英语语音语调-- 宏展

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1、纯正美语发音速成动听悦耳美语的秘密吕宏展Louie Call 82604033-230WHEN YOU NEED MY HELP 24-26发音的重要性发音是一个人外语水平的门面,优美的发音会 为你带来意想不到的惊喜。 发音是通往英语成功之路的龙门,翻不过去永 远是鲤鱼(聋哑英语)发音是语言的灵魂,没有发音就没戏。发音不过关,就无法更快产生兴趣,形成语感 。发音不过关就永远建立不了开口讲英语的信心 和勇气。24-26语音课程的学习方法和安排发音体系:1. 单音的发音2. 连读3. 重音4. 英语的语调24-26We lead, others copy.1. bet bat bite 近似音的对

2、比。 /bet/ /bt/ /bait/ 强化意念法听力分辨联系和跟读模仿。单音发音时 基础。2. 连读和重音。Class starts at eight.关键词与重读24-263.语调,语言当中情感的表达当不习惯不舒服的感觉来临时,告诉自己, 太棒了,我正在成长!当有错误、失败、挫折来临时,告诉自己, 太棒了,我又有成长空间了 -华旗人When the feeling of stress and depression comes, we are telling ourselves: Great! Growing time!Once meeting the difficulty and fai

3、lure, we tell ourselves: Fantastic! More growing space!24-26Making aigo a well-known international brand.The thought of failure does not come out when people are doing their level best. It just exists in the head of those who are not trying their best.24-264.朗读中的缩读和弱读- 听力的难点What are you going to do

4、when you get out of here?going to - gonna want to - wannaget out of - gedda-ou-dov24-26英语是说出来的!拿出空杯精神,回到婴儿状态 。享受模仿,追求完美;轻松游戏,乐此不疲;好奇开放,聚精会神;勇于尝试,坚持不懈。24-26All it takes is practice.If I tell you, you will forget. If I show you, you will remember.If I get you involve, you will understand.Experiential

5、Learning 体验式学习说给他听,做给他看,再让他做一遍。24-26纯正发音的五大秘招 1用口腔的后半部分发音,这是饱满, 浑厚悦耳动听英文的秘密. possible popular about promise Lets try our best to make impossible possible! Obstacles are what you will see when you take your eyes off your goal. Can you feel the love tonight.24-262 洋腔洋调的秘密:五腔并用,源 于用气。用丹田(腹部)的力量,中 文用力,英

6、文用气。We dont need any more promises, we need to keep the promises we already made.Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.Nike, no games, only sports.Make your voice heard.- Erisson24-263. 大声朗读,改善发音,增强记忆,逐渐形成说 英语的发音器官和口腔肌肉。运用腔体的共鸣( 颅、鼻、口、喉、胸、腹),改善音质,增添魅 力。I really need a l

7、ong vacation. Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly.99.9% depression PersistenceMaking aigo a well-known international brand .Home away from home.Learning English is really interesting.24-264.谈吐自如,地道优雅流畅的关键- 一口超凡底气 ,人生的伟大财富。“一口 气训练法”When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by

8、dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.If only our team has scored one more point.Take it easy.Would you please bring me a cup of coffee?24-26Olympic Games You are my adversary, but you are not my enemy. For your resistance gives me strength, your wi

9、ll gives me courage, your spirit ennobles me. And though I aim to defeat you, should I succeed I will not humiliate you. Instead, I will honor you. For without you, I am a lesser man.5. 一盘磁带,一篇文章,反复模仿,彻底背诵,并且 无限逼近磁带的原版味道。语音语调就彻底突破。人 生的第一关一旦突破,自信心,成就感马上建立,后 面的路都会统统倒于脚下。 学英语本身没有那么复杂,太多的东西可以自然学会 。24-26

10、忌乱读,一定要有标准录音带跟读,模仿 。忌乱喊,一定要有感情的大声读,学会正 确呼吸,运用腹部的力量。(吸:憋:呼 =1:4:2)忌快,一定要由慢开始,做到清晰,自然 。忌不听就读,机械重复;在听熟的基础上 不断跟读对比,直到完美;重复过程中, 注意语气语调,并想象语言环境。忌不查音标不求甚解;查然后明白,悟然 后内化。学习发音的五个警戒24-26发音的13大规律 一、长元音和双元音要超过两秒钟。 1. I m crazy about Chinese food.(我喜欢吃中国菜) 2. Id like to buy a bicycle for my sister.( 我想给我妹 妹买辆自行车)

11、 Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything.(选定目标并坚持到底就能改变一切)24-26二、短元音收小腹只有收小腹才能保证短元音的短促有力。1.difficult This question is very difficult.(这个问题很难) 2.pretty Your English is pretty good.( 你的英语很好) 3. minute Please wait a minute.(请等一会儿) 4. develop China is a developing country.(中国是发展中国家) 5. wom

12、en Woman live longer than men in most countries. (在多数国家妇女的寿命比男人的长)24-26三、大嘴练习法超级饱满合口双元 /ai/ 1.Would you like some ice cream? 2. My flight leaves at nine thirty-five. 3. I will fly to China tonight. 鬼哭狼嚎音 /au/ 1. There is no doubt about it. 2. I found a mouse in my house last night. 3. Open your mout

13、h and pronounce the sound loudly. 4. 感叹祖国美好山河音 / 5. This is an impossible goal. 6. Please give me your honest opinion. What do you think. 7. She is not very popular in our school.24-26最疯狂最典型的美国发音/ /If you exaggerate, you will sound fantastically American!Im so glad that nothing bad has happened.Look

14、 at that fat ass on that fat man.She deserves a pat on the back.Back to back defeats made him sad.Laughter has no foreign accent.He who laughs last laughs best.24-26More ExamplesThe manager was hired at a handsome salary.We must take action before it is to late.We will have a fat chance to win the g

15、ame on Saturday.Such men are the backbone of the country.Stop picking on me and get off my back. Man! Ive had it.24-26Super ChallengeThere was a bad traffic accident. That hacker ran into the back of my van and killed my cat. Too bad it wasnt my wife because I loved my cat.发生了一起糟糕的交通事故。出租车撞 到了我面包车的后

16、背,撞死了我的猫。 太遗憾了,死的不是我太太,因为我爱 我的猫。24-26四、爆破音的强大气 流 /p/ /b/ 气流由双唇冲出; /t/ /d/ 气流由舌尖和上齿龈之间冲出; /k/ /g/ 气流由舌后部和软腭之间冲出。 1. people Were there many people at the party? 2. newspaper He is a newspaper reporter. 3. important He is an important person in our country. 4. polite Please be polite. 5. popular American English is more popular in China 24-26五、咬嘴唇集中练 习法1. I really need a lo


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