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1、如何实施新课程背景下初高中英语衔接教学的几点思考 绍兴市教育教学研究院 戴军熔以生为本引导多样积累适切和谐新课程背景下的初高中英语教学衔接协作一、和谐n心理情感的和谐n课堂氛围的和谐以培养学习兴趣为出发点,适度创设宽松和谐 的人际环境和学习氛围u上好第一堂“见面课”,既使学生对高中英语学习有一个初步了 解,又在同时排除师生情感沟通的障碍。自我介绍,包括本人简历、兴趣、爱好、特长、教学策略 与方法等,让学生尽可能多地了解自己,了解自己的教学特点;请学生交流初中学习,初中同学、老师,了解其学习习惯 等,使自己尽可能多地了解学生;介绍高中英语学习方法和注意点,使其从一开始就明确高中 英语学习的基本策

2、略与要求。新环境、新教材、新要求、新起点、新难度难免产生各种不适应,形成心理落差心理情感的和谐:学生:谁尽快地适应了高中学习,谁就掌握了高中学习的主动权;教师:谁更好地把初高中衔接教学落实在课堂上,谁就真正提高了 课堂教学的有效性。u通过各种形式缩短师生间的距离感:入学之初对学生进行学习风格、性格特征、学习兴趣、学习 偏好、学习习惯、学习困难、语言基础等方面的调查或摸底测试, 全面了解其语言基础及言语风格,以针对性的予以指导;定期对学生的困惑问题或学习兴趣进行调查了解,以及时发 现问题,引导学生的兴趣向积极方向转移;运用好课前五分钟,留给学生自由表达的空间,讲趣事或就 热点问题发表评论;选择学

3、生感兴趣的话题或问题,或者在教学活动设计中提供 学习者选择(Learner choice),给予学生充分的自主选择的空间;让学生感受到尊重和平等的气氛,给予及时的肯定和鼓励, 如:Interesting/A good idea/Youve done a good job/Im glad to hear that/Thats what I thought/Its really interesting to read what you wrote. I want to read more and Im expecting you to make progress.Unit 3 The Millio

4、n Pound Bank-note (Act one Scene 3) 读后讨论: Task 1: Discussion (Choose one or two of them for discussion)What do you learn from the play?What do you think will happen next in this story?What would you do if you were Henry Adams?读后语篇重建:Task 2: Complete the summary of the text【基础较差】Task 3: Retell the st

5、ory and then complete the summary of the text读后写作:Task 4: Continue the story according to the given situation.【基础较 差】Task 5: Continue the story according to your own imagination.【基础较好】【基础较好】课堂氛围的和谐:通过活动创设宽松、和谐、互动的课堂教学 环境,寓教于乐(游戏、竞赛、歌曲、影视、谚语等),使学生对 英语产生浓厚兴趣。 听力教学:影片欣赏与语言学习结合:u阅读影片简介,回答问题;u听人物对白,填入所缺单

6、词;u看电影片段,为打乱的人物对白排序;u评价电影人物等。歌曲欣赏与语言学习结合:u听歌理解主旨大意或意图;u听歌曲填词;u将歌曲译文;u想像扩展基础上的补充或扩充歌词等。值得关注的二个数据和一个现象: 新课程调研:被调查的120名高一学生中,67.42%学生认为词 汇是高中英语学习中最困难的问题。因此,为减少不适应,教 师应适当增加对词汇的关注。 研究发现,约70%的日常交际主要由语块来实现,由此,语块 构成了语言交际的基础单位。 研究表明(丁言仁,2008),很多在演讲比赛中(如“21世纪 杯”、“CCTV杯”)获奖的优胜选手,其共同的学习方法和经历 就是诵读多位名人演讲稿,背诵大量优美文

7、章,听和模仿英语 广播或录音,观看和模仿英语电影和电视剧,记忆大量完整的 语块(即出现频率比较高的习语、短语、短句等)。 高中英语教学应十分关注词汇和语块的积累。二、积累促进可理解性输入的主要途径:反复听、大声朗读、认真模仿。映像教学法(Shadowing):对一小段录音反复听、读、记、用,一 直到完全掌握其中的语块。语言学习的最基本形式:模仿、朗读、边听边读和背诵;(任务 型晨读) 素材:课文中许多精彩段落,课外大量美文,练习中大量的优美 语料,许多名篇佳作,写作的范文等;要素:思想美、语言美、音韵美、节奏美以及气势美。积累大量词汇和丰富多彩的语言表达形式、对口语和写作具 有直接模仿借鉴作用

8、。以丰富可理解性输入为目的,加强词汇和语块的积累:为了运用而背诵为了运用而背诵:In 1914 Thomas Edisons factory was destroyed by fire. Much of Edisons life work went up in smoke and flames. At the height of the fire, Edisons son, Charles, looked for his father. He finally found him, calmly watching the fire, his face glowing in the reflect

9、ion, his white hair blowing in the wind.描述火灾、台风、地震等灾难中很多坚强的人们Man Versus NatureWe are moving towards an important point of understanding in our relationship with nature.After decades of destroying nature and using up Earths natural resources, many developed nations are now becoming more and more conc

10、erned about saving nature rather than developing or destroying it.However, many poorer nations must focus on meeting the everyday needs of their people. In doing so, they are using up natural resources at a fast rate. They have not yet seen the effects of the careless use of Earths resources like ma

11、ny developed nations have. Often they do not realize that the choices they make are bad for the environment.Should they be blamed for destroying rainforest and if it means a better life for their people? Obviously, the developing and developed countries of the world need to work together to make sur

12、e that people enjoy healthy and productive lives, without the environment around them suffering.p词汇:采用多样的教学形式进行词汇和语块教学,做到 输入和输出双管齐下,学习和检测相辅相成。学生喜欢的几种高中课堂词汇教学方式与学习方式:(凌惠,2009 )配设情景图片;利用头脑风暴和思维导图建立课堂词汇库; 提供有趣的例句;第二天上课及时复习与检测;老师领读; 用新词编故事;填空补缺;词性转换。其他词汇教学方式:提供具体语料,引导学生分析、发现句中的语块或归纳句式结构;找出语 言材料中的语块,并提供相

13、应情境或语境进行运用和实践;用翻译法进行词汇 教学;鼓励在阅读中自主寻找、发现语块;英语释义(如用同义词、反义词 、旧词解释新词)、词义匹配;使用看图写词(句);语境中理解词汇或语 块意义;通过口头表达任务运用话题相关词汇和语块;通过话题写作练习运 用话题核心词汇和语块。单元话题式听写:通过听写与本单元话题相关的语块 、语句、语段来强化与词汇或语块的记忆和运用,为话题写作作铺垫。 三、多样教学方式、教学形式的多样性Module 2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Learning about languageMany things are being done for t

14、he elephants in the Singapore Zoo.The Asian elephants are being protected since the government has paid more and more attention to the protection of wildlife.The habitat of elephants is being destroyed, which is making it impossible for elephants to live as long as they can.More and more elephants a

15、re now being kept in the nature reserves but over ten thousand five hundred elephants are still left in the wild/jungle.Elephants are still being hunted so they are in danger of dying at an early age.The living of elephants is being affected by the destruction of the natural habitat.To our relief, great efforts are now being made to help elephants live in peace bythe Singapore Zoo.The living habitat of elephants is being destroyed by human beings without mercy.Talk about wildlife protection according to what you hear, using the present progressive passive voice and the words or phrases in the



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