2013届高考英语一轮复习必修1 unit 3 travel journal(新人教版)

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1、晨背精品基础优化知识盘点高端数据2011年福建卷为纪念汶川大地震三周年,某英文报发起关于灾区新貌的征文活动。请根据以下图片提示,以“Great Changes”为题,用英语写一篇短文应征。内容要点如下:晨背精品基础优化知识盘点1.某中学灾后三年来的变化,如教学与活动场所,以及师生精神面貌等;2.发生变化的原因;3.你的感想。注意:1.短文标题与开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.可根据图片提示适当发挥; 3.词数:120左右。 晨背精品基础优化知识盘点佳作欣赏Great ChangesI am deeply impressed by the great changes that have taken

2、 place in the school over the past three years.On May 12, 2008, a severe earthquake destroyed almost every-thing in the school, leaving badly-damaged buildings.(时间及事件) 晨背精品基础优化知识盘点It is now, however, taking on a new look. Tall buildings have been put up, including classroom and laboratory buildings,

3、 and a library. There is also a newly-built standard playground. In the new environment, teachers and students are living happily and working hard. It is really amazing that the once ruined place has now been turned into a beautifulschool, full of life. (描述具体变化)Obviously, without the help of the who

4、le society, there would be no new school today. It is love and concern that have brought about the great changes. Many hands make light work. We can work wondersif we unite as a family, caring for each other and helping those in need.Union is strength.(发表评论)晨背精品基础优化知识盘点必备佳句leaving badly-damaged buil

5、dings是现在分词作结果状语。完成句子:More highways have been built in China, .中国修建了越来越多的高速公路,使人们从一个地方到另外一个地方更加方便。【答案】making it much easier for people to travel from one place to another晨背精品基础优化知识盘点It is love and concern that have brought about the great changes为强调句型。强调句型结构为:It is / was +被强调部分+ that.。完成句子:Johns succ

6、ess has nothing to do with good luck. 约翰的成功和好运气一点关系都没有。正是几年的努力成就了他今天的样子。【答案】It is years of hard work that has made him what he is today.晨背精品基础优化知识盘点1.Some people eat with their eyes, and they prefer to order what looks nice.一些人凭眼睛吃饭,他们喜欢点看起来好看的菜。2.What they cared about was how warm the people was in

7、 the house and how much of their heart was accessible.他们在意的是家人聚在一起的温情和心灵相通的程度。3.It is not until the 29th Olympic Games were hosted in China that the world completely experienced the charm of Chinese culture.直到第29届奥运会在中国举行,世界才充分领略了中国文化的魅力晨背精品基础优化知识盘点1.I can make it through the rain. I can stand up on

8、ce again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。2.All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人。 3.A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。 4.Never, never, never, never give up. (Winston Churchill)永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(温斯顿丘吉尔) 晨背精品基础优化知识盘点1. n.勇敢 adj.勇敢的 adv.勇敢地2. v.决定;确定;决心 n.决心 adj.坚定的;有决

9、心的3. adj.最后;终于 adv.最后;终于 n.决赛4. adj.恰当的 adv.适当地 adv.不适晨背精品基础优化知识盘点当地 5. n.好处;有利条件 n.不利之处;不便之处 6. v.大学毕业生 n.毕业7. v.保证;确保 n.保险8. v.依赖;信赖 n.依赖;信赖 adj.可靠的;可信赖的1. 某人对很熟悉 晨背精品基础优化知识盘点2. 梦想做某事3. 忧虑;关心4. 说服某人做某事5. 改变主意6. 坚定的神情7. 从那以后8. 下决心;决定9. 坚持做某事;坚决主张晨背精品基础优化知识盘点10. 投降;屈服;让步1.It was my sister who first

10、had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River.2.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.3.A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.晨背精品基础优化知识盘点Mekong River. 首先想到沿湄公河骑车旅游的是我姐姐。真题探究(2011四川)Was it on a lonely island he was saved one monthafter the

11、boat went down?1.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire A.where B.that C.which D.what晨背精品基础优化知识盘点2.Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she in-sisted that she organize the trip properly. 尽管她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅行安排得尽善尽美。真题探究(1)(2011天津) regular e

12、xercise is very important, its never agood idea to exercise too close to bedtime.A.If B.As C.Although D.Unless(2)(2011四川)Frank insisted that he was not asleep I had great difficulty in waking him up. A. whether B. although C. for D.so晨背精品基础优化知识盘点3.It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys

13、to the plains where rice grows.河水蜿蜒缓慢地穿过低谷,流向生长稻谷的平原。真题探究(2011上海)Youll find taxis waiting at the bus station you can hire to reach your host family.A.which B.where C.when D.as晨背精品基础优化知识盘点词汇拓展:1.bravery; brave; bravely 2.determine; determination; determined 3.final; finally; final 4.proper; properly;

14、 improperly 5.advantage; dis-advantage 6.graduate; graduation7.insure; insurance 8.rely; reliance; reliable短语在线:1.sb be familiar with 2.dream about / of doing sth 3.care about 4.persuade sb to do / into doing 5.change ones mind6.a determined look 7.ever since 8.make up ones mind 9.insist on doing sth 10.give in晨背精品基础优化知识盘点教材链接:1.【命题分析】考查强调句。此处为强调句的一般疑问句。【答案与解析】B 强调句的一般疑问句的结构是:Is / Was it +被强调部分+ that +其他部分。句意:他是不是在船沉没一个月后在那座孤岛上被救起的?2.(1)【命题分析】考查连词和状语从句。【答案与解析】C 句意:尽管定期锻炼是很重要的,但是快要睡觉的时候锻炼不是一个好主意。if“如果”;as“因为;当时候”,表示“虽然;尽管”时须用倒装句;although“虽然;尽管”;unle


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