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1、結合 精確寫作精確寫作及 明白明白 寫作寫作 柯泰德網路英文論文編修訓練 中心A 部份: 精確寫作n忙碌的專家們是沒有時間去 逐字的閱讀冗長的報告文件 ,因此很多科技作者的文稿 被拒絕或延遲發表,就是因 為他們無法精短的表達文章 意念。1.Use Active Voice Frequently 常用主動語氣n如何用最少的字來表達一個完整的 意念通常是科技寫作者一個大挑戰 ,然而這裡有一個祕訣,那就是使 用主動語法。您會如何修改此文句 ?nModification of the heuristics was made by Lacksonen and Enscore (1993) to solv

2、e the dynamic layout problem.n修改後: Lacksonen and Enscore(1993) modified the heuristics to solve the dynamic layout problem.您會如何修改此文句 ?nPrecise measurement of neural networks by practitioners is a heavy emphasis of computer vision systems.n修改後: Computer vision systems heavily emphasize that practitio

3、ners precisely measure neural networks .您會如何修改此文句 ?nThe manager can be assisted by the proposed model so that the order size can be precisely determined.n修改後: The proposed model can assist the manager in precisely determining the order size. 2. Use Verbs Instead of Nouns 動詞代替名詞n句子冗贅的原因也可能是使用太多 的名詞,通

4、常這些名詞是由動詞轉 化來的,而結果是使動詞更無力。n過份的濫用名詞也帶來了多餘的介 係詞。您會如何修改此文句 ?nDifficulty is encountered in explanation of the method to inexperienced engineers owing to its computational complexity.n修改後: Explaining the method to inexperienced engineers is difficult owing to its computational complexity.您會如何修改此文句 ?nKnow

5、ledge of how the variables are distributed is not required by novice engineersn修改後: Novice engineers do not need to know how the variables are distributed.您會如何修改此文句 ?nNot only is the variability of the control factors considered by the proposed procedure, but implementation of related tasks is perfo

6、rmed.n修改後: In addition to considering the variability of the control factors, the proposed procedure implements related tasks.3. Create Strong Verbs 強有力的動詞n使用動詞使句子意念表現的更清晰 ,有些動詞則無法有力闡示一個動 作,如 is, are, was, were, has, give, make, come, 還有 take 等都屬此類。n作者應使用強有力的動詞來指明一 個清楚的行為。您會如何修改此文句 ?nThe guideline m

7、akes it specific that all parties will be notified by the proper authorities when a problem arises. n修改後: The guideline specifies that the proper authorities will notify all parties when a problem arises.您會如何修改此文句 ?nThe different groups have to reach an agreement on how to make an adjustment of the

8、figures.n修改後: The different groups must agree on how to adjust the figures.您會如何修改此文句 ?nThe machine operator conducts transportation of the auto parts to the assembly line.n修改後: The machine operator transports the auto parts to the assembly line.4. Avoid Overusing Sentences that Begin with It and The

9、re 避免過度使用 It 及 There 開頭句n使用It及 There 開頭的句子容易使文 章語多累贅及曖昧不清。n除非 It 指的是先前句子所提特定的 名詞,否則應完全地避免 It is 的句 型。您會如何修改此文句 ?nThere can be little doubt that ink jet printers have a higher per-page cost than laser printers.n修改後: Ink jet printers undoubtedly have a higher per- page cost than laser printers.您會如何修改此

10、文句 ?nIt is important to develop a more effective approach to solve the complicated problem.n修改後: A more effective approach must be developed to solve the complicated problem.您會如何修改此文句 ?nThere is increasing evidence that supports the role of protein in prolonging life.n修改後: Increasing evidence suppor

11、ts the role of protein in prolonging life.5. Delete Redundant and Needless Phrases 除去重複及不必要的措詞n這些擾人重複不必要的文詞其實可 以完全去除,或是用更簡明的方式 表達。n作者若不注意這個細節則會使句子 愈變愈長。您會如何修改此文句 ?nIt is recommended by us that the trackball be selected on the occasion of purchasing a user interface device of this type.n修改後: We recom

12、mend selecting the trackball when purchasing a user interface device of this type.您會如何修改此文句 ?nThe trackball is deficient of the mobility that a mouse has despite the fact that the trackball requires less hand movement than the mouse.n修改後: The trackball lacks the mobility of a mouse although the form

13、er requires less hand movement than the latter.您會如何修改此文句 ?nThe web browser in all cases gives consideration to the users needs in a situation in which he or she is away from the office.n修改後: The web browser always considers the users needs when he or she is away from the office. B 部份 :明白寫作n科技英文寫作者常常

14、寫非所 想,當然誤導了讀者,此時 明白寫作就很重要,除了要 把文章寫得精確以外,更要 使讀者不誤解您的意思。1. Ensure subject and verb agreement 主詞及動詞必須前後呼應n如果主詞的單複數與動詞不能配合 ,不僅讀者感到困惑,同時句子的 邏輯也會發生問題。您會如何修改此文句 ?nEither the collected data set or two additional outputs was used to construct a neural network model.n修改後: Either the collected data set or two

15、additional outputs were used to construct a neural network model.您會如何修改此文句 ?nThe research assistant and the doctoral candidate are the same person.n修改後: The research assistant and the doctoral candidate is the same person.您會如何修改此文句 ?nPhysics make most first year doctoral students nervous.n修改後: Physi

16、cs makes most first year doctoral students nervous.2. Ensure that pronoun references are clear in meaning代名詞必須清楚的使用n如果代名詞所指的人物或事物不能 交待清楚,也是徒增讀者困惑。您會如何修改此文句 ?nWhen a decision reaches the final stage, it must be implemented promptly.n修改後: When reaching the final stage, a decision must be implemented promptly.您會如何修改此文句 ?nNo adjustment factors exist if (C1) is violated, which implies that the transformation approach can be implemented.n修改後: The fact that no adjustment factors exist if (C1) is


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