新目标人教版初中英语八年级上册《Unit 12 What's the best radio station 》()

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1、Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.Dashing through the snow I n a one-horse open sleigh, Over the fields we go, Laughing all the way; Bells on bob-tail ring, making spirits bright, What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonig

2、ht.Which Festival is the most important inwestern countries?Christmas DayOn December 25thWhen is the Christmas Day?What do people say to others during Christmas ? Merry ChristmasWhat do people usually do before Christmas ?presentsChristmas treeWhere do they put the presents?stockingsWho usually puts

3、 the presents in the stockingsfor children?Father Christmas装饰圣诞树通常是一个家庭的重 大事情。 对很多家庭来说开始 时是从农场或是商店选择一棵圣 诞数,然后把它带回家, 把他 放进圣诞座里并把它弄直。 接 着每个人帮助挂些小球和小灯。 树被装饰好之后,一个圣诞裙围 绕在数的底部。 有时, 树上所 有的装饰都是人们自己用说做的 。许多人终生收集圣诞树饰品, 每年都增加一件新的装饰品。 除了小球和小灯之外,人们也装 饰些花朵,松树塔,金银丝饰物 ,一串串花环,米花等等。有多 少人就有多少种不同的方式装饰 圣诞树。on December

4、25th western(西方) traditional( 传统) festival Why do they celebrate it? In order to(为了) celebrate Jesusbirthday What do you know about Christmas Day?每年12月25日是全世界大多数基督徒纪念耶稣诞 生 的日子。 由于圣经记载耶稣生于夜间,故传统称12月24日夜 为“圣诞夜“或“平安夜“。西方人以红、绿、白三色为 圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰 。红色的有圣诞花和圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。它 是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉、柏一类呈塔

5、形的常青树装饰而成。上面悬挂着五颜六色的彩灯、 礼物和纸花,还点燃着圣诞蜡烛。 红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活 动中最受欢迎的人物。西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前, 要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子,等候圣诞老人在 他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。在西方,扮演圣诞老 人也是一种习俗。 How do you celebrate it?We can have a party.we can eat,sing and dance.we also can give our friends and families Christmas cards and best wishes.Unit12Revisi

6、on3a fill in the blanks.What do young people _ _ places in town?We did a _of our readers and this is _ we learned. All the movie _ are good, but the Screen City is _ in our town. It has the biggest _ and the most _ seats. However, Town Cinema is _, and it has _ service. The most popular _ store is J

7、asons. It has the best _ clothing. Its also the cheapest. Funky Fashions is the_. It has really bad_. As for _ stations, most people think Jazz 107.9 FM is really great. It _ the most interesting music.think about survey whattheaters the best screenscomfortable the cheapestthe friendliest clothing q

8、uality worstservice radioplaysLast weeks _show was a great _. There were fifteen _. Eliza Clark won the _ for the best _. She played a beautiful piano _. Hu Yue was the _ performer. He danced _ music.3atalentThe prize for _ act went to Steve Tian and his dog, Fido. They _ a cute song _.the funniests

9、ang3a success acts prizeperformer piece quietestwithouttogether1. 最好的无线电台 2. 舒适的椅子 3. 大屏幕 4. 友好的服务 5. 新电影 6. 离家近 7. 在城镇闹区 8. 服装质量好 9. 最好的服装店 1. the best radio station 2. comfortable seats 3. big screens 4. friendly service 5. new movies 6. close to home 7. in a fun part of town 8. have good quality

10、clothes 9. the best clothing store考虑做了个调查 在我们镇里 最大的屏幕最舒适的座位最友好的服务 服务差 至于 这就是我们所了解到的情况 最优质的服装 最受人欢迎的服装店 播放最有趣的音乐think about make a survey of in our town the biggest screen the most comfortable seatsthe best service bad service as forThis is what we learned. the best quality clothing the most popular

11、clothing store play the most interesting music1. 对进行调查 2. 对感兴趣 3. 最有创造力的 4. 没有音乐伴奏下 5. 在中国的北部 6. 冰雪节 7. 乐队指挥 1. do a survey of 2. be(get, become, feel) interested in 3. the most creative 4. without music 5. in the northern China = in the north of China= in North China 6. an Ice and Snow Festival 7.

12、leader of a bandTranslate these into English. 1. Screen City是离家最近的电影院。 2. 我喜欢Town Cinema,因为它有最 大的屏幕。 3.Town Cinema 不拥挤,它有最友好 的服务。 4. 我认为她是最有创造力的演员。 5. 97.9FM是最流行的电台。Screen City is the closest to home.I like Town Cinema because it has the biggest screen.Town Cinema isnt crowded and it has the friendl

13、iest service.I think she is the most creative actress.97.9FM is the most popular radio station.选择填空 1. Hearing his joke, I cant stop _.A. to laugh B. laughing C. laugh D. laughed 2. Beckys home is _ the cinema.A. close B. closed C. closing D. close to 3. He only has enough money to buy food for hisf

14、amily. _ a car, he has never thought about it.A. Talking about B. As for buy C. As buying D. As for buying 4. Which do you like _, noodles, dumplings or rice?A. well B. good C. better D. best5. Hes _ to go to school.A. old enough B. enough old C. young enough D. enough young6. Beijing is larger than

15、 _ city in Japan.A. any other B. any C. other D. the other 7. Guangzhou is _ the south of Zhejiang and_the south of China.A. to; in B. in; in C. in; to D. to; to 8. If you take more _, youll soon get_.A. exercises; thinner B. exercise; thinner C. exercises; thin D. exercise; thin 9. I like _ white trousers.A. putting on B. dressing C. wearing D. in 10. He _


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