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1、三级笔译测试方俊柏 英语翻译系Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies UniversityA.English-to-ChineseTest 9三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese1)Want to travel faster than light? According to one of the most sacred principles of physics, thats impossible.你想飞得比光还快吗?根据物理学的 一个最神圣的原则,这是不可能的。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to

2、-Chinese 2)In a vacuum, light travels at 186,282 miles per second, and in a medium like air or water, it goes only a bit slower, which is why when you turn on your bedside lamp, you dont have to wait half an hour before the light gets to your pillow. 光在真空中的运行速度为每秒186,282英里 ,而在一个像空气或水这样的介质中,它行 进的速度稍微

3、有点慢,这就是为什么当你打 开床头灯后,要让光到达你的枕头,你用不 着等半小时。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese 3)But now it turns out that with the right equipment, scientists can get light to go very, very slowly as slow as 38 miles per hour. They think they can get it to move even slower, around two hundredths of a mile per hour.但人们发现

4、,使用合适的设备,科学家就可 以使光行进得非常非常缓慢慢到每小时 只行走38英里。科学家认为,他们可以使光 行进的速度甚至比这更慢,达到每小时约二 百分之一英里。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese4)Putting the brakes on light might have applications years down the road, but right now its a fascinating new physical property.Put the/a brake on对加以延缓;缩减;限制三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chin

5、ese4)Putting the brakes on light might have applications years down the road, but right now its a fascinating new physical property.对光速加以限制也许多年后会得到广 泛应用,但现在这仍然是一个新发现 的、令人神往的物理性质。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese5)To get there, physicists led by Lene Vestergaard Hau of the Rowland Institute for Scienc

6、e in Cambridge, Mass., used a tiny blob of supercooled sodium, activated with a laser at a particular wavelength.blob n. 一滴,一团;小斑点;光泡,气泡;(不规则形状)滴液三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese5)To get there, physicists led by Lene Vestergaard Hau of the Rowland Institute for Science in Cambridge, Mass., used a ti

7、ny blob of supercooled sodium, activated with a laser at a particular wavelength.本句是一个简单句。 主体句式 Physicists used a tiny blob.不定式表目的,“to get there”并不是说“要到达那里”, 而是说“要达到那一步”;谓语是“used”;“a blob of”的意思是“一滴,一团”; “activated”的用法同“led”一样,之前省去了“which was”,用来修饰“sodium”。主语是“physicists”,“led by”之前其实省去了“who were”,

8、这就变成了过去分词来修饰名词“physicists”;三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese5)To get there, physicists led by Lene Vestergaard Hau of the Rowland Institute for Science in Cambridge, Mass., used a tiny blob of supercooled sodium, activated with a laser at a particular wavelength.为了达到这一步,马萨诸塞州剑桥市罗兰 科学研究所的莱内维斯特加德豪教授领 导

9、的一个物理学家小组使用了特定波长激 光激活的极其微小的一(滴)团超冷钠。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese6)A second laser can then be fired through the normally opaque sodium; it passed through, but not much faster than a racehorse can run.然后,通过通常不透明的钠发射第二 束激光,光线虽能通过,但它运动的 速度不会比一匹赛马更快。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese7)The experiment, r

10、eported in last weeks issue of the journal Nature, took advantage of a peculiar property called electromagnetically induced transparency.electromagnetically induced transparency 电磁诱导增透性;电磁诱导透明这项实验在上周的一期自然杂志 上做了报道。这项实验利用的是一种 被称作电磁诱导增透性的特殊性质。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese8)Every element has a certai

11、n color of light with which it interacts most strongly. Light at that exact wavelength would normally be totally absorbed. 每个元素都有某种与它强烈互动的光色 。这个波长上的光通常被完全吸收。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese9)For sodium, the stuff these researchers used, its the yellow of common street lights. But a laser at a slight

12、ly different wavelength, called a coupling beam, can alter the quantum properties of the atoms so they no longer absorb that wave length.而研究人员所使用的钠材料的颜色,是像普 通的街灯一样的黄颜色。但一束波长稍稍不 同的激光(被称为耦合光束)可把原子的量 子性质改变得使原子不能再吸收该波长。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese10)The quantum seas part, and a laser at the waveleng

13、th that should have been absorbed passed through unfettered.大量的量子进行分离,在这个本应被吸收 的波长上的激光束便毫无阻挡地通过。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese12)All transparent substances slow down the light that moves through them thats why light seems to bend, or refract, when it passes from air to water. 一切透明物质都会减缓通过它的光的 运动速度

14、这就是为什么当光由空 中进入水中时,光看上去似乎被弯曲 或折射的道理。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese13)Electromagnetically induced transparency, says Stanford physicist Steve Harris, spectacularly alters sodiums refractive.斯坦福大学的物理学家史蒂夫哈 里斯说,电磁诱导增透性可以令 人惊奇地改变钠的折射性质。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese14)Light takes seven microseconds t

15、o cross a sample only eight thousandths of an inch long; in the vacuum of space, light would go more than a mile in the same time.光穿过只有八千分之一英寸长的试样 需要7微秒,而在空间真空中,光在 同样长的时间内可能会行走一英里多 。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese15)The sodium slows light the most if its in a special state, a quantum curiosity call

16、ed a Bose-Einstein condensate.Bose-Einstein condensate玻色爱因斯坦凝聚(态)如果使钠处在一个特别的状态,即被称作 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态的奇特的量子状态 ,钠对光的减速作用最大。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese16)Its created when atoms are cooled until they stop moving almost entirely. The atoms merge; the quantum wave functions that define them combine into one.这种结果是在原子被冷却到几乎完全停止 运动时产生的。原子融合;限制原子运动 的量子波的功能融合为一个。三级笔译测试Test 9A.English-to-Chinese17)“You need a very pure gas, very cold, and the atoms in it cant be colliding with each


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