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1、 Art involveIn your opinion, which field does art involve?Now, look at the following picture. Do you think these works are art? dancingmusicmoviesculpturepaintingarchitectureliteratureoperaclothingpaper cuttingArt involveartmusicdancing moviesculptureoperapaintingliteraturearchitectureclothingpaper

2、cuttingsome famous western artistsGiotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳 犹大之吻 some famous western artists梵高向日葵Sun flowersClaude Monet water lilies克劳德莫奈 some famous western artistsWhich style of paintings is Chinese? Why?It is often about nature, such as mountain, water, bird-and-flower, etc.It has an air of livin

3、g in nature, harmony (和 谐) and peace.Chinese painting Western paintings:About religion, human. Abstract, rich in color, oil, line and shape.A short history of Western paintingSkimmingQ: How many periods of the paintings are mentioned in this text? What are they? Four. They are: The Middle Ages, The

4、Renaissance, Impressionism and Modern art.Q: Choose the right answer about the main idea of the text A. A history of Chinese painting. B. How to draw pictures. C. Different people, different paintings. D. Art is influenced by the ways of life and beliefs of the peopleTime line5th C AD15th 16th 19th

5、20th The Middle AgesThe Renaissance Impressionism Modern ArtQ. How is the passage organized? A AC CD DB BCareful readingThe Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century AD)Q: What are the paintings of this period full of ?They are full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for Go

6、d.Q: What did the idea change in the 13th century?In the 13th century painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.Works of the Middle AgesReligious themes Religious symbolsCareful readingThe Renaissance (15th to 16th century) 1. Painters in Renaissance beg

7、an to focus on_ A. religion B. humans C. nature D .science2. In Renaissance, painters returned to classical _and _ideas about art.A.Roman, Paris B. Greek, London C. Roman, Greek D. Greek, Paris Careful readingThe Renaissance (15th to 16th century)4.What are the two important discoveries in theRenais

8、sance period ?3.Which of the following is not the things the rich people paid famous artists to paint? A.The rich people themselves B. the god C. houses and possessions D. activities and achievementsA.perspective B. oil paint C. religious symbols D. impressionistmake colors look richer and deepermor

9、e realisticWorks of the Renaissancerealistic theme perspective, new oil paintsCareful readingImpressionism (late 19th to early 20th century)In the late 19th century, Europe changed_. from a mostly _society to a mostly _one. People moved from _to the_. There are many_ and_.agricultural industrialcoun

10、tryside new inventionsa great dealnew cities social changesnew painting stylesLed to Careful readingImpressionism (late 19th to early 20th century)The painters who _the _style of the painting were the _.broke away fromtraditional ImpressionistsQ: Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly? Bec

11、ause natural light changes so quickly.paintings were not so detailedlead toWorks of the impressionismpainted outdoors changes in light not detailedCareful readingModern Art (20th century to today)Judge the following sentences T or F. 1.The Impressionism is the beginning of Modern Art. 2.The Impressi

12、onism encourage artists to look at their environment in old ways 3.Some modern art is abstract, the painter use colour, line and shape to represent the object. 4.Some modern art is realistic that they look like photographs. 5. We can predict that painting styles in the future will be abstract. FTTTF

13、Works of the Modern Artabstract: concentrated onqualities of the object realistic: like photographsConsolidationWork in groups to finish the chart below. AgeMain aimCharacteristicArtist_ _ _ (5th to 15th century AD)to represent _ _ full of _ _ in a more _ way (in the 13th century) _ _The MiddleAgesr

14、eligious themesreligious symbolsrealisticGiotto diBondoneAgeMain aimCharacteristicArtist_ _ (15th to 16th century)to paint _ _ as they really were adopted a more _ attitude to life painted in _ Masacciopeople and nature perspective The Renaissancehumanistic ConsolidationWork in groups to finish the chart below. ConsolidationWork in groups to finish the chart below. AgeMain aimCharacteristicArtist_ (late 19th to _ _) to show how _ _ fell on objects at different times of the day not as _ as paintings of early painters controver- sial at first not men -tionedearly 20th cen


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