外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 3 《Unit 2 We weren't very rich, but we were happy》

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外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 3 《Unit 2 We weren't very rich, but we were happy》_第1页
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《外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 3 《Unit 2 We weren't very rich, but we were happy》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 3 《Unit 2 We weren't very rich, but we were happy》(55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研新标准 初三下Module 3Unit 2 We werent very rich, but we were happy.ReviewWords and expressions单词回顾学生早读时已预习过本单元单词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。Read the words and expressions loudly.Words and expressionseldestmarriedfall offget marriedcoupleadj. (尤指家里孩子中 )年龄最大的adj. 已婚的;结婚的(从)跌落结婚n. 夫妻Work in pairs

2、. Discuss what you did in your childhood and list some of them.Do you want to know how your parents passed their childhood? Was it the same to yours?Lets enjoy a video to see what your parents did when they were young.Look at the woman in the photo. How do you think life has changed for her? Think a

3、bout:Warming upfamily health life in Beijing marriage the role of women work1. To get information from the passage about life in the past 2. To know the basic structure of a paragraph about comparison:. Main point 1+Supporting sentence (For example) 1. . However, main point 2+Supporting sentence (Fo

4、r example) 2. . Conclusion (In conclusion, I think) Objectives:Words: couple married everywhere Phrases: fall off, in those days, go out, a full -time job, the number of, pick up, get married, take the bus Patterns: We werent very rich, but we were happy. Families have changed a lot since I cant bel

5、ieve the number of carsListen and read the passage, then write notes about Mrs Lis answers to the ideas in Activity 1.family: bigger family, less moneyhealth: Sample answers:health: healthier, live longer, eat better life in Beijing: more buildings and traffic, walk less and take the bus more marria

6、ge: parents helped choose partners for their children; people married youngerthe role of women: in the past, women stayed at home; now, they go out to work work: in the past- do the same job all ones working life; now- change jobs more oftenSkimming for general ideaAfter reading the passage, can you

7、 get the theme of this passage? The theme of this passage concerns Mrs Lis life today and in the past.Scanning for specific information1. When did her eldest sister leave school? 2. What does she think of the family in the past and today? In the past, families were much bigger. Most people had lots

8、of children. Today most people only have one child and the families are small. At the age of 12. Paragraph 1Mrs Lis father never _ his job in his life. But now people change their jobs _. changed much more often Paragraph 2Mrs Lis mum was a _ before she met Mrs. Lis father. After marrying, she had t

9、o _ at home to _ the children. Today it is _ for many married women _ to work. But in the past, it was _.teacher stay look after normal to go out less common Food at homeThings to do at homeIn the pasttodaythree times a day, eat enough freshly cookedbuy ready- made food played games, read a lot, hel

10、ped the younger brother with his homework in the evenings watch TV in the evenings Paragraph 31. Mrs Li first met her husband _ years ago. (50, 60) 2. Mrs Lis husband helped her carry the _when she fell off the bike. (books, bags ) 3. Mrs Lis parents thought her husband came from a _ family. (good,

11、rich )Paragraph 44. Mrs Li married her husband at the age of _. (19, 20)5. Now most couples meet _ (at work, in the street).Mrs Li often walks and takes the bus less to keep healthy. ( ) Paragraph 5Mrs Li thinks life is better today because _. A. She is not poor any longer B. She has more free time

12、C. She is healthier and lives longer D. She walks less and takes the bus moreParagraph 6Work in pairs and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of life for Mrs Li.family: bigger family, less money, less room at homeThe advantages of life for Mrs LiDisadvantages of life for Mrs LiExample: My pa

13、rents, my sister and three brothers lived in a small house beside a restaurant.Main point: Families were bigger in the past.Read this sentence from the passage. Its an example of a main point.1. My sister left school when she was only 12 a) The school leaving age was lower in the past.b) My sister n

14、o longer wanted to go to school.Choose the correct main point for these examples from the passage.2. Looking after us was a full-time job, so she stayed at home.a ) It wasnt necessary for the mother to work.b ) Married women were too busy at home to continue working.3. my mother never bought ready-m

15、ade food as people do today.a) The food we eat today isnt as healthy as it was.b) There wasnt any fast food in the past.4. My parents liked him, and thought he came from a good familya) Parents usually decide who their children married.b) People from good families were always kind.5. Yes, there are lots more buildings and so much more traffic.a) There was less traffic in the past.b) Cars are cheaper today.Read the passage in Activity 2 and the conversation in Unit 1, Activity 3. You are going to write a composition:Is life better or worse than it was Is life better or worse


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