高三英语上学期第二单元 语言点

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1、Unit 2 word study 1.suggest vt. 1. 建议,提议+v-ing+(that虚拟)+wh- I suggest our going to the park on Sunday.我建议我们星期天去公园。 The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day. 牙医建议她改天再来。 2. 暗示;启发+(that陈述) Her expression suggested pleasure./that she was pleased. 她面露喜色。 3. 使人想起,使人联想到(+to)That cloud sugge

2、sts a boat to me.那朵云使我联想到船。2. puzzle vt. 1. 使迷惑;使为难,使窘困 What puzzles me is why they didnt show up.令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。 He looked a little puzzled.他看上去有点困惑。 His recent behavior puzzles me.他最近的行为使我迷惑不解。 2. 苦思而得出(+out) I could not puzzle out her intentions.我猜不出她的意图。 We finally puzzled out the meaning of

3、the poem.我们苦苦思索终于理解这首诗的意思。 vi. 1. 感到迷惑(+at)I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now.我对这个问题已冥思苦想了好几个星期。 2. 苦思,冥思苦想(+about/over/as to) n. 1. (游戏的)猜谜,智力竞赛 2. 难题,谜,难以理解之事Her decision was a puzzle to him.她的决定对他来说是个谜。 3. 困惑,迷惑Im in a puzzle as to how to cope with thenew situation.我不知道该如何应付这新

4、局面。 Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange for spices and glass, which was not known to China. in exchange for与交换 She is giving him English lessons in exchange for his teaching her Chinese.她教他英语,他教她汉语。 3. volunteer n.C 1. 自愿参加者,志愿者

5、(+for)(+to-v)The volunteers for community service are doing a good job.社区服务的志愿者做得很出色。 2. 志愿兵,义勇兵Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。 vt. 1. 自愿(做)(+to-v)They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. 他 们主动提出替老太太修缮房子。 2. 自愿提供,自愿给予She volunteered the inf

6、ormation. 她自动提供了这一消息。 vi. 1. 自愿;自愿服务(+for)He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job. 他自愿做这苦差使。 2. 自愿当兵(+for)When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。 4. refer to 1. 查阅,参阅A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of the words. 2. 指而言,指的是I knew the

7、 lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy. 3. 把称作(as)Dont refer to your sister as a silly cow! referto 1. 指导;让找 Our teacher refers us to many good books. If he needs any further information, refer him to me. 2. 归功于;归咎于 He referred his success to the good teaching hes had. 5.ev

8、idence n. 1. 证据;证词;证人;物证 U (+of/for) +that +to-v He was punished for giving false evidence.他因作伪证而受到惩罚。 The evidence is very shaky.这证据相当靠不住。 2. 迹象UC(+of)+(that) There are evidences that somebody has been living here.有迹象显示有人一直住在这里。 6. praise n. 1. 赞扬,称赞UIm sure I dont deserve so much praise.我肯定自己不值得这么

9、多赞扬。 2. 赞美的话,赞词P(+of) The praises of his friends made the boy feel very proud 3. 【宗】(对神的)赞美,崇拜ULet us give praise to God. 让我们赞美神吧。 vt. 1. 赞美,表扬;歌颂(+for) The publishers praised his novel pretty highly.出版商们对他的小说评价甚高。 The mayor praised the boy for his courage.市长赞扬这个男孩很勇敢。7. reach vt. reach for sth.reac

10、h out to sb. / sth.Please reach me that book.Not a single word reached my ears.He reached out his hand for the knife , but It was too far away.We must reach out to those in need.Jim reached for a gun but he was stopped.伸手拿下来;递伸出手抓到或拿到某物 伸手给某人8. search sb. / some place search for + sb. / sth.search +

11、 some place for +sb. / sth. in search of +sb. / sth.The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.I searched shop after shop for my sistersbirthday present.The parents searched for their lost boy hereand there , but they didnt find him. I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.9. long b

12、efore = long ago before long = soonThere was a lively market long before.Before long you will understand what I said is good for you.I had waited him long before he came.It wont be long before you see him again.It was long before they escaped from thecruel prison.10. find ones wayfeel ones waymake o

13、nes wayfight ones waylose ones wayI hope you can find the way home.She couldnt find the way out of the building.The soldiers fought their way through thefierce enemies.找到路 摸索着走 非常困难地前进突破而前进 迷路小说网,以刻画人物形象为中心,通过完整的故事情节和环境描写来反映社会生活的文学体裁。 人物、情节、环境是小说的三要素。情节一般包括开端、发展、高潮、结局四部分,有的包括序幕、尾声。环境包括自然环境和社会环 境。 小说

14、按照篇幅及容量可分为长篇、中篇、短篇和微型小说(小小说)。按照表现的内容可分为神话、科幻、公案、传奇、武侠、言 情、同人、官宦等。按照体制可分为章回体小说、日记体小说、书信体小说、自传体小说。按照语言形式可分为文言小说和白话小说。 小说与诗歌、散文、戏剧,并称“四大文学体裁”。15小说网 15小说网 jch14kcf 小说网刻画人物的方法:心理描写、动作描写、语言描写、外貌描写、神态描写,同时,小说网是一种写作方法。含萩往前贴着椅沿,封嫂使个眼色,与小丫头识趣避开,苏含萩半个身子就猴过去了:“娘!母亲!我的妈呀!你怎么还这么小孩子脾 气。”“你才小孩子呢!”老太太白她一眼。“不然怎么跟我使气

15、呢?”苏含萩无奈道,“我来是正事,又是急事,娘啊”“你还 带我两个孙女儿来!逼宫呢这是?”“娘,四姑娘韩姑娘是自己要来的,她们也跟我想一块儿去了。”老太太骨突着嘴:“我知道你们 想哪块儿去了。”“娘,”苏含萩软语道,“缩着,不是个事儿呀,人家看笑话呢!”“出去,是把笑话捅给人家看。”老太太立刻反 驳。“娘,你还记得有一次,我还小,说娘啊,我们家好富贵,人家都看着我们呢!你回答说,”苏含萩一字字道,“富贵人家,不仅 是荣华时看的人多,崩坍时,看的人更多,作个好样儿的世家儿女,荣华时经得起,崩坍时受得住,这才是有肩骨的人,否则不过是暴 发土员外罢了。这句话,我刻在心里。”老太太动容:“萩儿。”“娘,如今是我们挺肩骨的时候了!苏家荣华到如今,不是柯小子的 功劳。凭他,也败不了苏家!”苏含萩一发铿锵。老太太感念:“萩儿,你已嫁出去,还一心为娘家。娘没白养你!”“没有苏家就没 有萩儿,作人怎能忘本?”苏含萩说了这句,脸色作起难来,附耳问老太太,“倒是七姑娘,怎么回事?外头传的是真的?”老太太嗟 叹道:“因七丫


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