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1、Teaching Courseware: New Business English Intensive ReadingBook OneB1New Business English Intensive Reading Book OneB新编商务英语精读 第一册 全国商务英语研究会推荐教材210 Air Travel8 Manners6 Jewelry9 Telephone Calls7 Body Language 3New Business EnglishIntensive Reading Book OneBPicture-Word Associating Game Unit SixUnit S

2、evenUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenUnit Six JewelryUnit Seven Body LanguageUnit Eight MannersUnit Nine Telephone CallsUnit Ten Air Travel4WarmupTextTranslationNotesNew WordExamplesExercisesExtended ActivitiesUnit Six - Reading I Diamond- cutterEphraim 5Text Diamond-cutter Ephraim. There was a man called

3、 Ephraim who lived in Johannesburg. His father was to do with diamonds, as had been his father. The family were immigrants. This is still true of all people from Johannesburg, a city a little over a century old. Ephraim was a middle son, not brilliantor stupid, not good or bad. He was nothing in par

4、ticular. His brothers became diamond merchants, but Ephraim was not cut out for anything immediately obvious, and so at last6he was apprenticed to an uncle to learn the trade of diamond-cutting.2. To cut a diamond perfectly is an act like a samurais sword-thrust, or a master archers centered arrow.

5、When an important diamond is shaped a man may spend a week, or even weeks, studying it, accumulatingpowers of attention, memory, intuition, till he has reached that moment when he finally knows that a tap , no more, at just that point of tension in the stone will split it exactly so. pendant 项饰73. W

6、hile Ephraim learned to do this, he lived at home in a Johannesburg suburb; and his brothers and sisters married and had families. He was the son who took his time about getting married, and about whom the family first joked, saying that he was choosy ; and then they remained silent when others talk

7、ed of him with that edge on their voices, irritated, a little malicious, even frightened, which is caused by those men and women who refuse to fulfill the ordinary purposes of nature. The kind ones said he was a good son, working nicely under his uncle Ben, and livingearrings 耳环8Respectably at home,

8、 and on Sunday nights playing poker with bachelor friends he was twenty-five, then thirty, thirty-five, forty. His father became old and died, and he lived in the family house. People stopped noticing him. Nothing was expected of him.4. Then a senior person became ill, and Ephraim was asked to fly i

9、n his stead to Alexandria for a special job. A certain rich merchant of Alexandria had purchased an uncut diamond as a present for his daughter, who was to be married shortly. He wished only the best for The diamond. Ephraim, revealed by this 9happening as one of the worlds master diamond- cutters,

10、flew to Egypt, spent some days in communion with the stone in a quiet room in the merchants house, and then caused it to fall apart into three lovely pieces. These were for a ring and earrings.5. Now he should have flown home again; but the merchant asked him to dinner. An odd chance that unusual. N

11、ot many people got inside that rich closed world. But perhaps the merchant had become infected by the week of rising tension while Ephraim became one with the diamond in a quiet room. 6. At dinner Ephraim met the girl for whom the jewelswere destined . 10译 文: 钻 石 切 割 匠,艾 福 瑞 姆1 有一名叫 Ephraim人,住在约翰内斯堡

12、。他的父亲像爷爷 一样,是做有关钻石生意的。他们家是移民。所有约翰内斯堡 的人都是移民, 这是一个有百年多历史的城市。 Ephraim是 一个中等模样的儿子,不很聪明也不傻,不是很好也不差。他 并没有什么特别。他的兄弟成了钻石商人,但Ephraim还没明 显表现出天生适合做什么事的才能,所以,后来他给一个叔叔 当学徒,学习钻石切割的贸易。 2 完美地切割钻石就像武士击剑或一个熟练的弓箭手射中 靶心。当要切割一个重要的钻石时,工匠可能要花一个星期, 甚至数周来研究,来积蓄注意力、经验、直觉,直到他能感知 那轻轻的一敲,不再重复,恰好使钻石张力断开。113 当 Ephraim学习切割时,他住在约翰

13、内斯堡郊区的家里;他 的兄弟姐妹都结婚有孩子了。在婚事上,他是一个不着急的人; 起初,家人开他的玩笑,说他太挑剔;后来,当别人用尖刻的语 气、恼怒的态度、带点恶意的攻击、甚至因他人不履行自然义务 而害怕地议论他时,他们家人保持沉默了。好心的人说,他是个 好儿子,跟他叔叔工作得很好,他在家里体面地生活着,星期天 晚上去和单身汉朋友打扑克。他有25岁了,然后是30岁,35岁, 40岁。他的父亲年老并去世了,他独自在家居住。人们不再注意 他了,对他也不报什么希望。4 后来有位资深工匠生病了,要求 Ephraim替他飞往亚历山大 去做件特别的工作。某个亚历山大的富商买了块未切割的钻石12作为他送女儿的

14、礼物,她不久就要结婚了。他想把钻石做成 最好的。这一次,Ephraim 以世界级钻石切割大师的身份,飞 往埃及;在富商的一个安静屋子里,他花了几天工夫研究这块 宝石;然后,让它恰到好处地劈为三分,分别用于做戒指和耳 环。 5 现在,他本该再飞回家了,但富商却要求他共进晚餐。 这可是不寻常的机会。不是很多人能够进入富商封闭的世界的 。也许是因为富商被那周的紧张气氛感染了,Ephraim在一个 安静的房间里聚精会神,与钻石融为一体。6 晚宴上,Ephraim见到了富商的女儿,钻石首饰的主人。 译者:周 荆 洪 13Warm-up1. Work with your partner and write

15、 out the words about jewelry: 2. 3. What You Wear: ring 戒指, bracelet 手链,手镯, hair pin 发夹, necklace 项链, earrings 耳环, brooch 胸针, pendant 项饰;14What They Are Made of :karat gold K 金, pure silver 纯银, platinum 白金, pearl 珍珠, diamond 钻石, amber 琥珀, coral 珊瑚, shell 贝壳, ruby 红宝石, diamond 钻石amber 琥珀15emerald 翡翠, jade玉, crystal 水晶, sapphire 蓝宝石, topaz 黄宝石, emerald 祖母绿,绿宝石, jet 黑玉, marble 大理石, quartz 石英,zircon 锆石, period 橄榄石, g



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