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1、 Phrases Chapter1 1展开翅膀 2 去滑雪 3 种植庄稼 4 例如 5风景区 6 过去常常 7 著名的景点 8 以著名 9 法国人民spread ones wings go skiing grow crops such as a scenic area used to do sth. famous attractions be famous for French people10 电影节 11玩得开心 12 倒向一边 13 倒塌 14 不迟于 15 好像做某事 16 事实上 17 变得更糟 18 给某人提供某物film festivalenjoy oneselflean to

2、one side fall over by seem to do sth in factbecome worseprovide sth for sbprovide sb with sth19 提供某事 20 和 一样 21 大约5分钟的路程22国旗 23 去观光 24 抵御入侵者offer sth to sb the sameasabout 5 minutes away a national flag go sightseeing keep out invaderschapter 2 1 气味芬芳的花朵 2 释放出 3 互相 4关于污染的课题研究5 生物 6 呼吸新鲜的空气 7 知道许多 8

3、也不真的是 9 例如sweet-smelling flowers give out one anothera class project onpollution living thingsbreathe fresh air know a lot not really for example10 警告不做某事 11 令某人做某事 12 因而感谢 13 尝起来不好 14 和交流 15 处于危险中 16 砍到 17让.活着 18属于 19 离开某地去某地warn not to do sth make sb do sth thanks for doing sth taste bad communica

4、te with be in danger cut down keep alive belong to sbleave+ 出发点for+目的地20 给某人送行 21交通阻塞 22 刚才 23 最好做某事 24 很快回来 25 和脚 26 停止做某事 27 塑料袋 28 阻止做某事see sb off be in traffic jamjust now had better do sth be back in a minute fit my feet stop doing sth a plastic bag stop from doing sth29 我的观点是 30 太 而不能 31在过去200

5、年 32 在未来10年 33 加入我们 34 超过 35 查出来 36 休闲区in my opinion too to in the last 200 years in the next 10 years join us more than find out a leisure areaChapter 3 1查找 2 多于 3 人类 4 有的,有的 5 灭绝 6 了解,研究某事 7 游乐场 8 卡通人物 9 出身于lookup more than human beings some, others die outlearn about an amusement park cartoon cha

6、racter be born10 离开学校后 11 送邮件 12 同时 13 以为根据 14 最后15 以著名 16 以作为 而出名 17 给某人买某物 18 真老鼠after leaving school deliver mail at the same time be based on at last / in the end / finally be famous for be famous as buy sth. for sb. a real mouse19 和一样 20 六千万年 21 知道原因 22 死于疾病 23 许多不同的工作24 中国的首都 25 把变成 26 面积平方米 2

7、7 花做某事as assixty million yearsknow the reasondie of diseasea number of different jobsthe capital of Chinachange into.square metres in sizespend . in doing sth28 全年 29 快餐店 30 竹林 31在中国的西南32 大熊猫 33 形状上相似 34 缓慢笨拙的走all year round fast food restaurant bamboo forestin south-western China giant pandabe like

8、 in shapewalk in a slow clumsy way 35 用后腿站立36 生 37 一年一次 38 成年熊猫 39 重达 40 竹笋 41也 42 受法律保护stand up on the hind legs give birth to once a year an adult panda weigh up to bamboo shoots as wellbe protected by lawChapter 4 1服务台 2 预定房间 3 允许做某事 4 被允许做某事5 领某人去某地 6 消防出口的位置7 安全第一 8 睡着 9 听到在做某事the reception des

9、k book a room allow to do sth be allowed to do sth / allow doing sth lead sb. to sw. the location of the fire exit safety first fall asleep / be asleep hear sb doing sth10 醒来 11 闻到烟味 12 正在那时13 突然响起 14 打湿毛巾 15 电话坏了 16 躺在地板上 17 好像要做某事 18 消防车wake up smell smoke just then /at that moment go off wet the

10、towel The phone is dead. lie on the floor seem to do sth. a fire engine19 出现 20违反规定 21 过了一会 22 总是,始终 23 请注意24 摔倒 25 对感到自豪, 骄傲 26 玩得开心show up be against the rules seconds later all the time May I have your attention, please? fall over / fall downbe/ feel proud of enjoy oneself27 随便吃点 28 觉得身体不舒服 29 悦耳

11、的声音 30 给某人买某物 31 视觉器官 32 小心脚下 33 进去 34 小心help oneself to not feel wellmusic to the earsbuy sth for sb the sense of sight mind your steps go in be careful / take care / watch out / look out35在床的对面 36 好了,就这些 37 在左边的墙角里 38至少 39对负责 40消防员 41 扑灭火 42 做某事有困难43解决困难opposite the bed Thats all. in the left-hand

12、 corner at least be responsible for the fire fighter put out the fire have trouble in doing sth. solve the problem44根本不 45 保持平衡 46 感冒47 确定 48 打断某人 49 救某人的命not at all keep balance have a cold / catch a cold make sure interrupt sb. save ones lifechapter 5 1一包/盒 2 能够 3 流过 4 在某种程度上 5 各种各样 6 用某物做某事 7 运转空

13、调 8 挠挠头 9 不同形式的能量 10 电灯泡a packet of be able to flow throughin a way all kinds ofuse sth. to do sth run the air-conditioners scratch ones head different forms of energya light bulb11 和连接起来 12 发电站 13 露齿笑 14 有礼貌地 站起来 15 洗衣机 16 电饭煲 17 吸尘器 18 打开/关电视be connected to a power station a grin on ones face stan

14、d up politely/with good manners a washing machine a rice cooker a vacuum cleaner switch on/off the TV19 保持安静 20交朋友 21 分数低 22 头疼 23 缺钱 24 身体弱 25热水器 26 放好 27 锁门keep silent / quiet make friends with get low marks have a headache be short of money have a weak body a water heater putaway lock the door28

15、鼓励人们 29 阻止做某事 30 接电话 31 探身出去 32 在农场 33把变成 34看起来很傻 35弄明白 36一般来说encourage people stop from doing sth answer the phone lean out of on the farm change into look foolish figure out generally speakingChapter 6 1.保持活力 2.一直在大叫 3.和 相似 4.敲 5.讨厌做 6.介意做 7.发现 怎么样 8.全聋 9 一直在叫keep lively keep shouting be similar t

16、o knock on/at hate doing sth. mind doing sth. find sb./sth. + adj. stone deaf keep shouting10 十里外 11 绕圈跑 12 浏览 13 在工作 14 谢天谢地 15 和平常一样 16 顺便 17 帮一下忙ten miles away run in rings go through at work thank goodness as usual by the way do sb. a favour18 去骑单车 19 觉得想做某事 20 去吃午餐 21 吃药 22 胃疼23 躺下 24 违反规则 25 一条面包go cycling feel like doing sth go for lunch take medicine have a pain in the stomach lie down break



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