高中英语:unit3 looking good,feeling good单元学案牛津译林版必修1

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1、用心 爱心 专心ModuleModule 1 1 UnitUnit 3 3 LookingLooking good,good, feelingfeeling goodgood 学案(附学案(附练习答案)练习答案)学习目标预览学习目标预览Words:shame n. 羞愧 ashamed adj. 感到羞愧的 shameful adj. 可耻的 fail v. 失败 fail to do sth. /fail in doing sth 没能做成某事 failure U失败 C一个失败的人,一件失败的事 chemical adj. 化学的 n. 化学药品 chemistry n. 化学 chemi

2、st n. 化学家 attractive adj. 有吸引力的,漂亮的 attraction n. 吸引 attract v. 吸引 attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 operation n. 操作,手术 operate v. 手术;操作 operate on sb. 给某人动手术 pressure n. 压力;(精神上的)压力 press v. 压,挤,按;逼迫 n. 新闻 affect v. 影响 effect n. 效果;影响 have a good/bad effect on/upon sb./sth. 对某人/某物有好/ 坏影响 effective ad

3、j. 有效的 recognize v. 认出 recognization n. 识别,认出 recognized adj. 公认的 be recognized as 被公认为 relax v. 使放松 relaxing adj. 令人放松的 relaxed adj. 感到放松的 relax oneself 放松一下 relaxation n. 休闲,放松 harm n. 害处 do harm/damage to 给带来伤害 harmful adj. 有害的 be harmful to 对有害 harmless adj. 无害的 embarrass vt. 使人窘迫,使人为难 embarrass

4、ing adj. 令人为难的,使人局促不安的 embarrassed adj. 觉得不好意思的,发窘的 embarrassment n. 害羞,窘迫,难堪 regular adj. 规则的,常规的 irregular adj. 不规则的;不符合常规的 figure n.(从 0 到 9 的)数字;图形;(人的)身子,人影,体态;人物,名人;(雕刻、 绘画等的)人物像,肖像; v. 想,估计;计算,认为,判断; figure out 计算出;想出,理解,想明白 exercise vi. 锻炼,运动 chemical adj. 化学的,化学上用的 n. 化学物质;化学药品 chemistry n.

5、 化学 chemist n. 化学家,药剂师 operate vt. / vi. 运转,奏效(起作用) ,开动(机器等) ,操作,实施(管理) operation n. 手术,操作 seldom adv. 很少,不常 actor n. 演员 actress n. 女演员 properly adv. 适当地,合适地 proper adj. 合适的,适当的 consider 考虑;认为,把看作 considering 考虑到 consideration n. 考虑 take sth. into consideration 把考虑进去 achieve vt. 赢得,取得,获得;达到,实现,完成 ac

6、hieve high grades / progress / ones goal / ambition 获得高分;获得进步;实现理想 make great achievements 取得巨大的成就 risk n. 危险,风险 vt. 冒的危险用心 爱心 专心risk doing sth“冒险做某事” ,后接名词或动名词作宾语 at the risk of 冒之危险;不顾之风险 energy n. 精力;活力,干劲;能源;能量 full of energy 精力充沛 energetic adj. 精力充沛的 regular adj. 规则的,正规的,正式的;定期的,匀称的,有规律的;常规的 re

7、gularly adv. 有规律地;经常;定期地 control v. to operate, to start 使(机器等)运转,使运作,操作 to have the result or effect that you want; to be successful 产生(预期的结果、效果等) , (方法、计划等)进展顺利, (药物等)起作用,(身体器官、想法、计划等)发挥功能, We still dont really understand how the brain works. 我们仍然不太知道大脑是怎么运作 的。 Do you know how to work that machine

8、? 你知道怎样操作那部机器吗? The method didnt work well in practice. 这个方法实际上做起来没什么效果。 The medicine worked and the pain went away. 药效发挥,疼痛消失了。 你的主意听起来不错,但我觉得实际上行不通。 _.fail vi. aB. the; a C. a; 不填D. the; 不填 3.This experiment turned out to be _ failure, but, as we know, success often comes after _ failure. A. a; a

9、B. /; / C. a; / D. /; aadvice U The word advice is an uncountable noun meaning an opinion given to someone about what they should do in a particular situation. So we cant say an advice or some advices. a piece of advice (on) 一条建议/一项忠告 give/offer sb. a piece of / some advice on how to do sth. 关于如何做某事

10、给某人一条/一 些建议 follow / take ones advice 接受某人的意见;听从某人的建议 ask sb. for advice 向别人征求意见;向某人求教 refuse / turn a deaf ear to advice 不听劝告 turn to sb. for advice / help 向某人求教/求助 on sbs advice 按照某人的嘱咐办 Mr. Zhang has just given us a piece of advice on English study. I advise you to take his advice. 张老师刚给了我们一条关于英语

11、学习的建议,我劝你接受他的忠告。 Lets ask for the teachers advice on our English study. Before you take the medicine, you ought to study the directions or follows a doctors advice. 王老师就如何学习英语给我们提了一些很好的建议。 _. 她听从医生的劝告,戒了烟。 _. advise vt. advise sb. to do sth.; advise doing sth.; advise (sb.) against (doing) sth. (劝不要

12、). It can also lead an object clause, advise that-clause. She advised a visit to the exhibition. 他建议参观展览。 The teacher advised his students to work harder if they wanted to pass the examination. They advised us how to settle the problem. 他们就如何这一解决问题提出建议。 Would you advise me where I should spend my ho

13、lidays this summer? The lawyers have advised against signing the contract. 律师建议不要签订合同。 The teacher advised his students on how to make full use of their time. 这位老师指点学生 如何充分利用时间。 由于阴雨天气,我建议推迟举行运动会。 _. 医生劝我多参加锻炼。 _. Ex. 1.Professor Smith gave us a lot of advice _ learning maths. A. in B. on C. at D. f

14、or 2. I have some difficulty _ English. Why not ask Mr. Li for _ ? He is very good at it. A. learning; an advice B. to learn; advices C. in learning; some advice D. learning; some advices 3. The advice _ was really worth paying attention to. A. given B. made C. raised D. said 4.He advised _ until next week, but I advised that he _ to see the doctor at once. A. waiting; went B. to wait; go C. waited; go D. waiting; godamage v. to invent B. visiting; to have invented C. visiting; to invent D. to visit; having



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