似乎他们已然认识了很久!钟思不免好奇“什么地方”


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