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1、 buy some drinks and snacks invite your friends make breakfast take care of go to the store stay out late play with 买饮料和小吃 邀请你的朋友 做早餐 照顾 去商店 在外呆得很晚 与谁一起玩 borrow some money forget to do come over work on do the shopping get a ride 借点钱 忘记做某事 过来 从事 购物 搭车ThomasThomas is going to join Sandys party, but h

2、is parents are not at home ,so he needs somebody to look after his dog.take care of the dogtake him for a walk wash the dogGive him water and feed him .feedPlay with him .Dont forget to clean his bed .3a Read the e-mail message. Which things are about exercise? Cleaning? Food? Complete the chart.Nan

3、cy,Thanks for _my dog. Could you please do these things every day? _. Give him water and_. Then wash his bowl. Play _him. Dont forget_. Have fun! See you next week. Thanks, Thomas照看,照顾喂养,饲养taking care ofTake him for a walk feed himwithto clean his bed3a Read the e-mail message. Which things are abou

4、t exercise? Cleaning? Food? Complete the chart.Nancy,Thanks for taking care of my dog. Could you please do these things every day? Take him for a walk. Give him water and feed him. Then wash his bowl. Play with him. Dont forget to clean his bed. Have fun! See you next week.Thanks, ThomasExerciseClea

5、ningFoodtake him for a walk.play with him. wash his bowl.clean his bed. give him water and feed him.Ask some questions1. Who wrote the e-mail?2. Who is going to care of Thomas dog.3. What should Nancy do every day?Thomas wrote the letter.Nancy is going to take care of his dog.(1) Take him for a walk

6、. (2) Give him water and feed him.(5) Clean his bed(3) Wash his bowl(4) Play with him3b Sandy wants Dave to help her with her party. Complete this e-mail message from Sandy to Dave. Look at the chart in activity 2b for ideas. Dave,Mom says I can have the school party at my house. I need some help. W

7、hen you come over on Saturday, could you help me sweep the floor? _ _ _Thanks,SandyCould you clean the living room with me? And I need to move the good chairs to the bedroom, could you help me move the good chairs to the bedroom?Self check1 Fill in the blanks with the words given.hate take care of w

8、ork on use forget1. I doing the dishes. Its too boring.2. Im going to my English project and then meet my friends.3. My mom gets really angry when I toclean my room.4. Can I your dictionary, please? Mine is at home.5. Could you my cat when Imon vacation?hatework onforgetusetake care ofDear Li Ming,M

9、y parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow. I went to your house, but you werent in. I need some help. Could you please feed my dog? And could you_ _ _ _ _take a shower for him? Take him for a walk every day. Dont forget to water the flowers. And could you please clean my room? Thanks Lin HuiKey

10、 sentence structures Could you( please) + V-原形? 表示委婉地提出请求,要求 1. Could you pleas take out the trash? Yes, sure. Sorry, I cant. I have to make the bed and do the laundry. 2. Could I borrow the car? Yes, you can. No, you cant. I need it. I have to go to a meeting.棋牌1880年在英国创立,英文名称:Halma(希腊文“跳跃”的意思),最初的

11、棋盘是正方形的,共有256格,开始时棋子分布在四个角落,以最 快跳到对角为目标,规则和中国棋牌雷同。不久就有人改成星形棋盘,由一间德国公司Ravensburger取得专利,称为Stern-Halma。20世纪30年代 起在美国开始流行,并改了Chinese Checkers(中国棋牌)的名字。当这种棋子传到中国时,称为波子棋,实质上棋牌并不是起源于中国。 ; http:/ 易火棋牌 jbh02lcf 棋牌是世界上最古老、最普及的智力游戏之一。关于棋牌的第一本书早在1531年就已经在威尼斯出版。在棋牌基础上发展起来的国际棋牌在许多 国家受到欢迎。国际棋牌联合会已经有50多个会员国。些,她心中那些

12、不切实际的想法,也就渐渐地暂时放了下来。只是从今以后,再也不会弹筝罢了。冰凝暗暗下定了决心。不出众人所料,冰凝顺 利地通初选、复选,明天就是终选,尘埃落定的日子。第壹卷 第三十四章 变天王爷早就知道今天这个重要的日子,因此,提前好几天就安排好 了手下,壹待选秀结束立即通知他,因为他要壹刻都不能耽误,立即请皇阿玛赐婚。由于已经知道了入选秀女名单,他并没有什么紧张情绪,相 反倒很是神闲气定,唯壹就是觉得时间过得太慢了。此刻他正在衙门里跟下属商量最近的事情,忽然,秦顺儿壹反常态地由外面直接冲进了屋子 ,而不是象往常那样先在门外请示:“爷,爷,大事不好了。”“什么事情这么慌里慌张的,怎么这么不懂规矩!

13、这么多大人在这里,本王的脸 都让你给丢尽了!”“爷,真的出事儿了!”秦顺儿顾不得王爷冲他发火,急急火火地回着话,可是,见这屋子的人,他又不能当着众人的面说 出来,急得面红耳赤,手足无措。本来壹路小跑过来就已经汗流浃背,再这么壹着急,仿佛那脑袋顶上都在蒸着热汗。壹向办事机灵的秦顺儿此 时这么反常,王爷也知道可能真是有什么事情,但是当着这么多的大臣,他又不便问内容,只好满怀歉意地对在场的人说:“各位大人,本王有 点儿急事儿,暂且离开壹会儿,请各位先行商议,待本王处理完再予商讨。”“好的,王爷,您先忙,在下先行商议就是。”出了屋子,还不待 王爷发话,秦顺儿就附上王爷的耳朵:“爷,今天万岁爷亲自参加了

14、!”“参加了什么?”“选秀啊!”“你说什么?”“万岁爷亲自参加了选 秀!”壹听这话,他浑身的血液齐齐地直往头上涌!皇阿玛将近有三十来年没有亲自参加过选秀,全都委托了佟贵妃娘娘,为什么这壹次突然亲 自参加了?这个出乎意料的情况,几乎将王爷震惊了!虽然年姑娘家世显赫,不应入了皇阿玛的法眼,但是,亲自面试的变数就太大了。就凭玉 盈姑娘弹得这壹手好筝,他也能知道,她是壹个极具才情的人!再加上年家花重金请来嬷嬷进行了亲传身教,玉盈该是壹个多么出色的秀女,被 皇阿玛留牌的可能性太大了!越想,王爷越是不敢往下想,越想,他越是冷汗淋漓,这个情况大大出乎他的意料,将他的如意算盘全部打乱,第 壹次,他深深地陷入了



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