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1、阅读理解应注意的问题1忌不带问题。做阅读理解题时,应先把文章后 面所给的考查题浏览一遍,然后带着这些问题进 行阅读。边阅读边选出考查表层情况问题的答案 ,从而提高阅读效果。2忌草率行事。在设计理解题时,设计者往往 在四个选项中设计出一个似是而非的答案。这样 答案干扰性特别强,容易迷惑考生。如果在发现 一个看似正确答案时就草率定案,往往会掉进设 计者设置的“陷阱”里。处理的方法是:对所给四 个备选答案进行分析比较,在理解理解阅读材料 内容的基础上进行去伪存真,方可选出正确答案 。 *3忌主观印象。少数阅读不明确题只需根 据生活常识就可选出答案,而绝大多数则不 然,考生必须按照原文来选定答案。因此

2、, 考生在做后一种测试题时,一定要排除自身 的生活经验、经历和已有的知识等主观因素 的干扰,按照文章实际反映的情况来选择答 案。 4忌囫囵定案。所谓囫囵定案是指考生 在未完全读懂文章时就匆忙定案,结果往往 选错答案。因此,尚未读懂的地方如果时间 允许的话,一定要慢速多读几遍,直到读懂 时再定答案。 *5忌忽略时间。做阅读理解题时,一定要从 整体上控制时间,时间分配根据文章的难易程 度有别。文中一两处没弄懂的地方可以暂且放 置一边,等把全部题做完后,再回头来处理。 因为做完题后,你的心情相对放松了往往会产 生新的思路、新的灵感。即使做完题后时间所 剩无几了,你再把未处理的题猜测一下也不晚 ,因为

3、你仍然有选对的可能性。总而言之,阅 读理解靠的是扎实的语言基础。*l1 On Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon(气球) .They started early in London. The headman was Augusta Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way. Datel Soon they heard the sea. They were

4、carrying the usual rope(绳 子),and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight(重量) .It was for use over the sea. They were also carrying some bags of sand. Date

5、l After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 meters, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the mens basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the i

6、cy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice. DatelAt last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get

7、 away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 meters! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had traveled 1,797 kilometers from London! Datel1. Three men flew in balloon _. A. for nearly 1,800 kilometers B. to another city C. t

8、o visit Poland D. more than a century ago l2. The metal box was used for _. A. carrying the bags of sand B. keeping drinking-water C. carrying ropes of the basket D. changing weight Datel3. When the balloon went up higher, _. A. the temperature of the balloon began to fall B. They saw the sun go dow

9、n C. They made a hole in the basket with their knives D. They could see a black hole on the ground l4. The balloon landed _. A. in London B. on the sea C. on a lake D. in a foreign countryDatel5. Which of the following is NOT true?_ A. The three men started their journey before the sun rose. B. The

10、balloon began to go up when they threw bags of sand out of the basket. C. When they pulled the box into the basket, the balloon began to climb up. D. The three men had to land because they felt cold. Datel答案:1.A 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B Datel2Nasreddin put two big baskets of grapes on his donkey and went to

11、market. At midday it was very hot, so he stopped in the shade of a big tree. There were several other men there, and all of them had donkeys of grapes too. After their lunch they went to sleep. After some time, Nasreddin began to take grapes out of the other mens baskets and to put them in his.Datel

12、 Suddenly one of the men woke up and saw him. “What are you doing? “he said angrily.“Oh, “said Nasreddin, “dont worry about me. I am half mad, and I do a lot of strange things.“Oh, really? “said the other man. “Then why dont you sometimes take grapes out of your baskets and put them in somebody else

13、s baskets?“You did not understand me,“ said Nasreddin. I said that I was half mad, not quite mad.“ Multiple choiceDatel( )1.Nasreddin went to market_.A. to sell his donkey B. to buy something C. to sell his grapes D. to find a job ( ) 2. Nasreddin stopped_.A. under a big tree B. near a big tree C. a

14、round a big tree D. in a big tree l ( )3.As Nasreddin was taking away the other mens grapes one of the men_.A. pretended not to see him B. saw him and got angry C. woke his fellows up D. came at him Datel( )4.Nasreddin said that he did a lot of strange things because_.A. he was clever B. he was quit

15、e mad C. he was foolish D. he was half mad ( )5.In this story Nasreddin was _.A. a selfish man B. a strange man C. a friendly man D. a foolish manDatel3 Nasreddin woke up in the middle of the night and saw something white in his garden. It seemed to be moving towards the house.“That is a thief(小偷)! He thought, and he took his gun and shot(开枪) at him. Then he went back to bed, because he was too frightened害 怕) to go out of the house in the dark.DatelThe next morning Nasreddin went out and saw one of his w


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