unit 6B Book II 新视野大学英语第二册课件

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1、Unit 6 Section B Judge by Appearance New words1. valid o1 a valid ticket, document, or agreement is legally or officially acceptable o- a valid credit card/ passport /passwordo反义词: invalido2 valid reason/argument/criticismo正当的有根据的理由/论点/根据等2. validateo1 formal to confirm: o-to validate a claim/ theor

2、yo证实说法/理论o2 to make sth leally valid:o-to validate a contract o使合同生效3. concealotransitive formal o1 to hide something carefully: o-Customs officers found the drugs concealed inside the case.o海关关员发现了藏在手提箱里的毒品。o2 to hide your real feelings or the truth: o-She tried to conceal the fact that she was pre

3、gnant.o她试图掩盖怀孕的事实。oconceal sth from sbo-She tried to conceal her pregnancy from her family.4. mildo1.weather fairly warm cold: o- a mild climate / winter o温和的气候/冬季o2.illness a mild illness or health problem is not serious: o-a mild infection.o轻微感染o3.character a mild person has a gentle character and

4、 does not easily get angry: o-He is a mild, well-mannered man who rarely raised his voice.o他是个很温和有风度的男人,很少会大嗓门说话。5. exclusive a.o1 available or belonging only to particular people, and not shared oexclusive report/interview/coverage o独家报道/采访/披露o2 exclusive places, organizations, clothes etc are so e

5、xpensive that not many people can afford to use or buy them: o-an exclusive school / hotelo贵族学校/ 高档宾馆oexclusive n. an important or exciting story that is printed in only one newspaper, because that newspaper was the first to find out about it: o-a New York Post exclusive about the Kennedy marriageo纽

6、约邮报对肯尼迪婚姻的独家新闻6. wanderowithout direction to walk slowly across or around an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose o-Ill wander around the mall for half an hour.o-She wandered aimlessly about the house.7. blend oVo transitive to thoroughly mix together soft or liquid substances to form

7、a single smooth substance: o Blend the sugar, eggs, and flour.o- The old house blends in perfectly with the countryside.o这所老房子和乡村环境完美融合在一起 。on.o- The novel is a fascinating blend of imagination and reality. o这部小说是想象和现实的迷人结合。 8. scalethe size or level of something, or the amount that something is hap

8、pening o-The scale of the pollution problem is much worse than scientists had predicted.o污染问题的程度比科学家们预言的还严重 。oon a global/international/world scale o-Pollution could cause changes to weather patterns on a global scale.olarge-scale ousing or involving a lot of effort, people, supplies etc o- a large-

9、scale rescue operationo大规模的救援行动osmall-scaleoinvolving only a small number of things or a small area o-a small-scale study9. accompanyo1 to go somewhere with someone: o -Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.o -Wherever her husband went, she would accompany him.o口语中更常用 go/come with oHe ca

10、me with me to the airport.o2 to play a musical instrument while someone sings a song or plays the main tune: o -Daniel wanted Liz to accompany him on violin.o3 usually passive to happen or exist at the same time as something else: o -The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever. 10. superficialo

11、1.not looking/studying carefully not studying or looking at something carefully and only seeing the most noticeable things o-Naturally, We can only get superficial understanding of the countrys culture through such brief visits.o自然,我们通过这种短暂的访问只能肤浅地 了解这个国家的文化。o2.appearance seeming to have a particula

12、r quality, although this is not true or real o- Despite their superficial similarities, the two novels are in fact very different.o这两部小说尽管表面上看来很相似,但实际上很不 同。o- Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something horrible.o在他表面的文雅风度下隐藏着可怕的东西。o3.wound/damage affecting only the surface of

13、 your skin or the outside part of something, and therefore not serious: o- She survived the earthquake with only superficial injury.o皮外伤o4.person someone who is superficial does not think about things that are serious or important - used to show disapproval = shallow: o-superficial mind o肤浅的思想o-All

14、the other girls seemed silly and superficial to him.Text AnalysisA standard criticism of sociological research is that it goes to great lengths to prove what most people with common sense already know. (Para. 1) oMeaning: People normally criticize sociological research for trying very hard by means

15、of reason or evidence to show a fact that is already known to nearly all people with common sense.o请翻译本句:o社会学研究的标准评论往往会不遗余力地 去证明那些大多数有常识的人已经知道了 的东西。 goes to great lengths tooto try very hard to achieve a result o-Hell go to great lengths to get the job done.o他将不遗余力去完成这項工作。oHe will go to any lengths

16、to get what he wants.Without exactly taking sides for or against that criticism,. (Para. 1) o我不想完全支持或反对此类评论, 我只是想描述一 项社会学考察活动, 这项活动似乎证实了上述论点 。 otake sides: If you take sides or take someones side in a conflict or war, you support one of the sides against the other. o-Mother took sides with Alice against Father in the disagreement. o在这场争辩中母亲支持爱丽丝反对父亲。



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