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1、公共服务大学生英文简历模板公共服务大学生英文简历模板如果你想进入外企,或者应聘对英文水平要求高的岗位,一份英文简历是必不可缺的。以下是公共服务大学生英文简历模板,欢迎阅览!公共服务大学生英文简历模板(+86) EDUCATION9/XX12/XXStanford UniversityStanford, CA. degree in American Studies with a concentration in “Urban Society and Social Change Coursework includes political science, urban studies, sociol

2、ogy, psychology, writing, calculus, and SpanishEXPERIENCEPUBLIC SERVICE9/XXpresentPeer Counselor24 Hour Crisis Hotline, Bridge Community CenterStanford, CA Counseled students with regard to their personal and academic problems3/XX4/XXCoChair3rd Annual Stanford Dance Marathon, Stanford UniversityStan

3、ford, CA Selected to lead organization, planning, and management of philanthropic event Directed a team of 60 undergraduates Recruited a record 975 participants (up from 300)9/XX4/XXSelection OfficerVolunteers in Latin America, Stanford UniversityStanford, CA Designed and implemented the recruiting

4、and application process Managed all advertisement, interview, and selection activities6/XX9/XXVolunteerVolunteers in Latin America, Stanford Student Run ProgramQuito, Ecuador Oversaw 30 children, ages 910, daily at a center for street children Created lesson plans, organized field trips and workshop

5、sLEADERSHIP9/XXpresentResidential AssistantStanford UniversityStanford, CA Work with a team of 5 other staff members to design and implement dorm programming activities around issues of mental health, academic resources, diversity, and career preparation Oversee the wellbeing of 260 residents9/XXpre

6、sentTour GuideVisitor Information Services, Stanford UniversityStanford, CA Lead public and private tours with an emphasis on history and student life Operate front desk for Undergraduate Admissions which involves customer service and light accounting work9/XXpresentMemberStanford Women in Business

7、Mentoring ProgramStanford, CA Worked closely with the director of marketing to help increase brand awareness and drive revenue of this internet marketing startup6/XX8/XXMarketing InternSearchRev Inc.Palo Alto, CA Lead public and private tours with an emphasis on history and student life Operate fron

8、t desk for Undergraduate Admissions which involves customer service and light accounting work9/XX6/XXKitchen ManagerStanford University Student Organized ServicesStanford, CA Completed weekly grocery runs and managed 150,000 annual budget Communicated daily with chefs, in Spanish, regarding menu, su

9、pplies, and resident feedback9/XX11/XXRegistration Team LeaderStanford Alumni AssociationStanford, CA Worked as a member of a 60 person team to plan Reunion HomecomingAWARDS4/XXDean of Students Outstanding Achievement Award Awarded annually to students who have significantly enriched the quality of

10、student life on campusSKLIISComputer:Excel, and PowerPoint; familiar with website development through HTML coding and Java Script Language:Proficient in Spanish 一般而言,在录用决策过程中,特别是在面试过程中,招聘官容易犯以下一些错误。1. 刻板印象刻板印象是指根据一个人属于哪一类社会团体或阶层,根据这一社会团体或阶层的人的典型行为方式来判断这个人的行为。比如说, “北方人豪爽,南方人细腻” , “销售人员健谈,研发人员木讷” , “男

11、人心粗,女人心细”等等。如果这些说法成了企业招聘官的固有观念,他/ 她就会戴上一副有色眼镜去看待南方人与北方人、销售人员与研发人员、男人与女人,用那些固化的行为模式套用每一类的个人。刻板印象反映了共性,有利于迅速从总体上把握人的概貌,但刻板印象也有很僵化、不灵活的缺点,抹杀人的个性,并不适用于同类中的每一个人,是招聘官的大忌。2. 同类人偏差顾名思义,当应聘者与招聘官有某些共性/ 相似性时,招聘官会自然而然地表现出对应聘者一定程度的偏爱,共性/ 相似性越多,偏爱程度也就越深、越明显,应聘者也就更容易在激烈的人才竞争中占据有利的位置。籍贯、毕业学校、爱好、特长、宗教信仰、性格特点、社会阶层等等都

12、有可能存在相同/ 相似的情况,因此可以说同类人偏差的影响几乎无处不在。其实每一个负责招聘的人员都应该意识到自己的职责是为企业的用人把关,要为该空缺职位找到最佳的合适人选,而不是为个人择友把关,找与自己兴趣相投的人来公司工作。尤其是当企业所招聘的职位种类繁多,职位所要求的特质五花八门时,更不可千篇一律地招聘与自己相类似的应聘者去填补不同的空缺。3. 首因效应即第一印象。大家都清楚,好的第一印象对应聘者影响重大,所有的应聘者都希望能给主考官留下积极的印象,并为此使出浑身解数来展示自己,同时尽量隐藏缺点与不足。招聘官需要意识到应聘者的这种行为倾向,尽量做到不要被表面现象所蒙蔽。说得更直接一些,这实际上是一个影响与反影响、控制与反控制的相互作用过程。招聘官需要注意应聘者对自己的判断可能产生的负面影响,并努力消除这种负面影响。近因效应:如果两次见面的时间间隔过长,最早的印象就会逐渐淡漠从而被最近的一次印象所代替,形成近应效应。两次的印象在客观上有可能会截然不同,但因为最早的印象已经消失,所以只有靠最近的印象来做出判断。近因效应和首因效应在本质上是相同的,都是根据临时掌握的有限的信息和线索来试图做出综合的判断。为了尽量避免这两种效应带来的不利影响,有条件的企业应该为所有的面试者建立面试档案并留存以备查询。另外,如果条件允许,企业最好采取多轮面试、多人参与面试的方法来对应聘者做出综合的判断。


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