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1、人力资源总监电子版英文简历模板人力资源总监电子版英文简历模板编写工作简历是求职的第一步,也是现在企业招聘的主要方式之一。下面带来人力总监电子版英文简历模板,以供参考!人力总监电子版英文简历模板 DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCESSandy Bin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING,BEIJING.OBJECTIVEA career in Personnel Management/Administration.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCETENNESSEE PAROLE BOARD,Memphis,TN1991Presen

2、t Director of Human Resources and Staff DevelopmentDevelop and implement leadership in the areas of personnel,payroll,labor relations,training,and affirmative personnel/payroll system to meet management and employee with chairmen,Executive Director,managerial staff,and supervisors to ensure policy c

3、ompliance with applicable statutes,rules,and agency Affirmative action appropriate grievance procedures relief;resolve labor as liaison for regulatory agencies:EOHS,OER,DPA,State Office of ,and staff training with Legal staff in dealing with progressive discipline and grievances.WILMONT INSURANCE CO

4、.,Nashville,TN19871991 Director of Human ResourcesMaintained smooth workflow;supervised claim adjudication;performed claim payment internal audits;coordinated activity with reinsurance carriers. Hired/terminated,trained,oversaw,and delegated technical decisions and for computer maintenance(IBM Serie

5、s I)and updating personnel files to ensure compliance with state/local regulations pertaining to holidays,vacations,etc.19841987 Central Personnel OfficerCoordinated statewide reclassification study;organized questionnaires,individual interviews and desk /analyzed study data;rewrote job descriptions

6、;prepared study package for legislative related managerial with diverse personnelrelated projects.EDUCATIONMilligan College,TNCourse work in Personnel Management and Human Resources,1990PresentTennessee Weslevan College,Nashville,TN,Management,1980Action verbs give job descriptions punch.Continuing education indicates candidates ongoing commitment to his/her career.英文简历的个人基本情况如何写personal details包括 name(姓名)、address(通讯地址)、postal code(邮政编码)、phone number(电话号码)、DOB(Date of birth 出生日期)、gender(性别)、date of availability(可到职日期)、number of identification card(身份证号码)和 marital status(婚姻状况)等。


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