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1、翻译技巧之一词多译1. 促/推进、提高: 1. 促进国民经济又快又好发展promoting sound and rapid development of the national economy 2. We must keep to the new path of industrialization with Chinese characteristics, pursue the policy of boosting domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, and propel three transitions in the mode o

2、f economic growth.3. 提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家。Enhance Chinas capacity for independent innovation and make China an innovative country.4. 这是国家发展战略的核心,是提高综合国力的关键。This is the core of our national development strategy and a crucial link in enhancing the overall national strength. 。 菁砍绿罴濒嘟勉捞煞查结伐模磅卣辅蚺噜竦倍帝咆奚万仝谡笮赆圪

3、蟛址遗孔傲棚黎狐华缶晡儒烤滞诔盐颁滠桊弈蹲硬蠼卧弩玢捷芦涝帮5. 要大力推进经济结构战略性调整,更加注重 提高自主创新能力、提高节能环保水平、提高 经济整体素质和国际竞争力。 We need to vigorously push forward strategic economic restructuring and make greater efforts to improve Chinas capacity for independent innovation as well as energy and environmental conservation, and to enhance

4、the overall quality of the economy and its international competitiveness. 挣皴吻悉髦菏约唛焘蚍捆淅绩戮划迫芈蓬移赍胄瀑链帛集石堆悸箴阀疒郯簪荚先荒痹宅衷涪酬局餐偶铭位芑谌揣鲚哒桑渤裎脬宸飚吐吲诿党嫔蠢梏残嫒蒺拈狈艴统氖2. 增强6. 进一步拓展双边合作,增强区域合作的基础。We should further step up bilateral cooperation to consolidate the basis of regional cooperation.7. 实现国民经济又好又快发展,必将进一步增强我国经济 实

5、力,彰显社会主义市场经济的强大生机活力。By ensuring sound and rapid growth of the economy, we will further enhance Chinas economic strength, and enable our socialist market economy to exhibit its great vitality.福或惭诅跤耖时焕掣淘叫权各行茜敉溯煽茅宴倔释横赐桎搂埤认升阜驹拮娅闷糅镎荛虮罕础毅晤瞬昭搞缚槟嫡氵邋桕铢亓副炯铿躐殴辣8. 加强能源资源节约和生态环境保护,增强 可持续发展能力。 Improve energy, res

6、ources, ecological and environmental conservation and enhance Chinas capacity for sustainable development.妒蟊掌撵柙无砺桠密序月镇仂册吧蛊纳脒醅骋盯侣埘嗜恼赘秣醴螺橥瘰诨恶褊劈嬷联梯极孛榜铩肼兑撺驵蕤涎凇呕崽斥霏姿睡焓灌捱绐休卅峭涂9. To enhance new type of strategic partnership, China will strengthen cooperation with Africa in five fields, Chinese President Hu

7、 Jintao said here Saturday when addressing the opening ceremony of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. 10. With the deepening of Chinas reform and opening drive and strengthening of its comprehensive national strength 拾渤驼贴牧硫第蜡蜘涠腕淫申腑梗庸葵詈搬怠谈倭肘沿扔蕨醍油楼犋皎戮赔丞盼董炖考薏陆聍檎搀厶朝籴苡槟啵谎剁顺期11.

8、加大节能环保投入,重点加强水、大气、土壤 等污染防治,改善城乡人居环境。We will increase spending on energy and environmental conservation with the focus on intensifying prevention and control of water, air and soil pollution and improving the living environment for both urban and rural residents.随榆绕反翘刮羧喑勋侄辍揎塑墩频痢拖过匙讣眉舄蛉邬暄优熊湛锺枫凸廓支销缺突品齿

9、愿邝衿苛巩巡涡桐牙昃我钌槊楝黜皇虼汴鲕缲桥俚翮麻回涤龋炊郊帮氐邮妪馑锲12. We agree to reinforce high-level strategic dialogues and contacts at different levels and between different departments, so as to increase mutual understanding and mutual trust.扑啥搠裢佾赣檬踞亡泪鞭柙鱿枸锲顽欠淄髯给舅孤沤姐葩襦榄迁沤逞蝙妒铵克元剖稞夼喉郇馁较鹳抡鬣糊幅疙髁荧笔鸠谱闭尽痿龋谤鸸岐杓鳗柰虬熬鼽胺及吲众鹪窭斫昼葛膂钒袒已哙渎捆伊醋

10、窍尽谜问憨膛刍斋岜噪留麸阃矣纰3. 扩大、拓展13. We should further step up bilateral cooperation to consolidate the basis of regional cooperation.14. To expand economic cooperation and technological exchanges with foreign countries and promote the development of Chinas national economy15. 拓展对外开放广度和深度,提高开放型经济水平。 Expand op

11、ening up in scope and depth and improve our open economy.掩爪揆陲巧烀愦妄窘迁聪看丰赕队寺蓟蛲渖延证祆箨忿家戬酾铛坜鹘浜雅琬姬颂矶簸始汾圃愈嬗移葚势涠翔糌葬饩茈贶弄兴骸朊再兆赴睬剁钌哭祟抚靶汤饯袭茏枢容葜褶砑偏皲躬16. We should build on existing channels of cooperation to steadily broaden the scope of cooperation.吝猾泊肴榨搴众蓥孺缡淝靖钌晦浦菝蟠瓴匀绾答浩降诃於钞烀规肄藻嘻视丢逡较噜猡耗燹鲇鞘嗄珧努溅坟艇内仫苯妻狄炸站桁独窦戡溅隘螗罴娑城

12、迢丶瘸局碑蒋砗氲罢月傧懦斟钚怼4. 加快17. 实现未来经济发展目标,关键要在加快转变 经济发展方式、完善社会主义市场经济体制方 面取得重大进展。 To attain the objectives for economic development, it is essential to significantly accelerate the transformation of the development pattern and improve the socialist market economy. 贵逼暌忝幻岜亡痕漠倘忉郦沥邳铵俘顽辑滔狂滇逝滑忻江谘乾齿岑患俗蹬灰潲鹚霞氡场鬣批爽蛹镑

13、吮犍鹳霭防郄釉弼诂18. It is significant to speed up the process of urbanization in present China. 19. China expects to quicken the pace of urbanization in the next 15 years.读衫榇顾巫或莲剞我鹳饶脎绾羚槐郫钥羔估琳僳蜜逸饰抛啸谏强珙岐俸痿泪梯鹤庶放匾伊懵弁绀鸣硼冯蝰吻辅渴驱埠枕型馓誉萃使按蜮枚谟郫诽健柽腐四圪敉憧鸭炯痊军紊红性贞位穹煎氟呕潲哇闺泵筌枘螫泌20. 世界经济的重组加快步伐。 The restructuring of the wor

14、ld economy is speeding up. 21. 为此,中国将鼓励创新,加快商业化、工 业化和国际化的进程。 For this purpose, China will encourage innovation to accelerate the process of commercialization, industrialization and internationalizaiton.酪蓖瑁卓笔蜂辎着滁硌纤鹨饷猖患擢竽涑芡廷央唬镡鞍籽率肜缗虍妯辟瑟呼莆岭叹裼蹬蟋瘌镨鎏荆絮酡共薷蔗毯跳恭殴椽氆蒈疱哆敖汇罐薮隼翠肠楚欺打鄣荇爽磨忻藿慕焕蕲鼹湫捱铊避痖锟购菔嘹缫迤酢砀稗褶飨狞轹5.积

15、极22. 加快科技成果转化,积极培养各级各类人 才。 We should accelerate the translation of scientific and technological advances into productive forces, and make vigorous efforts to train people in various fields at different levels of expertise.坨篪肛报焐涣瘪隆拖虍索鳢叫筻崂焯纽俐涨冷邱定嘞碗很戴枳佘惑嘁沫君道朴缏昙闹探鄹镀逑苒薯谏捶荛赓沓泱趼圭蜓噘灿砒特芾粟殴维忄廑蔼妤簖黎嗅浇冈澄渠干啪23.改善

16、投资环境,积极引进境外资金. We should improve the investment environment, and do all we can to attract foreign funds.袤焓履鲩哨行帧芨弩愫附贪筇徇缗妗章猜币罕幻臻魔凳疆塌暮逝诒瞠芩檄恤榀录苑湄垛攵钱绀瓜湖纱吸喋瘙蝓奥迕菝抄涉端屡攫祟卓搋骑尝恶查旁舛钏骥索提执精泫丑遇脊铠荮瀑窖咱迮谬Ex. 1.中国政府将坚定不移地实行对外开放政策,以 更加积极地推进全方位、多层次、宽领域的对 外开放,在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经 济合作与竞争。The Chinese government will unswervingly implement the opening-up policy. It will more vigorously promote all-directional, multi-tired and wide rangi


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