Project Management 專案管理

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《Project Management 專案管理》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Project Management 專案管理(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Project Management 專案 管理Project ControlMr. K.K. Chan PMPChief Staff Officer / ENTDProject Management Process GroupsoInitiatingoPlanningoExecutingoMonitoring & ControllingoClosingObjectives of the Control PhaseoIdentify potential problems timelyoIdentify variance from the planoCorrective actionoContr

2、ol changesProject Monitoring & Controlling o整合管理: Monitor & Control Project Worko整合管理: Integrated change controlo範圍管理: Scope Verificationo範圍管理: Scope Controlo時間管理: Schedule Controlo成本管理: Cost Controlo質量管理: Perform Quality Controlo人事管理: Manage Project Teamo溝通管理: Performance Reportingo溝通管理: Manage Sta

3、keholderso風險管理: Risk Monitoring and Controlo採購管理: Contract Administration整合管理: Monitor and Control Project WorkInput 依 據:oProject Management PlanoWork performance informationoRejected Change Request 整合管理: Monitor and Control Project WorkOutput 成 果:oRecommended corrective actionsoRecommended Preventi

4、ve actionsoForecastsoRecommended defect repairoChange Request 整合管理: Integrated Change ControlInput 依 據:oProject Management PlanoChange Request oWork performance informationoRecommended Preventive actionsoRecommended corrective actionsoDeliverables整合管理: Integrated Change ControlOutput 成 果:oApproved c

5、hange requestsoRejected change requestsoProject management plan (updates)oProject scope statement (updates)oApproved corrective actionsoApproved preventive actionsoDeliverables範圍管理: Scope ControloInfluencing the factors that create project scope changesoControlling the impact of those changesoManage

6、 the change when they occur時間管理: Schedule ControloDetermining the current statusoInfluencing the factors that create schedule changesoDetermining that the project schedule has changedoManaging the actual changes as they occur Schedule BaselineDuration Estimatingo工時估算:(最快 + 正常x4 + 保守)/ 6 o如發覺難以估算時間,則

7、需再行分解工作Example:oO: 6 daysoN: 10 daysoP: 17 dayso工時估算 = (6+10x4+17)/6 = 10.5 daysTechnique of Project Time ManagementScheduling:oTasks, their dependence, and SequenceoDuration EstimatingnEarliest Start (ES)nEarliest Finish (EF)nLatest Start (LS)nLatest Finish (LF)oControl the Critical Path Tasks (ES=

8、LS) 關鍵任務:所有只可在最早開工日期開始的任務;擔 延任何關鍵任務會令整體延遲完成!Time CompressionoFast TrackingnSplit a task into smaller tasksnand arrange them in steps and in parallelnNo additional costoCompressionnAdd more resources to complete a jobnInvolve more cost & resourcesAll compression involve additional risk!成本管理: Cost Con

9、troloMonitoring cost performance to detect and understand variances from the cost baseline oAssuring that potential cost overruns do not exceed the authorized funding oPreventing incorrect, inappropriate, or unapproved changes from being included in the reported cost or resource usageoAction to brin

10、g expected cost overruns within acceptable limits CHANGE CONTROL:oInfluencing the factors that create changes to the cost baselineoEnsuring requested changes are agreed uponoManaging the actual changes when and as they occuroRecording all appropriate changes accurately against the cost baselineoInfo

11、rming appropriate stakeholders of approved changes Earned Value Method 掙值分 析oPV: Planned ValueoEV: Earned ValueoAC: Actual CostoSchedule Variance: EV-PVoSchedule Performance Index: EV/PVoCost Variance: EV-ACoCost Performance Index: EV/ACProject Performance Measurement oSPI 1 means ahead of scheduleo

12、CPI 1 within budget, cost savingForecast of Total Cost:oEAC (Estimation At Completion)nEAC using CPI = AC + (BAC-EV) / CPInEAC using remaining budget = AC + PV- EVExampleA project of producing 1,200 pens $1.- in 12 months. At the 8th month:oPV: $800 (1,200/12x8)oEV: $700 (only 700 pens were produced

13、)oAC: $900 (actual cost paid for the project)oSchedule Variance: EV-PV = -$100oSchedule Performance Index: EV/PV = 0.88oCost Variance: EV-AC = -$200oCost Performance Index: EV/AC = 0.78ResultoOnly working at 88% efficiencyo Spending only with 78% resultForecast of Total Cost:oEAC = AC + (BAC-EV)/CPI

14、 = 900+(1,200-700)/0.78 = $1,541oi.e. Over-budget by $341質量管理: Perform Quality ControloResults comply with quality standardsoIdentifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory resultsProject results: Both deliverables and PM results, i.e. cost & schedule performanceTools for Quality ControloCaus

15、e and effect diagramoControl ChartsoFlowchartingoHistogramoPareto chartoRun chartoScatter diagramoStatistical samplingoInspectionoDefect repair review人事管理: Manage Project TeamoTracking team member performanceoProviding feedbackoResolving issuesoCoordinating changesTools for HRMoObservation and conve

16、rsationoProject performance appraisalsoConflict managementoIssue log溝通管理: Performance ReportingoCollection of baseline dataoDistribution of performance informationoReport how resources are being used to achieve project objectivesnScope, time, cost, quality, riskTools for Performance ReportingoInformation presentation toolsoPerformance information gathering and compilationoStatus review meetingsoTime report sy



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