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1、 非谓语非谓语:不作谓语,是改写从句的一种形式。He told us that we should go to school.He told us to go to school.This is the story that is told by her.This is the story told by her .When I was young, I also liked games. Being young, I also liked games.He came home and cried(并列句). He came home, crying.非谓语动词动名词 v-ing分词现在分词

2、v-ing过去分词 p.p动词不定式 to do主语宾语定语状语补语表语动名词不定式分词主动进行用现分 被动完成用过分 目的将来不定式 用途性质用动名1.Swimming is his favorite sport. 2.He enjoys swimming. 3.His favorite sport is swimming.4.The swimming pool in our village is being built. (作主语)(作主语)(作宾语)(作宾语)(作表语)(作表语)(作定语)(作定语)动名词enjoyenjoy finishfinish practicepractice m

3、indmind avoidavoid suggestsuggest admitadmit escapeescape missmiss imagineimagine riskrisk+ +doingdoing作宾语作宾语adviseadvise considerconsider allowallow permitpermit forbidforbid+ +doingdoingsb. to dosb. to do注意look forward tolook forward to cant helpcant help be used tobe used to cant stand cant stand

4、 have funhave fun feel like feel like give upgive up put offput off pay attention topay attention to have difficulty (in)have difficulty (in) insist oninsist on lead tolead to devote to devote to object to object to + + doingdoinglike like love love preferprefer startstart beginbegin continuecontinu

5、e+ +doingdoingto doto do4 4forgetforget rememberremember regretregret stopstop trytry meanmean go ongo on+ +doingdoingto doto do5 5needneed want want requirerequire deservedeserve be worthbe worth+ +doingdoingto be doneto be done6 6动词不定式1. To see you is glad.=It is glad to see you. 2.I want to see y

6、ou.3.I want him to see you. 4.My hope is to see you.(作主语)(作宾语)(作宾补)(作表语)常用it 作形式主语(作定语)(作原因状语)(作目的状语)(作结果状语)5.He has no time to see you.6.Im glad to see you.7.Im coming to see you.8.He went so early as to see you9. To look at him, you would like him.(作条件状语)句型1:It is adj. for/of sb. to do sth.It is +

7、 adj + for sb to do sth It is + adj + of sb to do sth(是形容人的品质的 )(是形容事物的性质的 )Eg. It is easy for me to finish this work before ten.It is a great honor for us to be present at your birthday party. (1)作主语 It is very kind of you to give me some help.Its impolite of you to speak to the teacher like that.句

8、型2:It + 谓语 + to do句型3:Its + n. + to doIt takes us an hour _ get there by bus.Its our duty _ help the poor.1.常见动词有:口诀:想要决定同意,希望许诺选择want/intend/mean, decide/determine, agree, hope/wish/expect, promise, choose(2)作宾语 (1) They wanted _(get) on the bus, didnt (1) They wanted _(get) on the bus, didnt they?

9、they? (2) He said he wished _( be ) a professor.(2) He said he wished _( be ) a professor. (3) I agreed_ ( go ) there with the doctor.(3) I agreed_ ( go ) there with the doctor. (4) He had promised _ ( give ) me a hand.(4) He had promised _ ( give ) me a hand.2.见动名词用法want expect wishwant expect wish

10、 allow advise ask allow advise ask cause force begcause force beg encourageencourage invite order invite order warn remindwarn remind permit promisepermit promise request persuade request persuade sb. to dosb. to do(3)作宾补 分词1.Make less noise,theres a sleeping child. We only sell used books.2.The you

11、ng man sitting between John and Mary is the headmaster of our school.The bridge built last month needs repairing.3.She was too frightened to move.What you said is really inspiring. 2.作后置定语3.作表语1.作前置定语I saw him caught by the police. I heard them singing in the classroom.4.作补语现在分词表主动进行,过去分词表被动完成1. See

12、ing from the top of the tower, we can see a beautiful factory. 2.Seen from the top of the tower, the factory looks beautiful. 3. Hearing the bad news, they couldnt help crying. 4. Given more time, we could do it better. 5.作状语HearingHearing the bad news, the bad news, theythey couldnt help crying. co

13、uldnt help crying.When theyWhen theyheard the heard the bad newsbad news分词作状语:GivenGiven more attention more attention, ,the trees the trees could have grown could have grown better. better.If they had If they had been given more been given more attentionattentionBeingBeing so angry so angry, , hehe

14、 couldnt go to sleep. couldnt go to sleep.Because he was so angryBecause he was so angryTheyThey came into the classroom, came into the classroom, singing and laughingsinging and laughing. .and they were and they were Singing and laughingSinging and laughingTo serveTo serve the people well, the peop

15、le well,I I study hard. study hard.In order In order to serve the people to serve the people well well将下列状语从句改为非谓语将下列状语从句改为非谓语 短语作状语:短语作状语: 1. 1. Because she was moved byBecause she was moved bythe hero the hero, she decided to , she decided to study harder. study harder.Moved by the hero,Moved by the hero,2. 2. When he found the doorWhen he found the doorlocked, locked, he went home. he went home.Finding the door locked,Finding the door locked,He started early He started early in order that in order that he could get there on time he could get there on time. .to get there



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