环境影响评价第二讲 概念和历史沿革

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《环境影响评价第二讲 概念和历史沿革》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《环境影响评价第二讲 概念和历史沿革(124页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第二章 环境影响评价 的历史和经典理论介绍第一节 环境影响评价的概念w 定义w 环境影响评价是指对建设项目引起的环境变化(包括 对自然环境和社会环境的影响)所进行的预测和评价, 以及提出减缓环境变化的措施。w 这里所指对自然环境的影响,包括物理的,化学的, 生物学的影响;对社会环境的影响包括对社会的,经济 的及文物古迹等的影响。环境影响评价的基本概念v 环境影响评价(EIA)是对建设项目、区域开发计 划及国家政策实施后可能对环境造成的影响进行预 测和估计。分为:单个开发建设项目的环评、区域开发建设的环评、发展规划和政策的环评.在我国后一项环境影响评价刚刚起步。v由多学科组成的应用技术,既属软科

2、学的范畴, 又含有硬科学的成分。原发性影响和继发性影响w 原发性影响是指建设项目开发的直接环境后果; w 继发性影响则是指其间接的或诱发性的环境影响。w 建设项目对环境的原发性影响很重要,但在某些情况 下,其继发性影响更为深刻。w 例如,采矿的直接后果是砍伐森林、水土流失,但间 接影响到农田的破坏,并将进一步引起河流及水库的水 质恶化 分 类w 按照评价对象的属性 矿山开发环评、工业建设项目环评、交通运输建设项目环 评、旅游风景区及国家公园建设环评、大型建筑群环评、农 业开发建设项目环评、大型水利工程的环评、港口设施的环 评等w 按照评价对象的规模 大、中型及小型工程w 按照评价对象的范围 建

3、设项目的环境影响评价及区域经济开发的环境影响评价 。 国家水平的、社区水平的及家庭水平的环境影响评价w 按照评价的侧重方面及评价特点 综合性的环境影响评价、社会影响评价、生态影响评价、 污染影响评价、环境风险评价,视觉影响评价。环境影响评价与环境质量评价的区别w 环境质量评价环境质量评价,又称环境质量现状评价,按照一 定评价标准和方法对一定区域内的环境质量进行评定和 预测,主要为环境规划与环境质量管理服务w 环境影响评价与环境质量评价是性质上、内涵上是完 全不同的,见表1环境影响评价与环境质量评价的区别w 工作目的 防患于未然,为建设项目合理布局 或 区域开发提供决策依据为环境规划、综合整治提

4、供科学依据 w 工作性质 环境影响预测 环境现状评定 w 工作对象 建设项目、区域开发计划区域性自然环境 w 工作特点 工程性、经济性区域性 w 工作方法 收集资料、模拟试验监测、模式预测环境调查与监测环境影响评价 对象包括:大中型工厂;大中型水利工程; 矿山、港口及交通运输建设工程; 大面积开垦荒地; 围海围湖的建设项目; 对珍稀物种的生存和发展产生严重影响,或对 各种自然保护区和有重要科学价值的地质地貌地 区产生重大影响的建设项目;区域的开发计划;国家的长远政策等。如何作建设/规划项目的 环境影响评价?w 想象一下一个环境影响评价的工作应该 如何开展?完整的环境评价过程w 基本适应于所有可

5、能对环境造成显著影响的项目,并 能对所有可能的显著影响作出识别和评估。 w 对各种替代方案(包括项目不建设或地区不开发的情 况)、管理技术、减缓措施进行比较; w 生成环境影响报告书(EIS),以使专家和非专家都 能了解可能影响的特征及其重要性; w 包括广泛的公众参与和严格的行政审查程序; w 及时、清晰的结论,以便为决策提供信息。w 国外的EIA过程又如何呢?Environmental impact Assessment in the UKw How to define EIA? a process for examining the environmental consequences

6、of adopting particular policies, programs and plans.w Result: ES the Environmental Statement, a document produced by a developer and submitted with a planning application to fulfill the requirements of the Regulations.w Procedures ?Aim of EIAw in the NEPAs 1969 words, EIA is w “to create and maintai

7、n conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony for present and future generations”.good EIA would contain the following stages:w Project/action identification w Project screening w Scoping w Project/action description w Baseline environmental conditions description w Identif

8、ication of key or significant impacts w Impact prediction w Mitigation w Public participation and consultation 全 程 w ES preparation and presentation w Review w Decision making w Monitoringw Auditing 香港的EIAProject/action identificationThis will include w an examination of alternatives such as w proce

9、sses and locations ; w the scale and dimensions of the project or action.Specified information (1) a) description of the development proposed, comprising information about the site and design and size or scale of the development;b) the data necessary to identify and assess the main effects, which de

10、velopment is likely to have on the environment; Specified information(2)c) a description of the likely significant effects on the environment of the development, explained by reference to its possible impact onuhuman beings;uflora;fauna;usoil;water;air;uclimate;the landscape;uthe interaction between

11、 any of the foregoingumaterial assets;the cultural heritage;uEtc.Project screening:筛选w Determining whether the project requires an EIA andw Deciding whether the scale or other factors can be reduced to avoid formal EIA.Scoping: (划定范围)w Narrows the scope of the EIA to the most likely significant impa

12、cts and; w defines the environment to be assessed.This will include the geographical level of the study,i.e. local regional, national, transnational Project/action description:A detailed description of the project or activity is assembled to ensure that all facets, and therefore all potential impact

13、s, are identified Baseline description and impacts identificationw Baseline environmental conditions description:背景描述This requires a thorough investigation or audit of the environment into which the project or activity is to be introduced.w Identification of key or significant impacts:主要因子识 别This is

14、 where the previous stages are brought together to ensure that all significant impacts are identified. It should be emphasized here that impacts can be both positive and negative.Impact prediction w Impact prediction : 影响预测Evaluation and assessment of the significance of impacts.Mitigation: 减缓措施w Th

15、e measures proposed to reduce the significance of impacts including any redesign or reduction in scale of the project or activity.If significant adverse effects existwhere significant adverse effects are identified with respect to any of the foregoing, a description of the measures envisaged in orde

16、r to avoid, reduce or remedy those effects; Public participation and consultation 公众参与和咨询w This should not be seen as simply taking place at this point in the process but ideally should take place continuously from the first stage onwards. ES preparation and presentationUnder the NEPA system w a draft ES is produced and ; w



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