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1、高中英语词汇、语法、Task教学述要南京师范大学外国语学院 张伊娜第一部分:关于评课lI. Five key issues for lesson planningl1. Defining clear teaching aims and learning objectivesl2. Selecting suitable materialsl3. Selecting suitable activities/tasksl4. Planning lesson phases and activities (i.e. what to do and when)l5. Planning how to mana

2、ge activities (i.e. how students will be organized & fully/productively engaged) II. Some common problems in classroom teachingl1. Presentation Phasel-Poor modeling of languagel-De-contextualizing the language iteml-Telling instead of elicitingl-Emphasis on repetition/drills (parroting) without givi

3、ng students enough time to think and digestl-Emphasis on performance (Performance is not the same as learning.)l2. Practice PhaselUnclear instructionlPoor organizationlLack of language supportlLack of effective monitoring (i.e. the teachers area of interaction with the students is limited)lEmphasis

4、on speed (i.e. activities are too rushed and superficial)lLack of error correctionl3. Production PhaselPseudo-production (i.e. no room for creativity)lNo time for the students to think and recall what they have learntlPoor preparation(i.e. no brainstorming of ideas and no language framework for the

5、students)lAbsence of written tasks/work关于Task板块的教学l牛津高中英语Task教学要点.pptl重点:完成任务l路径:明确任务获取完成任务所需的 信息指导学生完成任务的具体方法( discourse framework and language support)l目的与意义:在学生完成任务的过程中 培养学生综合运用语言的能力第二部分:词汇教学l牛津高中英语词汇教学要点.pptlI. 词汇教学的问题和困难l孤立教词,讲得过多,消化不良l接触少,重复少,吸收少l主次不分,平均用力,负担过重l系统性不够强,边学习边遗忘lII. 影响词汇学习的三大因素l词汇

6、输入因素:l频率(frequency)l语音(pronunciation: stress pattern)l语境(contextualization)l记忆因素:l处理深度(depth of processing)l词汇网络的建立(building of word net- works)l文化因素:l词汇的文化内涵差异对词汇意义建构的 影响III. 词汇教学的两种观点l孤立主义观点l联系主义观点何为“孤立主义”?l孤立主义亦称“辞典观”l是一种把目标词从语言中孤立出来并单 独进行学习的观点。l按照这种观点进行的英语词汇教学,针 对的是一个个孤立的英语单词所拥有的 全部相关特征。l英语词汇教学的

7、主要内容.doc何为“联系主义”?l联系主义亦称“篇章观”l联系主义观点认为,一个个孤立的英语单词本 身是没有任何意义的,孤立的英语单词的意义 全部来源并实现于语境中。l因此,词汇教学应该把目标词置身于语境中来 学习;词汇教学的内容应该是有单词组合而成 的句子、段落和篇章。l认识一个目标词必须与其所在的具体的篇章联 系起来,学习目标单词应该始于并终于其所在 的篇章的特定意义和用法。你的观点?l我的看法:l对于高中英语教学而言,应该孤立与联 系相结合。l路径:联系孤立联系IV. 英语词汇学习的三维途径l直接词汇教学l附带词汇学习l独立策略发展l直接词汇教学指对词汇进行刻意的、有 针对性的专门教学

8、,其方式通常是对词 汇的语义、语音、结构、用法以及其他 相关方面进行讲解、说明、操练等。l附带词汇学习主要指学习者在进行其他 学习活动时,如看英语电影、听英语歌 、与人进行英语对话等,附带的、自然 而然地习得英语单词。l独立策略发展指学习者有意识的使用和 优化词汇学习策略,以扩大词汇量。教师应该做的?l一方面,采用有效的方法进行直接词汇 教学,帮助学生掌握基本的词汇量;另 一方面,随着学生掌握的基础词汇量的 不断扩大,鼓励和引导学生积极主动地 在各种活动中附带习得词汇和发展独立 策略,有效地扩大学生的词汇量。l词汇学习策略.ppt第三部分:语法教学I. 牛津高中英语语法教学要点.ppt II.

9、 关于语法教学语法教学的两种路径 .pptIII. What do we know about the learning of grammar?lLearners receive information about language from a variety of sources in their environment and in the classroom: the teacher, the textbook, recordings, other students, reference books, and so on. lThis input has to be worked on

10、 for acquisition. It is generally acknowledged that acquisition involves the following processes:l1. Noticingl2. Reasoning and hypothesizing:l Reasoning deductivelyl Analyzing contrastivelyl Translatingl Transferringl3. Structuring and restructuringl4. Automatizing1. Noticing lSeveral criteria for b

11、eing noticeable: it occurs frequently, it relates to the learners common sense about basic functions of language, and its functions are those to which a learner would be likely to pay attention. lAfter items have been noticed and the relationship between form and meaning interpreted, these items bec

12、ome part of intake into the learning process. lLearners then analyze the forms in order to reason out how they fit into their existing knowledge of the language.2. Reasoning and hypothesizing lAdult learners in particular tend to use their capacity to analyze new language. They are able to see the p

13、atterns in the language, create hypotheses about the rules these patterns might demonstrate, and gradually revise their hypotheses according to new information. lThey seem to use the following strategies for analyzing and reasoning about it:lReasoning deductively: Learners apply rule they already kn

14、ow to working out the meaning of what they hear or to the formulation of what they want to say.lAnalyzing contrastively: A learner may compare his or her first and second languages and work out their similarities and differences. lTranslating: The learner may feel the need to translate mentally in t

15、he early and consolidation stages of foreign language learning.lTransferring: Transferring is what learners do when they apply knowledge of one language to the understanding or production of another.3. Structuring and restructuring l As learners work out new rules, these have to be integrated into t

16、he representation of English grammar they hold in their minds, and this information has to be restructured as the learner moves on to another stage of development.4. Automatizing lOnce a learner can achieve regular and consistent responses in conversation to a certain type of input, then it can be said that the language involved has been automatized.关于语法教学或学习过程的几种看法lRod Ellis(2002) :l为学生提供足够的可理解性输入指导 学生观察、留意语



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