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1、第九章 结论部分第九章 结论部分n紧跟在论文的讨论部分或结果与讨论部分的后面,位于论文正文的最后。n浏览结论,可以了解研究工作的主要成果。第九章 结论部分9.1 基本内容及组织n通常应包含以下内容:(1)概述主要研究工作(此项可有可无)。(2)陈述研究的主要结论,包括简略地重复最重要的发现或结果,指出这些发现或结论的重要内涵,对发现或结果提出可能的说明。(3)本研究结果可能的应用前景以及进一步深入的研究方向或具体课题(此项可有可无)。第九章 结论部分9.1 基本内容及组织例9-1ConclusionOur analysis indicates that we can reduce the L.

2、A. heat island by as much as 3. Cooler roof and paving surfaces and 11M more shade trees should reduce ozone exceedance by 12% in Los angles and by slightly less in other smoggy cities. (主要结果及结论) The combined direct and indirect effect of the cool communities strategies can potentially reduce air-co

3、nditioning use in a Los Angeles home by half and save about 10% of A/C use of a one-story office building. The total direct and indirect annual savings in the L.A. basin, including that attributable to smog reduction, is estimated at US 0.5B per year. The corresponding national A/C saving is about 1

4、0%. (潜在的效益)第九章 结论部分9.1 基本内容及组织例9-2(一览表形式)ConclusionsBased on the analytical and experimental investigations presented in this paper, the following conclusions may be made: 1. The radially rotating miniature high-temperature heat pipe has a simple structure, low manufacturing cost, very high effectiv

5、e thermal conductance and large heat transfer capability . 2. The non-condensable gases in the heat pipe have an adverse effect on the heat pipe performance. It results in. 3. Eqs. (33) and (34) predict reasonably well the temperature distributions along the heat pipe length and are a useful analyti

6、cal tool for heat pipe design and performance analysis.9.2 时态9.2.1 概述研究活动n结论部分的第一个句子或前几个句子常常是对研究目的或主要研究活动的概述(不少作者不写概述而直接叙述主要结论)。(1)文章使用“论文导向”时,研究活动的概述常用现在完成时。This paper has conducted the search for a practical magnetocaloric cooling configuration for the large near-room temperature refrigeration and

7、 air conditioning market. 9.2 时态9.2.1 概述研究活动(2)当文章使用“研究导向”时,则常使用一般过去时。Overall energy balances for the various compressor elements were established to model the heat transfer between each of the compressor elements. (compressor:压缩机)9.2 时态9.2.2 叙述主要结论(1)在结论中需要写出其中一些重要的研究结果时,通常用一般过去时。The effect of the

8、structure on the free surface at the leading edge increased the total wave height by 6%.(leading edge: 机翼前缘;wave height:波高)9.2 时态9.2.2 叙述主要结论(2)在叙述自己研究工作的主要结论时,通常可使用现在 时以及推测动词(如appears, seems等)或情态动词(如 may、could等)。The lateral bucking capacity of beams with transverse loads are affected by the locatio

9、n of applied load as well as the fiber orientation.(lateral:横(向)的;bucking:补偿的;transverse load:横向负载;fiber orientation:纤维定向作用)9.2 时态9.2.3 指出研究方向或应用n 指出研究方向或下一步研究的题目,以及研究结果的应用或效益时,使用一般现在时态及情态动词(如may、should等)。The weakly reflecting case particularly merits further study. The combined direct and indirect

10、effect of the cool communities strategies can potentially reduce air-conditioning use in a Los Angeles home by half and save about 10% of A/C use of a one-story office building.9.3 注意事项n在结论中,作者应该以十分清楚、简洁的方式叙述自己 研究中所获得的主要成果或发现。不要提到前文未涉及 的新事实,也不要重复前文中关于研究动机与实验程序 的详细描述。n结论与摘要的功能不同。结论部分的功能在于叙述研究 工作最重要的结果、结果的内涵、结果的说明等结论, 而不是概述论文的所有内容。摘要则是对整个论文的内 容的概述,包括研究工作的目的、方法、主要结果及结 论等信息。不要重复论文正文中其他部分的句子。9.3 注意事项n结论部分还常常描述作者的研究工作可能产生的应 用或效益,或者指出进一步深入的研究方向或具体 的研究题目,要避免夸大。n参照拟投期刊已刊登的研究论文,以确定研究论文 是否包含独立的结论部分。n结论可以用“conclusion”,“conclusions” “concluding remarks”或“conclusions and future work”表示。第九章 结论部分


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