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1、Unit 2 Book I Sailing Round the WorldTodays Learning ObjectiveuTo find out the main idea of the passageuTo learn some new words and expressionsColumbus, Christopher (1451-1506) Italian explorerHe discovered Americas in1492He completed the first circumnavigation of the globe(1519-1522).Magellan, Ferd

2、inand (1480-1521) Portuguese navigatorMagellans routeHis seven voyages opened trade and diplomatic ties for China with at least 35 countries bordering the Indian ocean.Zheng He or Cheng Ho (1371-1433) Chinese admiral, explorer, and diplomatBefore Reading_2.voyage challengenavigationadventurebraveryc

3、ourageexpeditionexplorationWhat words do you think of when we mention their names? Do you know any other famous navigators?Sir Francis Drake(1543 - 1596)The first Englishman to sail round the world (1577-1580).Sir Francis ChichesterFirst one-stop solo circumnavigation, 28,500 miles (45,600 km) in a

4、sailing time of 226 days (1966-1967) How old was Chichester when he began his solo voyage round the world? 65.Achievements before his voyage round the world:In 1929, he made a solo flight from London to Sydney in a biplane, 14,561 miles (23,297 km) in 182.5 flying hours. Total time, 41 days . biplan

5、e Before Reading_3.12In 1931, he made the first eastward flight across Tasman Sea from New Zealand to Australia.Before Reading_3.12In 1960, when he was 58,he won the first solo transatlantic ocean race sailing from Plymouth, England to New York City in 40 days.Plymouth to New York What do you think

6、of Chichester?He was a good pilot.He was an excellent sailor.He always sought a challenging life.He loved adventures.A:Q:CMZChChallenges during the first half of his voyage (para.3):The main steering device was damaged by gales.His condition when he arrived Sydney:His familys and friends attitude: H

7、is reaction:He could not walk without help.He had done enough; he must not go any further.He did not listen.Biggest challenge during the second half voyage:Cape HornI feel as if I had wakened from a nightmare. Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again. -F

8、rancis Chichester我觉得好像刚从噩梦中醒来,就是野马也休 想再把我拖回到合恩角和那凶险莫测的南大 洋去了。弗朗西斯奇切斯特 What do you learn from Chichesters story? After Reading_8.1Proverbs and Quotations1. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 2. No cross no crown. 无苦即无乐,不劳则不获。 3. Faith will move mountain. 有志者,事竟成。(信念能移动大山) 4. Perseverance

9、 is vital to success. 不屈不挠是成功之本 。1. Francis Chichester crossed the finishing line _.A ) late in the afternoonB ) about 9 p.m. C ) at midnightD ) at 8 in the eveningAfter Reading_3.1The following is the news coverage of Francis Chichesters homecoming given by BBC on May 28th, 1967. Listen to it twice

10、 carefully and then complete the exercise that follows. Directions:KEY Listening Comprehension3. He was received on shore by _.A ) the mayor of Plymouth B ) the Prime MinisterC ) the QueenD ) Prince Philip2. In order to welcome home the 65-year-old adventurer, _.A ) a quarter of one million people w

11、ere gathered around the port B ) thousands of small boats accompanied his yacht into the harbourC ) the Royal Artillery sounded a ten-gun saluteD ) all of the above After Reading_3.2KEY KEY After Reading_3.35. Francis Chichesters achievement lies in _.A ) his conquest of the great ocean single-hande

12、d B ) his conquest of his own fearC ) completing the round-the-world voyage at the age of 65D ) all of the above4. In reply to a question raised at the press conference, Francis Chichester said that what he wanted most after such a journey was _.A ) a bottle of the best champagneB ) a good rest in t

13、he best surroundingsC ) a good meal prepared by the best chef D ) a get-together with best friendsKEY KEY 1967: Sir Francis Chichester Sails HomeSir Francis Chichester has arrived in Plymouth tonight in his yacht, Gypsy Moth IV, after completing his epic single-handed voyage around the world. He cro

14、ssed the finishing line at 20:58, nine months and one day after setting off from the historic port.About 250,000 well-wishers cheered and sang, welcoming home the 65-year-old adventurer who has inspired the nation this past year. Thousands of small boats accompanied Gypsy Moth into Plymouth Harbour

15、119 days after it set sail from Sydney, Australia, the only stop in the great journey. They let off hooters and sirens as fire boats sprayed red, white and blue water. The Royal Artillery sounded a ten-gun salute. After Reading_3.1At the breakwater, Sir Francis was joined by his wife, Lady Chicheste

16、r, and son Giles who brought two bottles of champagne on board. Todays home-coming was carefully planned and he was met on shore by the Lord Mayor of Plymouth and other dignitaries and driven to the city hall. There, at a press conference, he was asked what he would like to do now. “What I would like after four months of my own cooking is the best dinner from the


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