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1、Revision of Unit 1 复习unit1目标一:夯实基础:复习并掌握重点词汇 、短语、句型 1. 在将来 2. 活到岁 3. 一百年后 4. 空闲时间 5. 谈论,谈及,谈到 6. 高中 7. 电脑程序员 8. 在太空站上 9. 爱上 10. 去滑冰 11. 能,会 12. 度假 13. 世界杯 in the future live to be years old in 100 years free time talk about high school computer programmer on a space station fall in love with go skat

2、ing be able to on vacation the World Cup canbe free免费的 14. 饲养一头宠物鹦鹉 15. 工作面试 16. 飞往 17. 实现,成为现实 18.看上去长的像 19. 某人自己的 20. 科幻影片 21. 帮助(某人)做某事22. 数百,成百上千的 23. 和相同 keep a pet parrot job interview fly to come true look like ones own science fiction movies help (sb.) with sth. hundreds of the same as 24. 醒

3、来;唤醒 25. 和交谈 26. 试图做某事27. 变得厌倦28. 一次又一次,再三地 wake up talk to/with try to do sth. get bored over and over (again) 目标二:能力提升:灵活运用 一般将来时借助教材复习深化中考 题型训练 一般将来时的形式. 1.will shall +动词原形 2 be going to +动词原形 3.be doing 一般将来时的基本用法: 一般将来时 常用的表示将来的时间状语有:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning, soonnext

4、week/ year/., in 2018, in the future, in two days= in two days time, 20 years from now, =in 20 years 表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态肯定句肯定句:主语+ will +动词原形+(宾语)+其他成份People will have robots in their homes.否定句否定句:在will 的后面加not即可。will not = wontPeople will not have robots in their homes.(=wont)一般疑问句一般疑问句:把will 提到句子

5、主语之前,结尾变问号。Will people have robots in their homes?Yes , they will ./ No , they wont .语法检测:1. What _ you _(do) this Sunday?There _(be) a football match. 2. I _(go) to see your father if I get to Beijing. 3. I think it _ ( not be) rainy tomorrow. 4. My father _ (send) me a new bike when I am tall enou

6、gh.6. Hurry up, or we _ (be) late for school.7. _ they _ (build) a new house next year.8. I want to know if he _ (be) back tomorrow. If he _( come ) back, I_ (call) you.will do will be will gowont bewill bewill sendWill build will be comes will call 请辨析 a little, a few, little , few1.Tom has friends

7、 though he is new here. 2. Sally feels sad because she has _ friends in the new school. 3. Hurry up, there is _ time left. 4. Dont worry. We still have _time.a few fewReview few/a few little/a little a littlelittle意思用法比较级最高级few几乎没有(否定) 修名复fewerfewestlittle 几乎没有(否定) 修不可名lessleastmany许多修名复moremostmuch

8、许多修不可名moremostpaperpollutionbuildingpetfactorytreecompanysnakelessfewerssssiesies1.Hurry up! There is _time left.2. I hope there will be _(little) pollution and _(many) trees in the future.3. To keep healthy, we should eat _ vegetables and _ meat.4.Dont worry.There is still_time.5.There _ (be) littl

9、e sheep on the hill,arent there?6.There are _eggs left,but not enough,I must go shopping.7.There are _ eggs left,I must go shopping.little less4more more lessa littlea fewfeware总结There be 的用法5. 小院里有一只鹦鹉和几棵树。There _ a parrot and a few trees in the yard.6. 过去这里处处有工厂和公司。There _ _ and _ everywhere in th

10、e past.7. 你认为未来几天云南将会有雨吗?Do you think _ _ _ _ in Yunnan in the next days?8. There _ a talk show on CCTV4 at nine this evening.iswerefactoriescompaniesthere will be rainA.will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is having such 与 so 的用法1. such 和so 都表示:如此. such + a /an +(形容词) + 单数名词 + (that从句

11、)Eg: It was such a good movie that I never dreamed of it. such (+形容词)+ 复数名词 + that 从句Eg: Weve such difficult problems that no one would like to continue. such(+形容词)+不可数名词(+that从句) Eg: I dont like such weather. so +形容词/副词 + that从句Eg: It is so heavy that I cant carry it. so+ 形容词 + a/an + 单数名词 + that从句

12、Eg: She is so good a girl that I cant forget.这一句式可与“such + a /an + 形容词 + 单数名词 + that从 句”结构换用。Eg: so good a girl=such a good girl(6)如果名词前有many , much , few , little (此时,little不 表示小而可爱之意)就用soEg : There are so many beautiful flowers in the garden.Such so 区别:such后一定有名词; so 后紧跟形容词.I got up _ late _ I was

13、 late for school this morning.She is _ _ _ _ that all the people love her. 她是一个如此好的人,我们都喜欢她。It was _ _ _ match. =It was _ _ _ match. 这是一场 如此令人激动的比赛。such a kind personsuch an excitingso exciting a 1.She is _a little girl that we all like her. 2.I dont want to make friends with a person. 3.It is _deli

14、cious food that I want to eat it. 4.They are _ beautiful flowers. 5.I cant believe _beautiful the flowers are.suchsuch So/such So/suchso sothat seem的用法. Seem It seems that+从句 ( to be )+adj. to do She seems (to be) worried.=_ seems that she _ worried now.John 好像回来了。_ _ _ John came back.Ted 似乎知道这个秘密。Ted _ _ _ the secret.It isIt seemed thatseems to know他似乎生气了.应该有几种翻译方法呢 ? alone 和lonelyalone, lonelyI was _ in the house 我独自在家。She lives _ in that large houses. 她独自一人住在那个大房子里。Sometim



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