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1、返老还童 经典台词2009-7-25Created by ZhangQi返老还童 Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss. Maybe some things last. 我们的生命被命运所决定 ,即使是我们错过的那个 人 有些东西,是亘古不变的 2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童 It isnt how well you play, its how you feel about what youre playing. Were meant to lose the people we love. How

2、 else would we know how important they are to us. 无所谓你弹奏得怎样, 重要的是你弹琴时的感 受我们命中注定要 失去我们所爱之人,不 然我们怎么知道他们在 我们生命中有多重要? 2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童 There is always something that I should remember for the rest of my life. You never know whats coming for you! 总有一些事情是我需要铭 记一生的 你永远也不清楚. 接下来 会发生什么 !2009-7-25电影中的生活哲

3、学返老还童 You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went. you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go. 你可以像疯狗那样对周围 的一切愤愤不平 你可以诅咒命运 , 但是等到最后一刻到来之 时, 你还得平静的放手而去 2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童For what its worth, its never too late, or in my case, too early, to be whoeve

4、r you want to be. Theres no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. Theres no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. 一件事无论太晚或者对于我 来说太早,都不会阻拦你 成为你想成为的那个人, 这个过程没有时间的期限 ,只要你想,随时都可以 开始,要改变或者保留原 状都无所谓,做事本不应 该有所束缚,我们可以办 好这件事却也可以把它搞 砸,但我希望最终你能成 为你想成为的人. 2

5、009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. 我希望你有时能驻足于这个 令你感到惊叹的世界, 体 会你从未有过的感觉. 我 希望你能见到其他与你观 点不同的人们.2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童Im blind in the one eye.I ca

6、nt hardly hear.I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere. I lose my line of thought. but you know what. God keeps reminding me Im lucky to be alive. 当我瞎了一个眼睛, 几乎听 不见晨间喧嚣, 动不动就 抽搐, 总是丢三落四, 上 帝却依然扔下闪电来提醒 我, 能够活着已经是桩幸 运的事了.2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童When I was a boy I would love to wake up before anybody else

7、 and run down to the lake to watch the day begin. It was as if I was the only one alive. 当我还是个小孩子的时候 我会早早醒来跑到湖边看 日出. 那一刻的感觉, 好 像全世界只有我一个人似 的.2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童Plenty times you be alone. You different like us, its gonna be that way. But I tell you a little secret. Fat people,skinny people, tall pe

8、ople, white people. they just as alone as us. But they scaredshitless. Not a thing wrong with being alone. no sir. 无论什么肤色, 什么体型 ,人们都是孤独的. 但可 怕的不是孤独, 而是惧怕 孤独. 其实孤独没什么不 好, 真的.2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童Everybody feels different about themselves one way or another. Were all goin the same way, just taking dif

9、ferent roads to get there. Youre on your own road, Benjamin. 每个人对于自己的感受都不 一样. 我们都走向同一个 方向, 只是走的路不同罢 了. 本杰明, 你有你自己 的道路. 2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学返老还童I hope you live a life youre proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again. 我希望你能有一个值得自豪 的人生. 如果你想象的生 活不一样, 我希望你能有 勇气重新启程.2009-7-25电影中的生活哲学追逐自己的征途ZhangQi WorkRoomCopyright 2009 版权所有 张奇工作室



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