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1、o By Wang Lanyingo Foreign Language DepartmentThe Formation of Medial VocabularyA Course of Learning English for Medical PurposesI. Target1.Mastering medical language: vocabulary and discourse level learning2. Practical application of medical communication: speaking and writing with MLI. Target3. Nu

2、rture the sense of stylistic researchII. Methodology1. Acquire the knowledge of word formation2.Understand the medical language traits through reading3. Observe and summarize the stylistic features4. Active and energetic learning under the teachers guideIII. Course Arrangement1.72 Teaching periods,4

3、/week2.Eight Units this term3.Required course and exam4.Term achievements: based on assignments, quiz, class response, and final exam dynamicallyDavi-Ellen Chamber says: Studying medical words is very similar to learning a new language. The words at first sound strange and complicated although they

4、may stand for commonly known English terms. The words gastralgia, meaning “stomach ache”, and ophthalmologist, meaning eye doctor,are examples.The medical language is fascinatingly logical in that each term, complex or simple, can be broken down into its basic component parts and then understood. Wh

5、at is medical language?Basic elements of medical wordsMost medical words are made from a combination of the following elements: the part of the word that we shall call the base (root /stem) because it contains the most fundamental meaning of that word, prefixes and suffixes, and vowels (o/a) that jo

6、in all these parts.Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)Pneumono-ultra-microscopic-silico-volcano-coniosis粉尘病火山硅/矽超显微的 肺的It develops only after years of exposure to low levels of silica dust. 医硅酸盐沉着病,矽肺病Symptoms include hyperventilation, coughing, dysphonia (发声困难), anorexia (厌食)

7、, chest pain and increased susceptibility to tuberculosis Three major objectives to keep in mind as you study medical terminology.1. To analyze words structurally. Learn to divide words into basic elements such as roots, suffixes, prefixes, combining vowels, and combining forms.gastr /o/ enter /o/ l

8、ogyrootrootsuffixCombining formElectr /o/ cardi /o/ gramrootrootrootcombining vowelcombining vowelcombining vowelcombining vowel心电图2. To correlate an understanding of word elements with the basic anatomy, physiology, and disease processes of the human body. Such as hemat /o/ logy means the study of

9、the blood.3. To be continually aware of spelling and pronunciation problems. Hepatoma: tumor of the liver 肝细胞瘤Hematoma: blood tumor 血肿OncologyNephrologyNeurologyGastroenterologyNephritisHepatitisBronchitisCarcinomaHematomahepatomaanatomy: process of cutting upgastrectomy: removal of the stomacharthr

10、otomy: incision of a jointleukemia anemia erythremia Leukocytosis 白细胞增多Necrosis 坏死Erythrocytosis 红细胞增多The Roles of PronunciationMedical TerminologyoSystemsoOrgansoTissuesoCellsEndocrine syst.Reproductive syst.Mastery of Medical WordsOrgans Tissues CellsDistribution of vocabulary in medical literatur

11、eEssential voc.Popular science voc.Medical termsThe 2nd category (15%) : hepatitis, appendicitis, encephalopathy, immunodeficiency syndromeThe 3rd category (15%) : distill, dilute , dissolve, filtration, magnetization, dynamics, meteorology, pigmentation The 1st category 70%: comment, investigate, s

12、tudyDistribution of vocabularyCombining formsprefixessuffixescyt/o : cellderm/o :skinbi/o : lifeaden/o :glandarthr/o : jointnephr/o :kidneyhepat/o : liverleuk/o :whiteoste/o : boneepi- :abovemulti-: manypoly-: manyex- : outendo- :insidetrans- : acrosshyper-: excessivehypo- :deficient-emia :blood con

13、dition-ectomy: excision-gram: record-cyte: cell-scope: instrument fro visually exam-itis: inflammation-ist : person specialized in-logy: process of study-oma: tumor-osis: abnormal condition-tomy: cuttingHow to improve your word poweroI. ConversionoII. derivativeIII. Compoundin gopportunist 条件致病菌phys

14、iology/-ist/ -gicoasymptomaticoantivirusradioimmunoelectrophoresis 放射免疫电泳(后缀) 透入I.Conversionhost 大批、许多、东道主、主持人 、 宿主 sympathetic block交感神经阻滞术 sympathetic nerve交感神经 cell 隐士的小屋,巢室, 电池,小修道院 capsule 小盒子,航天舱,胶囊药, 被膜oreservoir 贮主(zhu)oto protect trachea from collapsing othe uncompromised host ospace occupy

15、ing lesionoopportunistic infection oTarget therapyII. DerivativeAtypical AsymptomaticAntivirusAntigenAntibodyIntercostalIntercellulartricuspid MuscularPhysiological/physiologicallyMicroscopic/ microscopicallyImmunoreactivityImmunoreactantImmunologic toleranceimmunomodulationo Prefix : oir- oil- oim-

16、omis-oirregularityo irresistableoillegal, oilliterateoimmature oimmobileoimmodestoimmoralityomisbehavioromisleadomisfortuneomisunderstand oPrefixoDis/dys- dishonesto dysphoniao disordero dyspneao diseaseoin- inexperiencedo insufficiencyo inadequateo inactivatedonone-nonsmoker nonelectrolyte nonstress test nonulcer dyspepsia nonspecific immunity nonsense mutation no


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