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1、 点击1【一试身手】 1. 选择填空。 Are you _ in camping? Yes, its very _. A. interested; interested B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interesting D. interesting; interested第二版2. 用简单英语解释句子。He is interested in playing chess._ 【要点链接】 interesting意思是“令人感兴趣的;有趣 的;有吸引力的”,interested意思是“显得 有兴趣;感兴趣的”。 be interested

2、 in (doing) sth意思是“对 感兴趣的”,与“be keen on (doing) sth”和 “enjoy (doing) sth”意思相近。如: What are you interested in? = What are you keen on? 你对什么感兴趣?He is keen on playing chess.点击2【一试身手】 根据句意选用living或alive填空。 1. They are _ animals. 2. Whos the greatest man _? 【要点链接】 alive和living都有“活的;有生命的”意 思,与dead意义相反。aliv

3、e、living不仅可 作定语(alive只能置于名词后;living一般 置于名词前),也可以作表语。如:living aliveThis is a living fish. = This is a fish alive. 这是一条活鱼。 The fish is still alive(=living). 那条鱼还活着。 living前加the可表示“活着的人”,作主语 时,视作复数。如: The living are more important to us than the dead. 活着的人对我们来说比死去的人更重要。点击3【一试身手】 用简单英语解释句子。 Jim comes fr

4、om England. _ 【要点链接】 come from意思是“来自”,与“be from”意 思相近。如: They are from all parts of the country. 他们来自全国各地。 What part of South America does she come from? 她来自南美洲的哪个地方?Jim is from England.点击4【一试身手】 从方框中选择合适的短语,完成句子。 on the end of, to the end, at the end of, in the end 1. What would she find _ her jour

5、ney? 2. He didnt say anything from the beginning _. 3. _, we got to the airport on time. 4. There is a rubber _ this pencil.at the end ofto the end In the endon the end of【要点链接】 end可用作动词,意为“结束”;也可用作 名词,意为“末端”。常用于以下短语: on the end of 意为“在末端”, of后面 常接表示物品的名词; at the end of 意为“在尽头”, of后面 可跟表示时间或地点的名词; t

6、o the end 意为“到最后”; in the end 是“最后”的意思,相当于at last 。点击5【一试身手】 用简单英语解释句子。 His life is in danger. _ 【要点链接】 in danger意思是“处于危险中”,danger 是名词,意思是“危险;风险”,其反义词 是 “safety”;danger的形容词形式是 “dangerous”,dangerous的反义词是“safe( 安全的)”。be in danger = be not safe. 如: Giant pandas are in danger! = Giant pandas arent safe!

7、 大熊猫处于危险中!His life is not safe.1. pollute pollute1. The waste water from the factory _ the fields around it. 2. Noise _ is very serious (严重的) in the city.polluted pollutionb) harm; harmful; harmless3. I dont want to _ anybody. 4. Is coffee _ to our healthy? Yes, so dont often drink it. 5. The dog se

8、ems fierce (凶恶的), but hes_.harm harmfulharmlessc) interview; interviewer; interviewee 6. When are you going to _ Mr. Bush? 7. The _ stopped the young man when he introduced himself. 8. The _ wished that he could get the job at once. d) join; take part in 9. Most boys want to _ the sports meeting. 10

9、. When did you _ the school basketball team?interviewinterviewerintervieweetake part injoinsentences. 用简单的英语解释下列句子。 1. Why is your brother interested in playingbasketball?_ 2. Where do you come from?_Why is your brother keen on playing basketball?Where are you from?3. Many people send messages to ea

10、ch other by MSN._ 4. Be careful! You are in danger._ 5. The MP4 player belongs to Kate._Many people communicate with each other by MSN.Be careful! You are not safe.The MP4 player is Kates. 按要求改写句子,每空一词。 1. I am interested in reading books because I can know many interesting things. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ in

11、terested inreading books? 2. The students are having an English party. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the students having?Why are youWhat are3. Mark is playing football with his friends. (改为一般疑问句)_ Mark _ football with his friends? 4. We clean the classroom every day. (用tomorrow afternoon改写句子)We _ _ _ clean the class

12、room tomorrow afternoon. 5. Is he doing his homework now? (作否定回答)_, _ _. Is playingare going toNo he isnt. 根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子,每 空一词。 1. 地球上最大、最古老的生物是什么?What is the biggest and oldest _ on Earth? 2. 这本书对我的英语学习是有用的。The book _ _ _ my English study. 3. 格林先生对于中国文化知道很多。Mr. Green _ _ _ about Chinese culture.l

13、iving thingis useful forknows a lot4. 你可以在科学课上学到很多有趣的知识,例如光速比声速快。You can learn much interesting things inscience. _ _, light travels faster than sound. 5. 作为好朋友,我们要相互帮助。As good friends, we should help _. 6. 我发现很难和我的同学沟通。I find its difficult to _ _ my classmates.For exampleoneanother / each othercommunicate with7. 李爷爷打算砍倒房子后面的那棵树。Grandpa Li is going to _ _the tree behind the house. 8. 我们要保护动物,因为很多动物处于危险中。We should protect animals because manyanimals are _ _. 9. 在路上,我陷于交通阻塞。_ _ _, I was in a traffic jam. 10. 飞



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