欧阳俊林 面向对象的外语课堂设计

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《欧阳俊林 面向对象的外语课堂设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《欧阳俊林 面向对象的外语课堂设计(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、nAspects of Instruction Design in ESL Context- Learner-Oriented Considerations 面向对象的外语课堂设计安徽师范大学外国语学院 欧阳俊林Date1Pre-questioning:n关于优秀教学者的索问:n高学历=优秀的教师?n高职称=优秀的教师?n高水平=优秀的教师?Date2n关于合理教学过程的索问:n充分的知识提供=合理过程?n彻底的知识解构=合理过程?n学习者测试成绩=教学成就?Date3n关于“备课”的索问:n完备的教案=充分的备课?n丰富的课件=充分的备课?n多样的材料=充分的备课?Date4Language

2、 Instruction ApproachesnContent-based approach 内容教学法nCommunicative approach 交际教学法nAudio-Lingual approach 视听教学法nStructural Approach 结构教学法nTask-based Approach 任务型教学法nInteractive Approach 互动式教学法nTotal Physical Response Approach 全息反馈教学法nComprehensive Approach 综合教学法nProblem-based Approach 问题型教学法nCooperat

3、ive Approach 合作型教学法 我们是否以方法来实施课堂设计?Date5Instruction Design1- choice of the approach (选择教学方法) 2- the reason of the choice(提出选择的理由) 3- subjects (对象描述) 4- teaching objectives (具体教学目标) 5- procedures (教学流程) 6- evaluation (教学评价)Date6教学设计与过程优化教学设计理念教学设计目标教学设计方法教学过程优化教学效果评估Date7教学设计理念教学设计是运用系统方法,将教学理论与学习理论的

4、原理转 换成对教学目标与教学内容的分析、教学策略与教学 媒体的选择、教学活动的组织、以及教学评价等 教学环节进行具体计划的过程。教学设计是教师在教学理论、学习理论与教学实践之间架设 的一座桥梁。是把教学理论与学习理论转换为教学实 践并实现最佳教学效果的一门技术性科学。Date8关于外语教学的教学设计思想n外语教学的定位:娴熟的目标语能力nCommand of the target languagenComponents of language systemn静态的知识系统nComponents of language communicationn动态的技能系统nDemonstration of

5、 the language systemn知识系统的体现nRealization of the language communicationn技能系统的体现Date9n目标语能力的展现领域:nAspects of Demonstration and Realizationn语言理解能力Language perception smooth reception and comprehension of the language message in actual situation.n语言产出能力Language production appropriate output in actual si

6、tuation.n文化融会能力Acculturation and enculturation adaptation to the target culture for comprehensive proficiencyDate10教学设计目标n教学内容最佳处理nProcessing your teaching materials for the best input and intaken教学方式最佳选择nSelecting your teaching approaches to best effectn教学资源最佳配置nConfiguring your resources for best

7、resultn教学情绪最佳调动nActivating your learners emotive and affective state to the utmostDate11教学设计方法n材料的处理和分段设计nMaterial processing and partitionn时间与活动的初步筹划nTiming and schedulingn学习者合作模式和任务nLearners in cooperation for tasksn流程+步骤+组织=效率nProcedure+steps+organization=efficiencyDate12教学过程优化n时间控制手段nTime-contro

8、ln内容呈现切分nClassified presentationn学习者参与管理nParticipation managementn适时活动反馈nReal-time feedbackn课件有效辅助nCourseware as an aidDate13教学效果评估n过程与任务的协调nCoordination between procedure and taskn学习者期望值提升nLearner expectation enhancementn学习者参与量nParticipation quantityn学习者参与质nParticipation qualityDate14提示与建议n不宜把课堂当成教

9、师的“地盘”,只经营自己 的专业兴趣;n教师不是知识的专利拥有者,教师与学生分 享课堂和共同建构知识;n教学过程中不宜以整段地讲解、叫读和提问 来填塞时间;同样的问题一般不重复提问;n呈现的教学内容要客观全面,语言范例不要 轻易的自我制造,例句的内容可行性和交际 的可行性必须有把握;Date15n afraid 害怕的,怕的n1) Dont be afraid of snakes.n 别怕蛇。n2) She was afraid that she may lose her jobn 她担心会丢掉工作。n3) frightened 害怕的;受惊的 n The sound from the kit

10、chen frightened her.n 从厨房发出的声音使她很害怕。n4) Frightened children were calling for their mothers.n 受惊的孩子们呼喊著找妈妈。教学事例-1 “制造句子”Date16nfear n. 害怕;担心;恐惧;敬畏vt. 害怕;敬畏;为担心 例句:Yes, what you fear the most is fear itself.是啊,你最害怕的是恐惧本身。(取自教学观察,2010-5-24)Date17nexcited 激动的;兴奋的n例句:I know you must be very excited and h

11、appy. n 我知道你一定会非常激动和快乐。Date18nThey did not know where to go.n该怎样做是一个问题。nHow to do it is an question.n我实在不知道该写些什么。nI really dont know what to write about.以上例句在呈现与讲解时没有提供任何有 意义的符合学习者理解和生活体验的相关 事实。教师简单地依据词汇用法和无支撑 的“环境”来处理,缺乏设计的基本考量。 Date19Samples collected from Colins Cobuild DictionarynUS written When

12、 designing products, consider to consumer.“nUS written A contribution of $ 25 makes you a member of AAIA, but please consider making a $ 50 contribution to this one-time Emergency Appeal.nBR spoken They only have considering their miserable rest of lives,is there anything else for them to do? Well I

13、m sure there must be.nBR spoken Yeah it was very nice of him considering he didnt give me any rent I suppose thats not too bad.Date20教学事例-2n语句翻译多样化与技能扩展选自课堂教学观察 (2009-11-5)Date21n1. 京广线是我国南北交通大动脉,其重要性 是不可低估的。nThe Beijing-Guangzhou Railway is the artery of Chinas N-S communication, whose importance c

14、an never be reduced/belittled/ignored.nThe strategic position/significance of the Beijing -Guangzhou Railway can never be over- estimated in Chinas N-S communication.nThe significance of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway is overwhelming in Chinas N-S communication/ transportation.Date222. 只有通过艰苦的环境和复杂的生

15、活才能磨砺我们的 意志,练就我们的才能nOnly through hard environment and complex life can we hone our will and train our abilities.nOur will power and abilities can only be honed through hard environment and complex life realities.nOur will power and competence can only be honed in hard environment of complex life.nHa

16、rd environment of complex life endows us with will power and competence.Date233. 尽管一生充满坎坷,丁玲把生活的真善美淋漓尽致 地反映在她的作品中nDing Ling fully expresses her truth, goodness, and beauty in her work, although her life was full of setbacks and hardships.nDing Lings sense of truth, goodness, and beauty is fully expressed in her work, in spite of her life-long setbacks and hardships.nAn unsmooth life of Ding Ling



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