高一英语《Unit 2 The Olympic Games》ppt课件

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《高一英语《Unit 2 The Olympic Games》ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语《Unit 2 The Olympic Games》ppt课件(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Unit 2 The Olympic GamesThe Olympic GamesAre you Are you familiar with familiar with these these pictures?pictures? Ancient Olympic Games Time: Place: Athletes: Events: Modern Olympic Games Time: Place: Athletes: Events:776BCAthensonly menfoot race (marathon )1896many places in the worldanybo

2、dy reaches the standardhundreds of kinds Answer the Answer the following following questionsquestions Where will the 2008 Olympics be Where will the 2008 Olympics be held?held? How often are the Winter Olympic How often are the Winter Olympic Games held?Games held? What events can not be competed in

3、 What events can not be competed in the Summer Olympics?the Summer Olympics? Where will all the competitors be Where will all the competitors be staying?staying? Can you say five events?Can you say five events?Beijing, ChinaEvery four yearsSkiing, ice skatingOlympic village Listen to the tape Listen

4、 to the tape and then finish the and then finish the Ex1. in Ex1. in Comprehending, Comprehending, Page 11Page 11SameDifferent Ancient ModernEvents in the Winter Olympics Events in the Summer Olympics Where are the Summer Olympics held?nothingnothingrunning, pentathlon, wrestlingAthenspancratium, ch

5、ariot raceOnly held in Modern Olympicsmany more eventsdifferentcities SameDifferent Ancient Modern Who can take part in the Olympics?Who can not take part in the Olympics?PrizesBeliefsMen and boyswomen, disables and mentally impairednothingnothingOlympic mottothose who can not reach the standardwome

6、n, all people outside Greeceolive wreathsmedals of gold, silver, bronzefor the honour of the Godsfor the honour of the people and the countryFinish the following Finish the following exercisesexercisesHow many countries the last Olympic Games? - Over 50. A. presented B. joined C. took part in Maggie

7、 as well as Betty studying in the University now.A. is B. are C. was D. were Are you being honest this matter?I was perfectly honest telling you the story.We should be honest our parents.A. with B. about C. inpresent 指出席( 会议,仪式等), 强调在场或到场join 指加入某一 组织或行列中而成 为其中一员take part in 指参 加群众性的活动、 会议等,不可用于 被动语

8、态CHow many countries the last Olympic Games? - Over 50. A. presented B. joined C. took part in Maggie as well as Betty studying in the University now.A. is B. are C. was D. were Are you being honest this matter?I was perfectly honest telling you the story.We should be honest our parents.A. with B. a

9、bout C. inas well as 意为“也”, “和”,“不 但而且 ”。连接 两个并列主语 时,谓语动词 应与前面的主 语保持人称和 数的一致CAHow many countries the last Olympic Games? - Over 50. A. presented B. joined C. took part in Maggie as well as Betty studying in the University now.A. is B. are C. was D. were Are you being honest this matter?I was perfect

10、ly honest telling you the story.We should be honest our parents.A. with B. about C. inhonest adj.be honest with sb. 对某人真诚be honest about sth. 在 某事上很坦诚be honest in (doing) sth. 做某事坦诚CAB C A Visitors paid a visit to his office one another.A. after B. by Once you a promise, you should it and try to car

11、ry it out.A. set, make B keep, make C. make, keep D. break, make The two teams will compete each other in the game.A. with B. for C. in D. toAone after another 一个 接一个地one by one 一个一个地 Visitors paid a visit to his office one another.A. after B. by Once you a promise, you should it and try to carry it

12、 out.A. set, make B keep, make C. make, keep D. break, make The two teams will compete each other in the game.A. with B. for C. in D. toAMake a promise许下诺言Keep a promise遵守诺言Break a promise不守诺言C Visitors paid a visit to his office one another.A. after B. by Once you a promise, you should it and try t

13、o carry it out.A. set, make B keep, make C. make, keep D. break, make The two teams will compete each other in the game.A. to B. for C. in D. withACompete with /against 同 竞争/比赛Compete in 参加 竞争/比赛compete for争夺CDDiscuss:Discuss:What will you do for the 2008 Olympics?Lets enjoy!Lets enjoy!Summary1. similarities and differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games 2. some useful words and phrases take part in, as well as, honest, one after another, promise, competeHomeworkHomeworkThank you for attending!



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